Does anyone know if the guys are going to plays some new songs in summer gigs?
My wishlist (in no particular order):
- Innuendo
- Breakthru
- Headlong
- I Can't Live With You
- One Vision
<b><font color = "crimson">ThomasQuinn wrote: Who knows? But I doubt they'll be dumb enough to play 'I Can't Live With You'. It definately won't please the crowd.
That's your opinion. I bet there'd be plenty of people who would enjoy a live rendition of that song...
A list with songs they should play:
Rock It (Prime Jive)
Sheer Heart Attack
March Of The Black Queen
Teo Torriate (Let Us CLing Together)
Stone Cold Crazy
I don't think they will. Are they reharsing already?
I'm going to the Lisbon concert and i feel that their not gonna be at 100% of their capabilities.
I only see them worry about the Hide Park gig. Lets hope this pause don't afect their live performance.
They are takin very few risks at this tour, so i really think they wil stick to the stuff they already know how to play.
Take care
Spread Your Wings
Sail Away Sweet Sister
It's Late
White Man
Dragon Attack
Sleeping On the Sidewalk
Dead On Time (I my dreams)
My wishlist:
All Dead, All Dead
Someday One Day
Tenement Funster
Long Away
White Man(Paul vocals, they tease us with this before fat bottomed girls)
My Bijou(Freddie's voice on tape for his verse)
Father To Song(Paul)
Doing Alright(Paul)
Hijack My Heart(yeah right, but it is my favorite b-side)
I expect at least one brand new song. But I liked the setlist, so I hope they don't change it too much.
Just read this on
AC: Well you know that the next thing you think about of course is what's the chance of you guys going in with Paul to record?
BM: Well we already did a little exploratory bit, 'cos the place we were rehearsing was actually Roger's studio, and we nipped in and put a few littl things down - nothing that I don't think ... I don't think we'll use any of it yet, but we definitely feel that there is something to be done there if we can get around to it. First . . .
(Both talk at once)
AC: I'm just thinking the fact that you're still a great writer and you could write almost like Queen Part 2, you know - an entirely different set of circumstances with a different singer and just see what comes out. It might be really, really interesting.
BM: Definitely, yeah. We seem(ed?) to hit it off very well. It's a nice atmosphere and the first kind of challenge was to see what happened live, and it seems to be great so, yeah, there's a kind of irresistible call there, "Let's see if we can make something new."
AC: Wow.
Voice of Reason 2005 wrote:
I was just thinking yesterday of one Q+PR could have a done a good version of:
Spread your Wings.
What do you think?
The Voice
Id Like
Save me
Sheer heart attack
Who wants to live forever
Is This the world we created
Rock you {fast}
One Vision
Would also love to hear a tribute to Freddie by singing one of his solo's maybe Love kills {rock mix}
Voice of Reason 2005 wrote:
I was just thinking yesterday of one Q+PR could have a done a good version of:
Spread your Wings.
What do you think?
The Voice
Voice of Reason 2005 wrote:
I was just thinking yesterday of one Q+PR could have a done a good version of:
Spread your Wings.
What do you think?
The Voice
I agree.
This would be excellent!!!
Great idea! DSMN, It's late and Innuendo are at the top of my list
here's a few from my wish list
It's Late
Need Your Loving Tonight
Save Me
Sheer Heart Attack
Don't Stop Me Now
Killer Queen
Good Old Fashioned Lover Boy
Calling All Girls
Rock and Roll Fantasy
I think one they should do from Paul's repertoire would be Shooting Star.......heck they could even change the opening lyrics....
Johnny was a schoolboy when he heard his first Queen song...Now I'm Here I think it was, and from there it didnt take him long...
The King Of Rhye wrote: I think one they should do from Paul's repertoire would be Shooting Star.......heck they could even change the opening lyrics....
Johnny was a schoolboy when he heard his first Queen song...Now I'm Here I think it was, and from there it didnt take him long...
I love Shooting Star- what a track!!! This and Fire And Water... Seagull could come back...
Than there is always Innuendo- he said he would like to do it, so...
I kinda like how they're doing it, the set should be 85 percent Queen 15 percent Paul/Free/Bad Company cause let's face it, not many people care about those songs or bands compared to Queen's legacy. No disrespect to Paul but we've been waiting since the 86 tour ended for a new Queen tour.
Queen can still sell out arenas and stadiums with anyone singing for them. No one will ever replace Freddie but someone can fill the part in.
Tell me about this NEW song that was inspired by Mott the Hoople. Has it been performed live before?
I am sure glad they are not playing any old crap from 89 onwards that has never been performed live before, or any other queen songs that have never been performed live -- It is better to hear a Greatest Hits cover band. Right?
... arent you thrilled to bits with my greatest hits ...