hey guys! interesting news: link
the report is in german language, sorry. so in short words. freddies live will be filmed as a big hollywood project. i think we will know some more facts soon..
my friends, you aren't know with me wishes what coming moment.sorry my engish. en español amigos no saben cuanto esperaba ese momento, por fin se dignan a realizar una pelicula sobre FREDDIE, la esperaremos con ansia ,saludos.GOD SAVE THE QUEEN.
Here is the german transcription boys:
Freddie Mercury's life on film. We Will Rock You", "We Are The Champions" or "Bohemian Rhapsody", the songs of Queen with leadsinger Freddie Mercury are ageless classics.
Unfortunately the charismatic singer died much too young. In November 1991 he died of bronchopneumonia brought on by AIDS. He was 45 years old. Freddie Mercury was one of the most flamboyant Figures in Rock History. His stage persona and distinguish voice made Queen to one of the most successful Livebands in the 70s and 80s.
Now Hollywood wants to honour Freddie with a movie about his life. “I´m not allowed to say too much because the castings aren't over yet but some superstars were there in the hope to play Freddie” tells Guitarist Brian May. He and drummer Roger Taylor are involved in the making process. But who is it gonna be? Joaquin “Johnny Cash” Phoenix has experience in being a tragic musiclegend after “Walk the line”, Jonathan Rhys-Meyers could get a job as Elvis Presley and Robbie Williams was walking in Freddie's shoes by covering Queen songs for “Knights Tale”.
Who will win the Race for this dream role? You will know very soon.