Tonight I'm going to sneak into your room and pull your feet mwahahaha. >:D
deleted user 13.10.2006 11:36
I dont have any supersticions and things like that. But if I had the time, I would watch a TERROR FILM at night!!!! I love terror films! If I just had the time... stupid studies!
The only 'bad' thing that happened to me today was that I didn't go to school. Heh..
deleted user 13.10.2006 17:16
I had a horrible week and this was the only good day I had. xD
deleted user 13.10.2006 17:28
The Grudge was scary but didn't have a very good plot. I hope the second one is even SCARIER! And since I'm a horror film junkie, I'll probably read about Nosferatu, hoping to one day see it when I can track down a copy and have enough money to actually order it (I'm sure it's on Amazon...) I think for a horror movie I'll watch High School Musical. :P
<font color=Maroon>Singing Forever wrote: The Grudge was scary but didn't have a very good plot. I hope the second one is even SCARIER! And since I'm a horror film junkie, I'll probably read about Nosferatu, hoping to one day see it when I can track down a copy and have enough money to actually order it (I'm sure it's on Amazon...) I think for a horror movie I'll watch High School Musical. :P
lol! High School Musical! I HATED that movie SO FREAKING MUCH! Some people called it "the Grease of our generation". Hell no! It is NOWHERE NEAR as good as Grease! Grease was freaking awesome. High School Musical was just a stupid Disney Channel movie.
^I know! The leads can't sing (well, they can in that classic Disney Channel way), the 'musical numbers' SUCK and the plot is so cliched. It is nowhere like Grease. The worst thing of all is that I had to listen to the soundtrack in my friend's car last weekend, and I realized that it is being seriously considered as next summer's community play. Either HSM or Peter Pan, but it'll cost around $3,000 for Peter to fly. All of the local high schoolers refuse to do HSM, as it is not an expression of feeling, it's a commercial attempt to make money. If high schoolers won't be in it, then they'll probably go with Peter Pan. Oh, and all the other girls in my grade have pictures of Zac Efron in their lockers. EW!
deleted user 13.10.2006 17:57
High Schoolers... ha !
I would imagine "High School Musical" is marketed at the 8-13 year old crowd, not anyone who is in "High School".
I haven't heard it or seen it, and I do not plan on doing so.