So, do you guys do anything special with it? Turkey sandwiches, eat it plain, etc. Today my dad made Chinese food out of it..I doubt they use turkeys in China but it was great! Anyone care to share their uses of it?
We ordered two twenty pound turkeys, but we still had one left at the end of the night! Everyone took some home, though, so we've got just a little bit left. Last night, we had Thanksgiving reheated, and I think we'll make sandwiches out of the rest. I love this holiday. :)
We never have leftovers when I eat.. I will sit there and just pig out as much as I can.. wow.. this year though was different, My brother made the meal, and EVERYTHING was cold.. except for the Cranberries.. So this year I just had 4 plates of food..
For Christmas we usually have duck, pork, chicken and something else. Any left overs becomes Sang Choy Bow which is esentially all the left overs diced quite fine, herbs added and heated. Then you get large lettuce leaves and put the meat in the leaf and eat it. Great stuff.
We don't normally have much in the way of leftover turkey - we just get to finish off the stuff that's only nice on the day. So we have trifle where the cream has all separated, Christmas ham (and I don't eat it) and cold devils on horseback where the bacon has ceased to be crispy. Thank god we're not really 'doing' Christmas this year - it'll just be mum and me and an antipasto platter and lots of wine. Ace.
Hopefully there's lots of pavlova left over. Mmmm, delish*!
My dad said we should have a sea food Christmas like we did last year. I bashed some sense into him. Seafood? That would be fitting in with the typical 'Throw another shrimp on the barbie'. And really I can't say I've ever heard anyone use the term shrimp in reference to crustaceans in Australia.