
Search the QueenZone archive for interesting posts

When QueenZone shut down in November 2020 I have decided to save the database of forum posts and make it available to public. The forum will never become active again but it's available for fulltext search. All the posts since late 2004 (except for spam) are here and I'd like to remind you some of the best discussions. John S Stuart's posts about the Queen catalogue, Thor Arnold's posts about Freddie's life and Barry Mitchell's or Justin Shirley-Smith's interesting contributions are available here).

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37 discussions started by 'LiveAidQueen'

Haven't been here in a while... - Hey all. It's been a VERY long time. Been going th... by LiveAidQueen on 15.10.2008
I graduated from high school today... - Yep, finally did it after a very hard and stressfu... by LiveAidQueen on 21.05.2006
Can somebody please tell me what this says? - Wir sind zusammen wieder ein Tag. Für immer i... by LiveAidQueen on 14.11.2005
Please help me on this... - If I answer these questions I can win something ve... by LiveAidQueen on 07.11.2005
The European Music Awards - Did anyone watch them? They were quite weird and i... by LiveAidQueen on 04.11.2005
Thank you. - I received the first donation from you guys and al... by LiveAidQueen on 29.10.2005
Lisser - I really need to talk to you about something, plea... by LiveAidQueen on 29.10.2005
MySpace - Who here has MySpace and would like to add me? ... by LiveAidQueen on 07.10.2005
I think I'm alright... - I have nothing left, but I am alright. It's way to... by LiveAidQueen on 28.09.2005
*Sigh* - I'm very depressed...... by LiveAidQueen on 04.08.2005
Happy Birthday To... - Me...Nobody remembered!... by LiveAidQueen on 22.04.2005
22 Greatest Bands on MTV2 - Does anyone know the bands that were on that list?... by LiveAidQueen on 12.03.2005
My Cat - I'm sure some of you remember my cat whom we saved... by LiveAidQueen on 11.03.2005
The Romanov Family Movie - They made a movie on the Romanov family and their ... by LiveAidQueen on 16.02.2005
The Grammys - Whose going to be watching them this Sunday night?... by LiveAidQueen on 10.02.2005
My First Car! - Well my parents got me a 92 Chevy Cavalier. It's n... by LiveAidQueen on 01.02.2005
American Idiot - Hello, if anyone here has the album, I was wonderi... by LiveAidQueen on 30.01.2005
Another side to Billie Joe Armstrong - The leader from Green Day really posed for that pi... by LiveAidQueen on 26.01.2005
High School Term Papers - Do you fellow high schoolers have to write term pa... by LiveAidQueen on 20.01.2005
YourValentine - Sorry if this is a stupid topic, but Barb, did you... by LiveAidQueen on 10.01.2005
Ohhh well.... - I won't be online for several months for I do not ... by LiveAidQueen on 14.12.2004
AC - I love...camels.... by LiveAidQueen on 01.12.2004
Heart with Queen? - I'm listening to an interview now with Nancy Wilso... by LiveAidQueen on 24.11.2004
Thanksgiving - Hello guys, what are you all doing for Thanksgivin... by LiveAidQueen on 23.11.2004
A New Picture - Yes, that's me again, I got bored and took a new p... by LiveAidQueen on 11.11.2004
AC - *Hugs*... by LiveAidQueen on 08.11.2004
I finally got a new picture... - I finally got my little camera to load my pics, if... by LiveAidQueen on 27.10.2004
School Classes - Hello, what classes are you fellow students taking... by LiveAidQueen on 02.10.2004
Young Rock N Rollers... - http://membres.lycos.fr/metaltom/jeunes.htm I m... by LiveAidQueen on 24.09.2004
Eddie Van Halen and Brian - Did they play together on record? If so what songs... by LiveAidQueen on 16.09.2004
Hurricane Ivan - Man I live right on the Gulf Coast in Biloxi MS an... by LiveAidQueen on 13.09.2004
Van Halen - Hey!! I thought I'd tell you I saw Van Halen last ... by LiveAidQueen on 11.09.2004
Thought I'd tell ya how things are... - I haven't had internet for awhile, but I'm at scho... by LiveAidQueen on 26.08.2004
Favorite Names - Hello! What are some of your favorite names? :)... by LiveAidQueen on 17.05.2004
Hello from... - Mississippi! I done moved about a month ago and we... by LiveAidQueen on 17.05.2004
The song has gone away... - A question asked a thousand times, but where can I... by LiveAidQueen on 25.03.2004
Hello! - Hi! How are you all?... by LiveAidQueen on 14.03.2004

1049 posts by user 'LiveAidQueen'

Does Brian... - Anybody with color in their hair after 50, COLORS ... by LiveAidQueen on 15.10.2008
Haven't been here in a while... - Hey all. It's been a VERY long time. Been going th... by LiveAidQueen on 15.10.2008
