best:nato or datr worst live magic, not bad but not better than any thing else
deleted user 13.03.2005 11:42
Favorite are both, The Miracle, Innuendo, Queen II
Worst, Hot Space, Live Magic (Hot space isn't really bad but it's just body language and cool cat and dancer i don't lik)
I love Body language and Cool Cat!
Anyway, best, Jazz, Innuendo News of the World.
Worst: Dunno, I don't think I have a worst one, but I don't listen to The Works very often.
favourite=a night at the opera
jazz isn't bad, it's just not as good compared to the rest though, but i haven't heard flash gordon yet and i heard thats their worst
Best Studio Album : Innuendo
Worst Studio Album : Hot Space (But it was so innovative ! Ahead of its time !)
Best Live Album : Live At Wembley '86
Worst Live Album : Live Magic (then again, only because most of the songs are cut...)
Best Compilation : Classic Queen (It includes Bohemian Rhapsody, compared to Greatest Hits II. I miss "We Will Rock You" and "We Are The Champions" though.)
Worst Compilation : Jewels II
As far as Flash Gordon is concerned, it is a great album. It's a soundtrack with almost no words. It's hard to compare it to another soundtrack...but I think, for me, it beats "Lord Of The Ring" or whatever. Brian May is no Ludvig Van Beethoben but he is pretty good with instrumentals.
I like all of their albums...I just like some more than the others, like everybody...