Let's turn this into an actual nice forum. I'm not being sappy and that but I hate all the negativity on here and it's a real downside to the best band in the world site.
'Is this the forum we created?
We wrote it all our own
Are we the people who we hated
Won't get off our thrown?
If there's a heart inside us
Why don't we use it more enough
To write nice stuff
In the forum we created?'
Well, based on some of those kinds of posts I've seen before, some people would take offense to that.
I've made those mistakes myself in the past, so I don't want to see people get embarrased for that either :)
Now that's what I call attention seeking...
And I promised myself to be positive only in intelligent and well written threads. This ain't one of them...
I like this forum a lot. You can say shit and fuck without fear of getting banned. You can make sick jokes about your favorite singer and laugh about it and you can pull a lot stupid pranks on tons of gullible people, and annoy the hell out of stepfords. I love it. Freddie would 've been proud, I'm sure.
Inu-Liger<h6>-a.k.a. Richard Guilbault- wrote: Well, based on some of those kinds of posts I've seen before, some people would take offense to that.
I've made those mistakes myself in the past, so I don't want to see people get embarrased for that either :)
I gotta say....
I'm pretty new to this site and I've been
amazed how a simple request/statement
can turn into a huge argument with insults
flying in all directions
I don't have any answers but a few people need
to just Cool It !
lemonfrume wrote: I gotta say....
I'm pretty new to this site and I've been
amazed how a simple request/statement
can turn into a huge argument with insults
flying in all directions
I don't have any answers but a few people need
to just Cool It !
Check out the "history" of the one opening this thread and you should understand why those replies are like that...