VH1 Rock Honors Queen + Foos preview - I thought they did a fantastic job last night, I q... by LiveAidQueen on 01.06.2006
Hilarious list of the most ridiculous Dark Metal Bands - I love anything that bashes rap.... by LiveAidQueen on 26.05.2006
How will you die? - After much persuasion, your friends convince you t... by LiveAidQueen on 26.05.2006
my new tattoos :D - Well I like them.... by LiveAidQueen on 26.05.2006
Happy Birthday Dan Corson!!! - Happy B-Day Dan!... by LiveAidQueen on 26.05.2006
I graduated from high school today... - A teacher had to pin everyone's on because they we... by LiveAidQueen on 21.05.2006
I graduated from high school today... - Yep, finally did it after a very hard and stressfu... by LiveAidQueen on 21.05.2006
How many Queenzoners know each other? - I would love to meet Barb.... by LiveAidQueen on 19.05.2006
The Queenie above you, part 547654 - ^I have no idea who this person is.... by LiveAidQueen on 17.05.2006
how old are we all? - 18, Whooo!...... by LiveAidQueen on 17.05.2006
The queenie above you part 2 - ^I love.... by LiveAidQueen on 03.03.2006
Guys.....Check out this hottie.... - I vomited just a little.... by LiveAidQueen on 04.02.2006
Team America - That's the stupidest thing I've ever seen.... by LiveAidQueen on 23.01.2006
About freddie when he had moustache - He looked better with a moustache.... by LiveAidQueen on 22.01.2006
Squirrel culling - I accidently killed a squirrel with an apple once.... by LiveAidQueen on 22.01.2006
Panda style - Oh my God.... by LiveAidQueen on 22.01.2006
Where were you? - Ditto.... by LiveAidQueen on 22.01.2006
Hey Queenzoners - Hey, what's up?... by LiveAidQueen on 22.01.2006
take a LOOK at ME..lol - That's a nice picture.... by LiveAidQueen on 22.01.2006
I found my old QZ account! - I have an old account from Sept. of 2002 when I fi... by LiveAidQueen on 22.01.2006
To all the 'Old timers' - I remember this and I'm still very sorry. I hope y... by LiveAidQueen on 21.01.2006
Worst song of all time. - Well that explains it all, lol. Thanks.... by LiveAidQueen on 18.01.2006
Search Results - Results 1 - 9 of about 111 for liveaidqueen queenz... by LiveAidQueen on 18.01.2006
your other fav bands - Green Day System of a Down Screeching Weasel ... by LiveAidQueen on 18.01.2006
American Idol - Wasn't the guy that last sang on that show on this... by LiveAidQueen on 18.01.2006
Are you a Queenaholic? - No.... by LiveAidQueen on 18.01.2006
American Idol - I could only hear it in the background and it stil... by LiveAidQueen on 18.01.2006
Worst song of all time. - ^I forgot who sang it...They were from Europe were... by LiveAidQueen on 18.01.2006
QZ users on myspace.com? - I hate Myspace, yet I still go on there. http:/... by LiveAidQueen on 17.01.2006
Worst song of all time. - The Final Countdown...they can burn in hell becaus... by LiveAidQueen on 17.01.2006
New Picture of Freddie & John - He does look like he's about to fall over...... by LiveAidQueen on 17.01.2006
What Celebs Do U Think Queenzoners Look Like? - ^You do look like Tom Cruise.... by LiveAidQueen on 08.01.2006
One or two things you never knew about Queenzoners - How dare you call me out like that!... by LiveAidQueen on 08.01.2006
I'm gone - Why do people announce they are leaving?... by LiveAidQueen on 08.01.2006
Which Qzoner are you ACTUALLY gonna meet? :) - I'd love to meet so many of you. :'(... by LiveAidQueen on 08.01.2006
What Celebs Do U Think Queenzoners Look Like? - I don't think anybody here looks like a celebrity.... by LiveAidQueen on 08.01.2006
My New Year wishes for the notice board - I didn't act stupid.... by LiveAidQueen on 06.01.2006
No Subject - You're stupid.... by LiveAidQueen on 06.01.2006
My New Year wishes for the notice board - I'm sick of the scrolling topic titles. Seriously,... by LiveAidQueen on 06.01.2006
Mercury mentioned in a suicide note... - I don't like him, whiney bitch.... by LiveAidQueen on 05.01.2006
Who's Got A ipod MP3 Player - I just have an 120 MB MP3 player, it's alright. Gr... by LiveAidQueen on 05.01.2006
who's your favourite celeb. - I hate almost every celebrity.... by LiveAidQueen on 05.01.2006
Worst song of all time. - Grind Wit Me, that song can kiss my ass.... by LiveAidQueen on 05.01.2006
Anyone Bought INXS - They suck ass.... by LiveAidQueen on 05.01.2006
What's the worst music genre? - Also punk and emo are not the same thing. Emo is s... by LiveAidQueen on 04.01.2006
What's the worst music genre? - Emo, I want to kill the depressed bastards.... by LiveAidQueen on 04.01.2006
