Adolfo and the spiders from Mercury 06.07.2006 15:13 |
I´ve been wondering, since many queenzoners believe freddie somehow makes contact with them, would you be part of a queen related religion? |
7 seas of Rhye 06.07.2006 15:35 |
I believe Freddie contacts me but its not a religion. I'm Christian. |
Nathan 06.07.2006 15:35 |
I'm Christian too. But we already have a sort of Queen cult here. |
deleted user 06.07.2006 16:05 |
I wish there was a Queen religion, that would be awesome! |
its_a_hard_life 26994 06.07.2006 16:10 |
rocks. 06.07.2006 18:24 |
*cough* no. |
Elizabeth Knightson 06.07.2006 18:29 |
You know that when a certain number of people (lot more than 100 of course) claim to worship a certain God or follow the lines of what looks like a religion, then their religion becomes official. A Queen religion sounds interesting though I think that making it a religion may make it lose all its sense: music and artists are not a matter of belief or faith. Music thrills, touches, echoes in you life but you cannot see it as a religion. As Oscar Wilde would say, it is dangerous and vain to find anything else in art than art : no moral, no political view, no religion in art. |
FreMe 06.07.2006 18:51 |
Elizabeth Knightson wrote: You know that when a certain number of people (lot more than 100 of course) claim to worship a certain God or follow the lines of what looks like a religion, then their religion becomes official. A Queen religion sounds interesting though I think that making it a religion may make it lose all its sense: music and artists are not a matter of belief or faith. Music thrills, touches, echoes in you life but you cannot see it as a religion. As Oscar Wilde would say, it is dangerous and vain to find anything else in art than art : no moral, no political view, no religion in art.Aw come on, dont ruin the fun here.. I saythat we can let it be an add to the religion we alreaddy have.. So that we can pray to god for big stuff, and Fredide for small stuff :D.. And then we can make our own little religion rules :p |
deleted user 06.07.2006 19:36 |
right lets start queenism then! |
Carol! the Musical 06.07.2006 19:42 |
I don't have a religion at the moment. |
FreddieForeverNr1 06.07.2006 19:42 |
Queens music is totally antichristian in every possible way thats a good thing! :) fuck religion! its made for weak sheeps who deny that we are evolved from monkeys. |
FreddieForeverNr1 06.07.2006 19:42 |
FreddieForeverNr1 wrote: Queens music is totally antichristian in every possible way and thats a good thing! :) fuck religion! its made for weak sheeps who deny that we are evolved from monkeys. |
7 seas of Rhye 06.07.2006 20:06 |
FreddieForeverNr1 wrote:I don't like where this is going....FreddieForeverNr1 wrote: Queens music is totally antichristian in every possible way and thats a good thing! :) fuck religion! its made for weak sheeps who deny that we are evolved from monkeys. |
deleted user 06.07.2006 20:41 |
All goin' down to SEE the lord JEEsus ! All goin' down to SEE the lord JEEsus ! ... ... Or, as I once said... : "At my house, everyone worships Queen. We're a few robes short of a cult, but this is mostly because all the robes we've tried on say "We eat the dead" or "We have read too many Dan Brown novels" - which is most certainly NOT the message we are trying to convey." |
Chris L ♣ 06.07.2006 21:55 |
Come On now, Queen religion? You've got to be kidding. As if we don't have enough religions and isms to last us a lifetime. Let's just leave it at an admiration for a GREAT rock band!! |
Erin 06.07.2006 23:10 |
link |
Adolfo and the spiders from Mercury 07.07.2006 00:08 |
Fuck!! I was kidding How can U believe in making a queen religion, thats bad. Jesus is the lord, and I feel guilty in starting such topic, which was meant as a joke |
AmeriQueen 07.07.2006 01:30 |
No, that sounds gay, and I mean gay in the deragatory, slam way. Although, I do worship Queen far more than any conventional idols. I get a bad taste in my mouth with religions. I often think it's a shame that instead of worshiping Jesus and/or Muhammed, maybe modern people deserve such holy respect and idolization. For instance, did Jesus factually do as much for the human race as Thomas Edison? Okay, going to deep for a Queen board. I'll stop now. |
