I told my daughter if anyone could find this, someone on this site could. We are looking for a video, I think, of a grassy field, where you stare at it and all of the sudden a man, or something, jumps in front of the camera and scares the crap out of you. Its not this site link. This is a still picture that you stare at and a freaky face jumps at you and screams. But its on the same type of thing. Thanks for your help. P.S. My son called from Iraq yesterday. He is doing fine and is very bored! Thats better than dodging bullets! Take care.
BARRY: OH MY GOD!!!!! I have never been so scared in my life!! I truly thought I was just listening to something! I was so scared I couldnt move my arm to turn down the volume. And to top it all off my 10 year old son was sitting on my lap! He got so mad at me, he cried. You got me. I cant wait to send it to everyone I know! Thanks, I think! And Flashman: My bassett hound's name is Flashy. And we sometimes call him Flashman. When I read that I thought how did he know my dogs name.