Who would you be... - That gay guy.... by LiveAidQueen on 04.01.2006
David Lee Roth SUCKS! - I never thought of it that way, lol.... by LiveAidQueen on 04.01.2006
David Lee Roth SUCKS! - Saw Van Hagar, loved them. Not too fond of Roth, b... by LiveAidQueen on 04.01.2006
My New Year wishes for the notice board - The n00b's here are getting worse everyday.... by LiveAidQueen on 02.01.2006
Thanks, Richard, for keeping Queenzone up and running. - Does he even read the forum anymore...... by LiveAidQueen on 02.01.2006
Cats - I'm okay.... by LiveAidQueen on 01.01.2006
Cats - I know cats can't swim and water is evil.... by LiveAidQueen on 31.12.2005
No Subject - 1-I'm 5'0 tall 2-I have too much stress 3-I neve... by LiveAidQueen on 22.12.2005
The Mistletoe Thread - I hate mistletoe.... by LiveAidQueen on 22.12.2005
What's your nickname? - Stubs, Midget...K...... by LiveAidQueen on 18.12.2005
WTF EVERYONES DYING!!!!! - That's something that usual happens...to alot of p... by LiveAidQueen on 11.12.2005
What do you want for Christmas? - What do I want for Christmas...A house.... by LiveAidQueen on 06.12.2005
Urgent/Bad News To People Of Queenzone About Me - I still can't believe the genorosity of people we'... by LiveAidQueen on 01.12.2005
Urgent/Bad News To People Of Queenzone About Me - With all the help I've received on here...I will h... by LiveAidQueen on 29.11.2005
Happy Birthday Barb!!! - Happy Birthday Barb, I <3 You.... by LiveAidQueen on 24.11.2005
HOT FOR TEACHER - I saw that bitch on Oprah.... by LiveAidQueen on 23.11.2005
Post yer myspace! - I added you. :-))... by LiveAidQueen on 16.11.2005
Post yer myspace! - http://www.queenzone.com/queenzone/forumnew/forum_... by LiveAidQueen on 16.11.2005
To Kayla - Hmm...... by LiveAidQueen on 16.11.2005
Hi There - Whooo!!!... by LiveAidQueen on 15.11.2005
No Subject - :-D... by LiveAidQueen on 15.11.2005
Troursers or skirts? - I like skirts.... by LiveAidQueen on 15.11.2005
Attention, attention, peoples!!! - What?... by LiveAidQueen on 15.11.2005
Can somebody please tell me what this says? - Thank you.... by LiveAidQueen on 14.11.2005
Can somebody please tell me what this says? - Wir sind zusammen wieder ein Tag. Für immer i... by LiveAidQueen on 14.11.2005
Who's concerts you been to? - Fleetwood Mac and Van Halen...... by LiveAidQueen on 14.11.2005
No Subject - 1-I am 5'0 2-I have a fetish with eyeliner... 3-... by LiveAidQueen on 13.11.2005
Ive just got out of hospital..... - :-O... by LiveAidQueen on 13.11.2005
No Subject - I got all my hair cut off yesterday. It's now to t... by LiveAidQueen on 13.11.2005
Do you masturbate? - Ha ha ha haha!... by LiveAidQueen on 13.11.2005
Do you masturbate? - "Just about 99% of the population masturbates... by LiveAidQueen on 12.11.2005
Do you have a Queen tattoo? - I love tattoos, but I would never get a Queen one.... by LiveAidQueen on 09.11.2005
Anyone been told they look like a celeb? - I think Dan said I looked like Hilary Duff... :-P... by LiveAidQueen on 09.11.2005
Please help me on this... - That's all the info I got, but it's over so don't ... by LiveAidQueen on 09.11.2005
how do you count how many posts there are in the new forum this one - Damn, quit quoting each other...You can count them... by LiveAidQueen on 09.11.2005
Your middle name - Dawn... by LiveAidQueen on 09.11.2005
Please help me on this... - Okay, maybe you didn't quite understand what... by LiveAidQueen on 09.11.2005
Whats your horoscope? - Taurus... I'll tear you up.... by LiveAidQueen on 08.11.2005
Please help me on this... - They aren't questions, they are just sentences tha... by LiveAidQueen on 08.11.2005
Please help me on this... - And I believe the answers must be GD related.... by LiveAidQueen on 08.11.2005
Please help me on this... - The new Green Day DVD, Bullet in a Bible, coming o... by LiveAidQueen on 08.11.2005
Please help me on this... - This is what I got so far: 1-hope 2 3 4 5-n... by LiveAidQueen on 08.11.2005
Don'tcha Feel sorry for people learning English. - It's odd, I never notice these things...... by LiveAidQueen on 07.11.2005
Give George Bush a brain... - I only got 3. :'(... by LiveAidQueen on 07.11.2005
Don'tcha Feel sorry for people learning English. - Why do we add the little "'" before...... by LiveAidQueen on 07.11.2005
Please help me on this... - *Sigh* I do too...... by LiveAidQueen on 07.11.2005
Please help me on this... - I just copied and pasted this straight from the we... by LiveAidQueen on 07.11.2005