dtucra 07.07.2006 03:22 |
I'm Christian and I'll stay this way; Freddie is just an angel... With a dress and all. And white fits him well.:) |
M a t i a s M a y 07.07.2006 04:44 |
FreMe 07.07.2006 04:47 |
FreddieForeverNr1 wrote: Queens music is totally antichristian in every possible way thats a good thing! :) fuck religion! its made for weak sheeps who deny that we are evolved from monkeys.Slightly untrue.. When I had my confirmation, I was given this huge party inviting my intire family who gave me loads of money and pressents.. like most people I suppose? So I would dare to say that it´s good for something xD.. |
deleted user 07.07.2006 05:51 |
+++MatiasMay+++<h6><i>The Rainmaker wrote: QUEENISM RULESThat's right! |
August R. 07.07.2006 07:29 |
Little philosophical exercise: Religion = to fuck people up Queen = Religion -->Queen = to fuck people up |
deleted user 07.07.2006 07:43 |
The Invisible Queen wrote:right queenism has begun,the leader is called kingum or queenum!+++MatiasMay+++<h6><i>The Rainmaker wrote: QUEENISM RULESThat's right! |
M a t i a s M a y 07.07.2006 07:47 |
You came up with the name, so you'll be the leader Can I be the Rainmaker Priest? We'll be Queenish, Queenist or Queenstian?? lol |
thenymphinyellow 07.07.2006 08:19 |
I like Queenstian!! You must not use the Fredsters name in vain!!! haha... Im just kidding... I dont know, but I think that if you believe it, then its there, maybe not for everyone but its there for you... does that make sence? it does in my head!!! :D Hooroo!!:D |
deleted user 07.07.2006 08:25 |
Somebody needs to come up with our Ten Commandments. I would, but I'm too lazy. |
Poo, again 07.07.2006 08:28 |
I wanna be the son of God in the holy Queenist book. |
deleted user 07.07.2006 08:31 |
I shall be the Virgin Sarah ;) hehe that sounds weird! |
deleted user 07.07.2006 09:02 |
+++MatiasMay+++<h6><i>The Rainmaker wrote: You came up with the name, so you'll be the leader Can I be the Rainmaker Priest? We'll be Queenish, Queenist or Queenstian?? lolyeah your the rainmaker priest which is 2nd in command,woo Im a leader,with power.hmm!anyone else wanna be anythin? |
deleted user 07.07.2006 09:04 |
Freddie is our God and Brian, John and Roger are his disciples! |
FreddieForeverNr1 07.07.2006 09:12 |
fuck jesus, freddie is the real god :) |
deleted user 07.07.2006 09:24 |
Line is a prophet,we discussed it.we have a virgin sarah (our mammy) anythin else?Oh a scribe and in this religion priests and priestesses can marry! |
thenymphinyellow 07.07.2006 09:42 |
I got dibs on the equivilent of Moses! :D ... or Noah... im not fussy! :P hehe! :P |
evv95 07.07.2006 12:22 |
I know, this discussion has some sarcasm... but the world does not need another "superstition, false religions" Don't take offense of my innuendo |
Killer Queenie 07.07.2006 12:24 |
<font color=336600>ChinesedogTorture wrote: I don't have a religion at the moment.same my parents said if i wanted to be of a religion i could chose to be when im older but i think in a ways its good to be of no religion 'coz if there is a war of religions then we can't get blamed for nowt. But it would be SOOO COOL if there was a Queen religion!!! id be joining! LOL |
Good_Company50 07.07.2006 12:47 |
Queen -- God in four persons. Hail Freddie, full of grace, Hail Roger, fair of face. (can't think of something for the other guys, can somebody help me out?) In Queen We Trust! (All in good fun folks!) |
Adolfo and the spiders from Mercury 07.07.2006 14:15 |
FreddieForeverNr1 wrote: fuck jesus, freddie is the real god :)That is so wrong, in so many ways..... |
Poo, again 07.07.2006 14:54 |
Adolfo wrote:Nope, it's more right than wrong.FreddieForeverNr1 wrote: fuck jesus, freddie is the real god :)That is so wrong, in so many ways..... |
star 07.07.2006 14:57 |
For Joking it's ok, but don't start with stupid things please |
Poo, again 07.07.2006 14:58 |
Penis. |
FreddieForeverNr1 07.07.2006 15:03 |
star wrote: For Joking it's ok, but don't start with stupid things pleasewell it wasnt a joke, im dead serious |
M a t i a s M a y 07.07.2006 16:48 |
at least we'll have better songs to sing instead of that crappy church stuff xD IN QUEEN WE TRUST |
deleted user 07.07.2006 18:13 |
One flesh, one bone, one true religion. Hmm. What's the true religion? (One dump, one turd, two tits, John Deacon. XD) |
