My Best Friend 09.01.2005 19:36 |
Does anybody know the deatils of this? How long were they friends for? Why was Cliff Richard at Freddie's house during November 23-24? |
KingMercury 09.01.2005 20:13 |
well i've to say that this topic is more intelligent than the others posted by you |
My Best Friend 09.01.2005 20:15 |
Thanks for your approval pal. |
deleted user 09.01.2005 20:47 |
I didn't know he was at Freddie's house during the 23-24th. Was he? |
John S Stuart 09.01.2005 20:48 |
Is this an innuendo type thing? You want to know if Cliff and Freddie actually slept together? Only two people know what happened. One is dead, the other has not said. There are some things we don't know, others we never will. That is it. End of story. |
Sebastian 09.01.2005 20:57 |
Why was Cliff Richard at Freddie's house during November 23-24?Because he was visitting Freddie |
flash00 09.01.2005 21:09 |
where did you read that???? from what i gather cliff was not a close friend. and near the end only freddies closest friends and family were around/visiting him, i think freddie was a little too rock and roll for o'l cliff... |
Sebastian 09.01.2005 21:20 |
Even if Cliff wasn't a close close close friend, he might have happened to visit him the day he died. I mean... people visit other people when they're sick. Neither Cliff nor Elton nor Roger nor anybody knew that Fred would die in Nov 24th, so the ones who visitted him the last aren't neccesarily his closest friends. It's "luck" |
flash00 09.01.2005 21:25 |
if you read peter freestones bio, it tells you who visited freddie in great detail in his last days, its a very good read!!! |
My Best Friend 09.01.2005 21:57 |
Is Cliff gay? I thought they were just friends John S. Stuart. I think I read somewhere in one of the books that Cliff was around alot in the last days of Fred's life. |
Pim Derks 10.01.2005 08:04 |
They were both gay and had lots of steamy nights at Garden Lodge together. What do you think "IT'S IN EVERYONE OF US" is about ? |
FriedChicken 10.01.2005 08:10 |
Yep, it's about Aids |
deleted user 10.01.2005 09:08 |
flash00 wrote: if you read peter freestones bio, it tells you who visited freddie in great detail in his last days, its a very good read!!!Where can I read this bio ?? |
flash00 10.01.2005 09:31 |
imo... its the best most truthfull bio out there, and its sooo fukin sad, it goes into loads of detail about freddies life, his spending, friends, false rumours, it also concentrates alot on the new-york days also.. i'm not sure but i bought it from a big book store in the uk, you could try amazon they seem to be good!(hard back version) i dont know if many know but in an interview with mack(queen producer/close buddy of freddie) he said that freddie said to him in 85 that he was bored of the gay life style etc and would like to get married and have children(pre-aids).. |
pma 10.01.2005 09:43 |
Pim Derks wrote: They were both gay and had lots of steamy nights at Garden Lodge together. What do you think "IT'S IN EVERYONE OF US" is about ?And of course Cliff's "We Don't Talk Anymore" is about their fall-out... |
flash00 10.01.2005 09:48 |
thats a load of crap!! with regards to cliff+freddie going with each other, i dont know where you hear sutch shit, thats how ugly rumours start! as stated before; freddie wasnt a close friend of cliff's and dave clark asked freddie to be in the time musical with cliff(aparant cliff was'nt happy that freddie was getting 1st choice of the tracks and when he heard freddies version of my defence his jaw dropped to the floor and the whole song had to be changed for cliff to be able to sing the song as it was far to high etc,) and most recent cliff was buzzing saying "at least i got to sing with freddie mercury how many people can say that" i think some people think just b/c freddie worked or had a drink with someone he was having sex with them! strange thinking. |
brENsKi 12.01.2005 12:55 |
and i suppose Cliff never revealing anything about his private life makes the whle thing a bit of a (wait for it)..................................................................................................................... Cliffhanger |
Anto1 12.01.2005 13:40 |
>>Cliffhanger Lol But yeah, Cliff is as bent as an S-hook. |
markaw 12.01.2005 18:55 |
Didn't Cliff make loads of complimentary statements about Queen? Cliff (if he did see Freddie near the end)as a good Christian would have prayed for Freddie. NO I'm not going to start bible thumping either-but its certainly a bit more feasable than he was shagging him or something!!! They were both showbiz and as someone already remarked if your friends are ill you visit them. |
bas asselbergs 13.01.2005 05:37 |
i don't care about Cliff yes or no having been's private matters, and we should be respecting that! I am however, very happy to have been at the "give time for aids"gala, in the Dominion, on April 14th 1988...i have both the audience recording and the soundboard recording of Freddies performance, and his duet with Cliff is awesome! The grand finale of that night, was also the very last time freddie ever sung live to an audience, and therefor this recording os one of my most treasured sad.... he did perform after that one more time for the Barcelona project (8th of Oktober), but that was playback, and NOT sung live....and Freddie was ferocious after he got off-stage and went raging and screeming and cursing against the sound-technicians for screwing up the show (for him) by giving him a horrible sound-quality on stage. He was totally pissed off then!!! Cliff was there too..... |
bas asselbergs 13.01.2005 05:40 |
i don't care about Cliff yes or no having been's private matters, and we should be respecting that! I am however, very happy to have been at the "give time for aids"gala, in the Dominion, on April 14th 1988...i have both the audience recording and the soundboard recording of Freddies performance, and his duet with Cliff is awesome! The grand finale of that night, was also the very last time Freddie ever sang live to an audience, and therefor this recording is one of my most treasured sad.... he did perform after that one more time for the Barcelona project (8th of Oktober), but that was playback, and NOT sung live....and Freddie was ferocious after he got off-stage and went raging and screeming and cursing against the sound-technicians for screwing up the show (for him) by giving him a horrible sound-quality on stage. He was totally pissed off then!!! Cliff was there too..... |
kleinhond 13.01.2005 10:26 |
is that playback of Barcelona the one on the Freddie solo DVD? |
Brian_Mays_Wig 13.01.2005 12:03 |
Dave Clarke was there on 24th Nov. |
flash00 13.01.2005 12:20 |
yup, i totally agree its private, i'm suprised anyone even talking about it, its commen knowledge he was just a showbiz friend like many others(showbiz friends) freddie had a very small circle of friends and cliff wasnt one of those, check peter freestones bio out... i think freddie had enough to put up with with regards to lies and false rumours when he was alive, BAS ASSELBERGS.. where did you get your copy of freddie 88 at dominium sounboard quality from??? ive got a terrible bootleg of that,, anychance you could bit torrent it or something on here,, id love to hear freddie sing live for the last time,, damn im so envious lol. |
kleinhond 13.01.2005 17:57 |
How big is Cliff's dick? |
My Best Friend 13.01.2005 20:12 |
I meant Dave Clark was there during Nov.23-24. |
kleinhond 14.01.2005 18:36 |
Freddie ADMIRED Cliff's work? I hate to speak ill of the dead but, Jeez, there's no accounting for taste. |
bas asselbergs 16.01.2005 11:59 |
about the soundboard recording...come to the convention in september ans i'll bring it with me. you can listen to it in the car....from cd. the audience recording? i did that myself.. :-) horrible? hysteria?yes! beautiful therefor? yes! |