Please help me on this... - If I answer these questions I can win something ve... by LiveAidQueen on 07.11.2005
Elton pic - :-D... by LiveAidQueen on 06.11.2005
Lisser's Little Angels - I would love to. :-D... by LiveAidQueen on 06.11.2005
Elton pic - Oh, if you want to upload a video from your comput... by LiveAidQueen on 06.11.2005
What do you look like? - ^I understand what it's all been about now.... by LiveAidQueen on 06.11.2005
Elton pic - He has the prettiest clothes, nice picture. :-)... by LiveAidQueen on 06.11.2005
Lisser's Little Angels - I'm going to kidnap them...I kid you not...... by LiveAidQueen on 06.11.2005
What do you look like? - :^)... by LiveAidQueen on 06.11.2005
The European Music Awards - That was quite funny. I think Billie Joe and Dave ... by LiveAidQueen on 06.11.2005
What do you look like? - My goodness, leave Pete's pants alone. What's the ... by LiveAidQueen on 06.11.2005
What do you look like? - Unlike alot of guys I know, you actually loo... by LiveAidQueen on 05.11.2005
The Sims 2:Nightlife - I have Nightlife and it's pretty fun, but you sure... by LiveAidQueen on 04.11.2005
The European Music Awards - You can download Green Day's performance (Holiday)... by LiveAidQueen on 04.11.2005
The European Music Awards - I watched it while it was live online, then they s... by LiveAidQueen on 04.11.2005
Anybody going to buy the Live8 DVD? - Green Day kicked everyone's ass!... by LiveAidQueen on 04.11.2005
Anybody going to buy the Live8 DVD? - I've already downloaded the performances I wanted ... by LiveAidQueen on 04.11.2005
What do you look like? - It's just a bit outdated. :-D... by LiveAidQueen on 04.11.2005
Happy Birthday, Jeroen - Happy B-Day...At least I remember my password...... by LiveAidQueen on 04.11.2005
The European Music Awards - Did anyone watch them? They were quite weird and i... by LiveAidQueen on 04.11.2005
Man sues Home Depot after being glued to toilet seat - That's quite odd...and I mean QUITE odd.... by LiveAidQueen on 04.11.2005
What do you look like? - And Pete, you look rather grand with that jacket o... by LiveAidQueen on 04.11.2005
What do you look like? - I'm in my profile.... by LiveAidQueen on 04.11.2005
Happy Birthday Barry! - Yay!... by LiveAidQueen on 01.11.2005
What's the worst music genre? - Emo, makes me want to hurt stuffed animals.... by LiveAidQueen on 30.10.2005
What's Your Favourite Colour? - ^What he said.... by LiveAidQueen on 29.10.2005
What's Your Favourite Colour? - ;-)... by LiveAidQueen on 29.10.2005
Thank you. - I received the first donation from you guys and al... by LiveAidQueen on 29.10.2005
Lisser - I really need to talk to you about something, plea... by LiveAidQueen on 29.10.2005
Anyone likes U2 here? - I like the stuff from 20 years ago, like War, now ... by LiveAidQueen on 26.10.2005
Let us help Kayla - Not yet, I will inform you when what you are sendi... by LiveAidQueen on 25.10.2005
Whats your house like? - Not too shabby, not too shabby at all.... by LiveAidQueen on 24.10.2005
Halloween - There's nowhere to really trick or treat here...... by LiveAidQueen on 24.10.2005
Whats your house like? - I am in a cramped trailer right now. Better than o... by LiveAidQueen on 24.10.2005
Let us help Kayla - I want to thank: the_hero, Sir GH, IanR, John Car... by LiveAidQueen on 23.10.2005
Musicians, show off your instruments. - I have a pile of shit that's not worth talking abo... by LiveAidQueen on 23.10.2005
Let us help Kayla - *Sigh* I love you guys.... by LiveAidQueen on 21.10.2005
Let us help Kayla - I love you guys, thank you.... by LiveAidQueen on 20.10.2005
I'm a #1, it's mostly true, what about you? (hehe hey that rhymes) - 6 - I actually think that does work...... by LiveAidQueen on 19.10.2005
best guitarist ever - Eddie Van Halen... by LiveAidQueen on 19.10.2005
Let us help Kayla - In all honesty, I've been helped by you all here m... by LiveAidQueen on 19.10.2005
Let us help Kayla - Robin, yes I believe I got it yesterday. Ask me if... by LiveAidQueen on 18.10.2005
whats your height and weight - 5'0 109 lbs... by LiveAidQueen on 16.10.2005
Famous Queenzone Fights - Jake, indeed.... by LiveAidQueen on 16.10.2005
Let us help Kayla - Thank you so much you guys, thank you. And yes,... by LiveAidQueen on 11.10.2005
Let us help Kayla - I don't want anyone to go all out, whatever you ca... by LiveAidQueen on 10.10.2005
MySpace - And I added you :-)... by LiveAidQueen on 08.10.2005
MySpace - Only about 2, *Sigh* I need new friends...:-)... by LiveAidQueen on 07.10.2005
MySpace - Who here has MySpace and would like to add me? ... by LiveAidQueen on 07.10.2005
