That file is 100% fake. Very clearly, there are several times where you hear the same note but the ball hits two different keys. He has the rhythm right, but nothing else.
Nice try, whoever that guy is. He's fooling many people, but not me.
I was gonna say exactly the same thing GH.
Around 1:45 to 2:00 is when you can most clearly tell. The notes you hear don't correlate to where he's chucking the balls. He plays some ascending diads, but sort-of alternates between ascending and descending on the keyboard.
He also plays a couple of triads using only 2 balls, which may be technically possible, but I very much doubt he's doing that there.
Yep, diad's an established musical term. I can't think of any other way of expressing a diad other than saying "2 notes" or "2 note chord"! What would you call a diad?
On the first viewing of this guy I was blown away, due to not paying particularly close attention to where the balls were going (although the finale did seem too good true). But closer inspection shows it was too good to be true.
Bohardy wrote:
On the first viewing of this guy I was blown away, due to not paying particularly close attention to where the balls were going (although the finale did seem too good true). But closer inspection shows it was too good to be true.
I thought that myself but just towards the end. I think I'd seen that clip before, but I can't remember on what..
arlene wrote: I STILL can't download..bloody hell!...what does he do!!!!
email me offlist - i'll send it you
- it's fairly convincing
and either way incredibly clever - blag or not
delete the "removespam" bit