Remember the whole "its fun to smoke marijuana" thing that people thought Queen put there purposely? Well I just recorded the lines "Another one bites the dust" and it turns out that when I reversed it, it sounded like "it's fun to smoke marijuana." This shall now put an end to the secret mystery that isn't there.
Well I tried this with SAM, the windows narrator dude and reversed him and it made no sense at all and sounded nothing like that.
I've said it before but the FACT that they were messing with backwards stuff in that song for effects (reversed piano and such) and we end up with this chorus line which so many people agree sounds like that in reverse... leads me to believe that they knew and it was somehow intentionally sung a certain way to make it clearer.
Just my theory.
Actually, I just tried saying "It's fun to smoke marijuana" and when reversed it says "I know where he blows his nuts". Just thought I'd share.
So it IS about homosexuals!
I thought Bites the Dust was the only song that was not about gays/aids. But now it's revealed that it was about gays all along!
Yes but only in some alternate double-reverse universe. However, perhaps those pre-disposed to becoming homosexual who might not otherwise explore an alternative lifestyle, have a different chemical composition which allows for this dual-reversal of aurality to take place within their brains and therefore render them the homesexual beings they have been genetically pre-programmed to become in the event that they are exposed to the proper stumulis, such as Queen songs.
In subjects who lack such a pre-disposition to homosexuality, the result is simply a misfire, though some degree of nonheterosexualness may at times be displayed in their body language.
In my case, it definitely led me to munch some interplanetary dust (if you know what I mean).
Serry... wrote: I've found the truth too! That Frederick Bulsara about whom Brian and Roger talks in their interviews about the 60s - is Freddie Mercury!
Wow! now, it really makes sense. All these years thinking about that bastard called Freddie Mercury took the place of the famous Frederick Bulsara...what a relief!
That isn't the only Queen song with a backwards message! When I reversed the chorus of We Will Rock You it sounded something like
Wi-core, Lew Eiu, Lew Eiu.
Another mystery solved...
<font color=blue><b>LeroyBrown11</b > wrote: Remember the whole "its fun to smoke marijuana" thing that people thought Queen put there purposely? Well I just recorded the lines "Another one bites the dust" and it turns out that when I reversed it, it sounded like "it's fun to smoke marijuana." This shall now put an end to the secret mystery that isn't there.
Stoners found out the truth back in June 30, 1980 when the game was released.
<font color=0099FF>?Brian May Fan wrote: I wonder I John realised what he was aying when her wrote that song? lol
It was John that wrote that weren't it?
<font color=0099FF>?Brian May Fan wrote: I wonder I John realised what he was aying when her wrote that song? lol
It was John that wrote that weren't it?