Biilie Joe Armstrong Named His Son Jakob Danger! - I think it's a cute name.... by LiveAidQueen on 07.10.2005
Let us help Kayla - *Feels loved* Thank you.... by LiveAidQueen on 07.10.2005
Who Likes Linda of the Valley - I like her alot.... by LiveAidQueen on 05.10.2005
Let us help Kayla - You guys are amazing, I can't even tell you how mu... by LiveAidQueen on 05.10.2005
I think I'm alright... - Yes folks, I'm still here and am trying to look up... by LiveAidQueen on 04.10.2005
I think I'm alright... - Okay, I think I will share my "story". I... by LiveAidQueen on 03.10.2005
I think I'm alright... - Thank you all so much, when I get time, I will tel... by LiveAidQueen on 29.09.2005
I think I'm alright... - I have nothing left, but I am alright. It's way to... by LiveAidQueen on 28.09.2005
*Sigh* - I'm very depressed...... by LiveAidQueen on 04.08.2005
Graduation - I graduate in exactly a year from high school.... by LiveAidQueen on 20.05.2005
I thought this board wasn't moderated? - Jake needs to be shot.... by LiveAidQueen on 10.05.2005
Rolling Stones rock the world again 2005-2006!!!! - How pathetic.... by LiveAidQueen on 10.05.2005
Band Wars 3..... The Beatles vs. The Rolling Stones - The Stones suck, The Beatles.... by LiveAidQueen on 10.05.2005
Tanning Perhaps? - They look gross.... by LiveAidQueen on 07.05.2005
Where Are You All From? How Old Are You? - I am 17, normally from Oklahoma, got served in New... by LiveAidQueen on 07.05.2005
What city is the best producer of Rock Bands - LA and London... by LiveAidQueen on 07.05.2005
The solution - I agree.... by LiveAidQueen on 27.04.2005
Hello Everyone - Good Luck Sean...You won't need it.... by LiveAidQueen on 27.04.2005
GOOD NEWS!!! (Well..for me) - Whooooo Hooooooo!! I'm so happy for you Jess, now ... by LiveAidQueen on 27.04.2005
Van Halen VS Van Hagar - When they made the Greatest Hits I believe David L... by LiveAidQueen on 27.04.2005
Who's Your Most Loved Queen Zoner people - *Feels loved*... by LiveAidQueen on 26.04.2005
Van Halen VS Van Hagar - Okay...... by LiveAidQueen on 26.04.2005
A Few More Interesting Facts About Queen - :-D... by LiveAidQueen on 26.04.2005
Van Halen VS Van Hagar - Find a new hobby.... by LiveAidQueen on 26.04.2005
Who's Your Most Loved Queen Zoner people - *Hugs Janet* :-)... by LiveAidQueen on 25.04.2005
Who's Your Most Loved Queen Zoner people - *Hugs Janet*... by LiveAidQueen on 25.04.2005
Who's Your Most Loved Queen Zoner people - *Hugs Willy*... by LiveAidQueen on 25.04.2005
Who's Your Most Loved Queen Zoner people - Well I feel kinda loved.... by LiveAidQueen on 25.04.2005
Robert Plant - Off of Mississippi.... by LiveAidQueen on 24.04.2005
Robert Plant - I'm right on the coast and we have casinoes lined ... by LiveAidQueen on 24.04.2005
Robert Plant - He came here last month and the ticket's were over... by LiveAidQueen on 24.04.2005
Van Halen VS Van Hagar - Considering I saw "Van Hagar" I tend to ... by LiveAidQueen on 24.04.2005
You say it's your birthday... - Whooooo iGSM!!! Taurus folks are the best :-)... by LiveAidQueen on 23.04.2005
Happy Birthday To... - Thanks guys so much, I appreciate it!! :-D *Hugs E... by LiveAidQueen on 23.04.2005
oldest queen zone member, youngest queenzone member - 17... by LiveAidQueen on 22.04.2005
Happy Birthday To... - Thanks guys! Thank you so much!! :-D... by LiveAidQueen on 22.04.2005
Green Day.. - I have Jesus Of Suburbia and Holiday from Storytel... by LiveAidQueen on 22.04.2005
Green Day.. - I had two tickets for the Jacksonville show but sa... by LiveAidQueen on 22.04.2005
Happy Birthday To... - Me...Nobody remembered!... by LiveAidQueen on 22.04.2005
Oh no! Britney is having a baby! - She's still a slut, poor child.... by LiveAidQueen on 14.04.2005
New photos from Jake - That's disgusting.... by LiveAidQueen on 12.04.2005
guess what? - You guys are lame.... by LiveAidQueen on 08.04.2005
???????????? - Good job :-)... by LiveAidQueen on 08.04.2005
Hi, i'm a newcomer. - Good too see you.... by LiveAidQueen on 08.04.2005
Mötley Crue - If I die tomorrow - I think it's lame.... by LiveAidQueen on 08.04.2005
Brian May on Uncut Mag: The Who is a better band than Queen - I dislike the Who overall.... by LiveAidQueen on 07.04.2005
To all the older Queenzoners - What a beautiful person...... by LiveAidQueen on 07.04.2005
???????????? - ()D () ()^() ()D Can you understand what it say... by LiveAidQueen on 07.04.2005
I changed my nick again! - I thought the name changing was lame.... by LiveAidQueen on 07.04.2005