rocks. 07.07.2006 18:27 |
FreddieForeverNr1 wrote: Queens music is totally antichristian in every possible way thats a good thing! :) fuck religion! its made for weak sheeps who deny that we are evolved from monkeys.Oh I SERIOUSLY beg to differ that it was anti-christian. *cough*Jesus*cough* Have you not heard that one?? While I know it wasnt pro-christian or any other religion it certainly did not put down any religion |
FreddieForeverNr1 07.07.2006 19:14 |
that was a pure marketing song for sheeps like you hehe, if you know roger hates religion, freddie wasent christian and neither is brian or john. Have you also heard the lyrics to innuendo? "if there is a god or any kind of justice...." they werent dumb enough to believe in bullshit like christianity, thats for mindless blind retards. |
Nathan 07.07.2006 19:22 |
FreddieForeverNr1 wrote: that was a pure marketing song for sheeps like you hehe, if you know roger hates religion, freddie wasent christian and neither is brian or john. Have you also heard the lyrics to innuendo? "if there is a god or any kind of justice...." they werent dumb enough to believe in bullshit like christianity, thats for mindless blind retards.Why is it bullshit? Give us some evidence to back up your 'theory'. And for your information, there are plenty of good Christians around. It's not hard to find them. And as an aside, if you think I'm offended by any of this crap, think again. Idiots do not interest me. Plus only mindless blind retards decide to insult people about something special to them and try to change their minds as regards to it. So I wonder where that leaves you? Hmmm. And do you think we could care less about what Queen members think about it? It's their choice, let them keep it. But don't use it to try and humiliate and hurt people who hold different views. |
FreddieForeverNr1 07.07.2006 19:58 |
I just cant respect people that cant use their brains and think logically. Instead of following science anc logic that proves that we are just animals like the rest and come from apes they want to believe in some book some junkey wrote 2000 years ago and that has been rewritten 100 times and changed as "gods" words, how dumb can you get? |
Nathan 07.07.2006 20:01 |
FreddieForeverNr1 wrote: I just cant respect people that cant use their brains and think logically. Instead of following science anc logic that proves that we are just animals like the rest and come from apes they want to believe in some book some junkey wrote 2000 years ago and that has been rewritten 100 times and changed as "gods" words, how dumb can you get?A lot, apparently. |
rocks. 07.07.2006 20:37 |
Guys, drop it. |
M a t i a s M a y 07.07.2006 20:40 |
Freddie_Jr. 07.07.2006 21:05 |
Yeah we're all fan of Queen's, but I think that's taking it a little to far guys... |
Carol! the Musical 07.07.2006 21:07 |
+++MatiasMay+++<h6><i>The Rainmaker wrote: at least we'll have better songs to sing instead of that crappy church stuff xD IN QUEEN WE TRUSTI hate that crappy church stuff! xD Let's sing Jesus or Mad the Swine.. |
M a t i a s M a y 07.07.2006 21:15 |
Mad the Swine is great!!!!! |
Chris L ♣ 07.07.2006 22:52 |
Hey, I'm a big Queen fan and I respect others opinions on various topics. Whether I agree or disagree with your view on Christianity is a rather mute point. I believe however that it is very, very unfair to bash Christianity or anyones's belief system in this forum. This is about Queen. One can agree or disagree but do it respectfully as one human being to another. |
M a t i a s M a y 07.07.2006 23:28 |
so Queenism is the answer no black, no white, no jewish, no christian JUST QUEEN (music) JUST QUEEN |
blerp 08.07.2006 01:57 |
<font color=pink>The Millionaire Waltz wrote: Penis.Werd. |
blerp 08.07.2006 01:58 |
FreddieForeverNr1 wrote: fuck jesus, freddie is the real god :)I felt very bad the first time I read that, even though I don't believe in any sort of religion... :(09)909 |
FreMe 08.07.2006 05:24 |
