Some words hold special meanings, others just sound good. Here are a selection of some of my favourite words. I would be almost half-interested to hear some of yours:-
Funk. Blast. Capital. Liquor. Demagogue. Woman. Filibuster. Boobies. Floccinaucinihilipilification. Gammon. Flapdoodle. Iconoclast. Foreplay. Jeepers. Pneumonoultramicroscopicsilicovolcanoconiosis. Curmudgeon. Kerfuffle. Mountebank. Friday. More!
Cool. Groovy. Man. Sweet. Tya. Dur. Ewww. So. No. Ya. Ummm. Maybe. Loser. Later. the phrase: Phenyketonurics contains Phenylalanine (I almost say that every time I have a diet soda or any other sugarfree product, lol. only to annoy my folks). Hehe. Haha. Swing. Duh. Rock. Queen. Way. F'nurp (long story). Fwhoa. Whoa. Wow. YES!!!. NOOOOOOOOOOOOOO! Hey! Awesome. Dang. Hola. Hilarious.
Surprisingly, that's all I can think of for now.
or maybe thats only because we had a discussion on that one damn word in my politics class yesterday. either way its fun.
i also like the word fop.
Binomial nomenclature is awesome, even though I detested my Biology class. And...snazzy. Passion. Existential. Delectable. Enthusing.
There's way more. I'm definitely a word-ho. :D
Too blue even for this forum, when I drive usually and sone &%@@@&^% cuts my ass off, doesn't give a signal, tailgates me, etc.
Better and other words..
sublime, introspective, inspire, soulful, exuberant, cool, F**King A, kick-ass, rockin', twat.
Have loved picking up some Brit lexicon on this board such as...
knackered, bollocks, chuffed, christ on a bike, shite.
Fatty's "cuntbubble" would make a worthy addition to any such list.
Where is the old soap, anyroad? If I can make the effort to post, surely he can drag his arse out of his pit.
But two QueenZone greats at once would only spoil you, so he does right.
For some reason, I love the words liquor, magic, chocolate, tangerine, apple cider, autumn, fresh... Damn, I can´t think up of good words, I´m too hungry, lol. ;P