Today I got the greatest news ever... - That's great.... by LiveAidQueen on 07.04.2005
Let's share some little-known interesting facts about ourselves - It's about time! :-D... by LiveAidQueen on 05.04.2005
American Idol - I watch it when they are doing the try outs, besid... by LiveAidQueen on 05.04.2005
eternal question... do frogs fart??? - *Farts on Willy*... by LiveAidQueen on 05.04.2005
eternal question... do frogs fart??? - Answer B, but it depends on the situation, it coul... by LiveAidQueen on 05.04.2005
Let's share some little-known interesting facts about ourselves - That is quite fascinating.... by LiveAidQueen on 05.04.2005
Let's share some little-known interesting facts about ourselves - I'm 5 feet tall.... by LiveAidQueen on 05.04.2005
Anyone here collect anything? - I used to have thousands and thousands of pencils,... by LiveAidQueen on 05.04.2005
Being a victim of bullies - But that was 10 years ago... :-)... by LiveAidQueen on 05.04.2005
Being a victim of bullies - I was bullied once by this kid and I ended up beat... by LiveAidQueen on 05.04.2005
Swan Lake - *Cheers*... by LiveAidQueen on 05.04.2005
eternal question... do frogs fart??? - Everyone and thing farts.... by LiveAidQueen on 05.04.2005
I changed my nick again! - Uhmmm.....lame.... by LiveAidQueen on 05.04.2005
im a potato - I hate potatoes.... by LiveAidQueen on 05.04.2005
First Cousins Marry! - How disturbing...... by LiveAidQueen on 05.04.2005
Important info for Yankees travelin' South..;-) - New Yorker's are all full of crap.... by LiveAidQueen on 05.04.2005
Let's share some little-known interesting facts about ourselves - That's just odd :-)... by LiveAidQueen on 04.04.2005
Let's share some little-known interesting facts about ourselves - Both of my arms are double jointed, and I have pan... by LiveAidQueen on 04.04.2005
Important info for Yankees travelin' South..;-) - I'm from New York and I moved to Mississippi...Qui... by LiveAidQueen on 04.04.2005
QZ nicknames and their meanings... - Man, I loved that show!... by LiveAidQueen on 31.03.2005
Terri Died. - I just thought it was ridiculous they let her star... by LiveAidQueen on 31.03.2005
What are your favourite books? - Man, I can't even begin to name all my favorite bo... by LiveAidQueen on 31.03.2005
Terri Died. - Yeah, I just saw it on CNN. It sucks, but what can... by LiveAidQueen on 31.03.2005
Satan's Image on Turtle! - That's a load of crap!... by LiveAidQueen on 28.03.2005
Am I alone? - Well the school toilets scare me, so no...My goodn... by LiveAidQueen on 28.03.2005
Am I alone? - My goodness...... by LiveAidQueen on 28.03.2005
QZ nicknames and their meanings... - Uhmm...Live Aid blew me away and I like Queen...So... by LiveAidQueen on 28.03.2005
POST IN THE RIGHT FORUM OR RISK BEING DELETED - Richard could run for congress.... by LiveAidQueen on 26.03.2005
Just to be spontaneous - Yippie Ky Yay, and a way we Yay... by LiveAidQueen on 26.03.2005
Happy Easter Queenzoners! - Whoooo Hoooo!!! *Gives chocolate rabbits to everyo... by LiveAidQueen on 25.03.2005
Help with title/artist of this song - I have no idea who/what that is, sorry.... by LiveAidQueen on 25.03.2005
What albums on CD have you got? - I'm pretty bored, so I'll actually answer this: ... by LiveAidQueen on 21.03.2005
Hello from Amsterdam! - LOL... by LiveAidQueen on 21.03.2005
OMG! Poor Roger! - That's disgusting!... by LiveAidQueen on 20.03.2005
Who is your favorite guy from Queen? - Brian...... by LiveAidQueen on 20.03.2005
I am Queenzones new moderator - Yay, fatty, yay!... by LiveAidQueen on 20.03.2005
I am Queenzones new moderator - Oops...... by LiveAidQueen on 20.03.2005
Who's Your Most Loved Queen Zoner people - Whooooo! *Loves back* :-D... by LiveAidQueen on 19.03.2005
Who's Your Most Loved Queen Zoner people - Nobody loves me...... by LiveAidQueen on 18.03.2005
Gwen Stefani - I will watch it, she's really cool and I like her ... by LiveAidQueen on 16.03.2005
Favorite bands except Queen - I love Green Day, Van Halen, The Ramones, The Beat... by LiveAidQueen on 14.03.2005
22 Greatest Bands on MTV2 - Does anyone know the bands that were on that list?... by LiveAidQueen on 12.03.2005
My Cat - No, she was hardly a year old. I'm feeling better ... by LiveAidQueen on 12.03.2005
Roger Taylor is kind of moody. - He's kinda weird actually...... by LiveAidQueen on 11.03.2005
This world makes me SICK!!! >:( - That's terrible :(... by LiveAidQueen on 11.03.2005
My Cat - Yes, that's her. I don't even have that picture on... by LiveAidQueen on 11.03.2005