FreddieForeverNr1 wrote: that was a pure marketing song for sheeps like you hehe, if you know roger hates religion, freddie wasent christian and neither is brian or john. Have you also heard the lyrics to innuendo? "if there is a god or any kind of justice...." they werent dumb enough to believe in bullshit like christianity, thats for mindless blind retards.First of all, just because you´re not christian, it does´nt mean that you dont have a religion. Second of all. Why are you so pissed about religion? Sure, I´ll be the first one to admit that it creates a whole lot of troubles, and that I´m not a faithfull chriastian myself. But some people are. Some people are very good faithfull and nice persons, who has chosen a religion, and lives by it´s rules. An alternative lifestyle, that without a doubt has it´s good sides. Otherwise it would´nt have lsted for so long. Those people don´t nescecerelly think that it´s an old man with a beard who spreads curses and blessings to the left and to the right, but belive in him as some sort of power. That´s a choise we need to respect! In a way, I doubt that most of them believe ,deep inside, in what the bible ,for instance., says, but they still live by it, and believe that they get some love for doing so. You can, perhaps, in a way compare it to when we listen to Queenmusic, because we want to feel better. We know that the songs probably were´nt written for anything but money and fun, and we still get better because of what it sounds like. If you´re a mother with a very sick child, and you dont know if it´s gona get healthy again, it can be a lot of help to pray, even though you dont really beleve in it. You HAVE heard stories about miracles, and praying can give you hope in the end. At least enough to go on. I dont know if that sounded like a bunch of crap, and I honestly dont care! As long as people does´nt bother you, because of something their religion says, then there´s absolutely no reason to bother them with something that might give them hope to deal with the every day life! |
eedodededededea 08.07.2006 05:38 |
*snoring* |
Good_Company50 08.07.2006 14:13 |
Oh dear! I think people are getting all uptight and upset about a question that was proposed as just a bit of fun. Please let's be considerate and not deride or disparage anyone else's beliefs, agreed? |
FreMe 08.07.2006 16:02 |
Sorry, I was hyper^ |
Adolfo and the spiders from Mercury 08.07.2006 17:17 |
Good_Company50 wrote: Oh dear! I think people are getting all uptight and upset about a question that was proposed as just a bit of fun. Please let's be considerate and not deride or disparage anyone else's beliefs, agreed?YES! thank U! |
Chris L ♣ 08.07.2006 23:22 |
Totally agree!!! No need to be rude. |
DreaminQueen 09.07.2006 01:27 |
*opening to AOBTD plays* And another thread bites the dust... I've noticed lately that there has been alot of harshness going on around here. Especially on these kinds of threads... Alot of criticism comes to them when they are ment as simply good fun and hypothetical. People are completely welcome to offer their opinions. But then it always turns into slander and fights with eachother. LOTS OF MUDSLINGING... And alot of hate on the "newbie" threads as well. If you dont agree with whats being presented then dont go to that thread. Like the story threads, if you dont wanna go, dont. Its just some of the younger fans who want some fun. C'mon, like you never imagined about celeb crushes when you were a teen? HELLO look at all those people from the 70's who were "teen idols" Leif Garret and David Cassidy...So remember what it was like to be a teen and have this crushes and give us newbies a break please. Its all in good fun. We do have the power of the CLICK do we not?? Alas, someone has, as usual gone and thrown their serious and somewhat offensive opinion and thrust it upon everyone else as truth. Why cant people just get along around here?? it really makes me sad. Discussions and disagreements are great because they can enlighten everyone, even if u cant change someones mind. And i've also noticed that some "noobs" questions are being taken seriously or their posts, even when they have something good to say. Maybe it bothers me because i have a firm belief in respect of others and their differences. i duno... But i agree with ya'll who said we shouldnt be attacking eachother and we should accept others even if their beliefs are different and we may not agree with them. Rock on Respecters! |
thenymphinyellow 09.07.2006 08:20 |
agreed. |