My Cat - Thank you guys so much, I appreciate your kind wor... by LiveAidQueen on 11.03.2005
Who's Your Most Loved Queen Zoner people - I forgot you Dan, I'm sorry :-)... by LiveAidQueen on 11.03.2005
Why did Queen Stop Touring United States - There's plenty of places they could play at here..... by LiveAidQueen on 11.03.2005
My Cat - I'm sure some of you remember my cat whom we saved... by LiveAidQueen on 11.03.2005
Who's Your Most Loved Queen Zoner people - Okay, I care about you all, except a few who are p... by LiveAidQueen on 09.03.2005
Who's Your Most Loved Queen Zoner people - Barb, Hans, Andrea, Pete, Amanda, Jess, Niek, Jaye... by LiveAidQueen on 08.03.2005
Difficult music quiz - 63, Aren't I a smarty...... by LiveAidQueen on 06.03.2005
The word "little"... - What?... by LiveAidQueen on 06.03.2005
the concerts you will attend this year - I've got two tickets to see Green Day (Well not ye... by LiveAidQueen on 06.03.2005
Sonic Vs Mario - Mario could kick Sonics ass any day! :-)... by LiveAidQueen on 06.03.2005
Ugliness knows no bounds! - You look just fine, Geez. :-)... by LiveAidQueen on 05.03.2005
Green Day playing We are The Champions - I believe on some on these current tour dates they... by LiveAidQueen on 05.03.2005
Hi i'm New - Hello!... by LiveAidQueen on 05.03.2005
No Subject - Silly Amanda :-)... by LiveAidQueen on 01.03.2005
Song lyric quiz - Geez Pete...... by LiveAidQueen on 26.02.2005
Happy Bday to a cool person!! - Ooooo, I like guessing games! Happy B-Day you secr... by LiveAidQueen on 26.02.2005
I am so angry! - Tell them to leave!... by LiveAidQueen on 23.02.2005
Driving????? - I shall be learning to drive soon, much to my reje... by LiveAidQueen on 21.02.2005
Do you have a crush on anybody? - I asked that one forever ago! :-P... by LiveAidQueen on 21.02.2005
PMA!! - You have no right to judge Jaye, you do not even k... by LiveAidQueen on 21.02.2005
Happy Birthday, Janet - Whooo Janet!! *Gives a cake* Happy Birthday!!!... by LiveAidQueen on 20.02.2005
how old is everyone on here?? - Yes! We must celebrate! I've been here 3 years in ... by LiveAidQueen on 18.02.2005
how old is everyone on here?? - *Gives cake* :-))... by LiveAidQueen on 16.02.2005
The Romanov Family Movie - They made a movie on the Romanov family and their ... by LiveAidQueen on 16.02.2005
Check out this band !!! - LOL... by LiveAidQueen on 15.02.2005
how old is everyone on here?? - And my birthday is April 22 too.... by LiveAidQueen on 15.02.2005
His marriage... - He looks so odd, like he has a rash on his face...... by LiveAidQueen on 15.02.2005
how old is everyone on here?? - Go Janet! :-D... by LiveAidQueen on 15.02.2005
hi - Oh Hello!... by LiveAidQueen on 15.02.2005
Congratulations Bryans Permed Poodle!! - *Cheers*... by LiveAidQueen on 13.02.2005
Caption time! - He looks quite odd there!... by LiveAidQueen on 13.02.2005
queen vs u2 - U2...*Get's the chills* I can only handle like 4 s... by LiveAidQueen on 13.02.2005
new bands of 2005 - LOL... by LiveAidQueen on 13.02.2005
new bands of 2005 - I don't think I've ever heard of them...... by LiveAidQueen on 13.02.2005
Does any1 here like the game Sims2? - I've had it for a few months. It's pretty fun to p... by LiveAidQueen on 13.02.2005
Can we all just get along? - LOL... by LiveAidQueen on 12.02.2005
Could "Made In Heaven" have been better? - Well they didn't do anything to make it better so ... by LiveAidQueen on 12.02.2005
Freddie Tribute Concert - I thought Spinal Tap did alright, they sounded fun... by LiveAidQueen on 12.02.2005
Where did this Queen video come from? - *Is still scared*... by LiveAidQueen on 12.02.2005
Queen's Life Stories - *Tickles*... by LiveAidQueen on 12.02.2005
The Grammys - Yeah, I'm really looking foward to seeing Franz pe... by LiveAidQueen on 12.02.2005
Where did this Queen video come from? - That's a little scary!... by LiveAidQueen on 11.02.2005
Happy Birthday, FriedChicken - Happy B-Day sweety pie! :-) *Gives a big cake*... by LiveAidQueen on 11.02.2005
The Grammys - Whose going to be watching them this Sunday night?... by LiveAidQueen on 10.02.2005
nikki sixx - He's not that attractive......... by LiveAidQueen on 03.02.2005
My First Car! - Sure thing! :-)... by LiveAidQueen on 03.02.2005
My First Car! - Thanks guys! I got to start the car up and I was s... by LiveAidQueen on 03.02.2005
Do you tell lies? - Noooo...*Lies*... by LiveAidQueen on 02.02.2005
Goosebumps books - I remember one summer I went completely nuts over ... by LiveAidQueen on 02.02.2005
This is from Lori about Elijah - God, I can't believe this, I am so so sorry, I hop... by LiveAidQueen on 01.02.2005
My First Car! - Thanks guys! Well I actually haven't taken the tes... by LiveAidQueen on 01.02.2005
Foul Mouth - Well aren't you sweet?... by LiveAidQueen on 01.02.2005
My First Car! - Well my parents got me a 92 Chevy Cavalier. It's n... by LiveAidQueen on 01.02.2005
Foul Mouth - Why thank you jeroen, I appreciate that :-)... by LiveAidQueen on 31.01.2005
I need a good response to a stupid, nosy question... - During the summer, I never wear a bra!... by LiveAidQueen on 31.01.2005
American Idiot - :-)) I love Franz too, he's got a great new song. ... by LiveAidQueen on 31.01.2005
American Idiot - Well I just got back from the mall and I bought it... by LiveAidQueen on 31.01.2005
Foul Mouth - :-))... by LiveAidQueen on 30.01.2005
arrgh! - My goodness BMW :-)... by LiveAidQueen on 30.01.2005
Foul Mouth - Oh well excuse me! :-)... by LiveAidQueen on 30.01.2005
American Idiot - No, I haven't bought it yet, but I am in a few day... by LiveAidQueen on 30.01.2005
American Idiot - Ohhh that's terrible sounding! They didn't edit th... by LiveAidQueen on 30.01.2005
American Idiot - I knew you'd reply, thank you :-) I don't want ... by LiveAidQueen on 30.01.2005
Freddie is going to cry from heaven.... - I'm staying out of it. Let's just leave it alone..... by LiveAidQueen on 30.01.2005
Foul Mouth - Do you guys really have nothing better else to do.... by LiveAidQueen on 30.01.2005
Who thinks modern remakes of old songs are crap - Some of them are alright, but overall they are a w... by LiveAidQueen on 30.01.2005
American Idiot - Hello, if anyone here has the album, I was wonderi... by LiveAidQueen on 30.01.2005
Happy Birthday, S@turn - Well where is he? :-)... by LiveAidQueen on 27.01.2005
Another side to Billie Joe Armstrong - The leader from Green Day really posed for that pi... by LiveAidQueen on 26.01.2005
Another side to Billie Joe Armstrong - It kind of shocked me anyways...... by LiveAidQueen on 26.01.2005
How important are you? - I'm not very important.... by LiveAidQueen on 26.01.2005
Happy Birthday, S@turn - *Gives a cake with 20 candles on it*... by LiveAidQueen on 26.01.2005
Happy Birthday, S@turn - Happy Birthday Hansy!!... by LiveAidQueen on 26.01.2005
Does any1 like the movie Dogeball? - I actually watched it last night and I thought it ... by LiveAidQueen on 26.01.2005
best bass player ever! oh and drums - My favorite drummer is Lars Ulrich. I think he's g... by LiveAidQueen on 25.01.2005
Are you trendy? - Well I'm absolutly not trendy at all! I consider c... by LiveAidQueen on 25.01.2005
High School Term Papers - Ohh, I would love to watch that. I've seen several... by LiveAidQueen on 25.01.2005
High School Term Papers - Tee hee. I have to go to the library after school ... by LiveAidQueen on 24.01.2005
High School Term Papers - Well we have been doing it for about 3 weeks now. ... by LiveAidQueen on 21.01.2005
High School Term Papers - Do you fellow high schoolers have to write term pa... by LiveAidQueen on 20.01.2005
I saw a Queen shirt on 'Hot Topic' - I've gotten a Pink Floyd, Beatle, Ramones, and a V... by LiveAidQueen on 12.01.2005
YourValentine - That's true...That one package you sent me didn't ... by LiveAidQueen on 12.01.2005
YourValentine - Ahh man, I was hoping you got it! Maybe it got los... by LiveAidQueen on 10.01.2005
YourValentine - Sorry if this is a stupid topic, but Barb, did you... by LiveAidQueen on 10.01.2005
on fire?on ice - The guitar solo was great.... by LiveAidQueen on 06.01.2005
who do you think is sexy - Somebody in one of my classes. Shhhhh...... by LiveAidQueen on 06.01.2005
Ashlee Simpson gets booed at Orange Bowl - I saw that, it was great. She should take a hint..... by LiveAidQueen on 06.01.2005
Ohhh well.... - I'm talking to all of you :-) I got Queen on Fire... by LiveAidQueen on 04.01.2005
Ohhh well.... - I didn't feel like making a new thread, but I felt... by LiveAidQueen on 03.01.2005
Ohhh well.... - And thanks Alex.... by LiveAidQueen on 15.12.2004
Ohhh well.... - Thank you guys so much and I hope you all have a t... by LiveAidQueen on 15.12.2004
Ohhh well.... - I won't be online for several months for I do not ... by LiveAidQueen on 14.12.2004
Live Aid 2....your thoughts about this possible event - I think it would be terrible.... by LiveAidQueen on 07.12.2004
Has anyone ever had a crush on a cartoon character? - Batman.... by LiveAidQueen on 07.12.2004
Does anyone know...... - Ebay?... by LiveAidQueen on 06.12.2004
Rogers Twitch - I don't really care to look at him long enough.... by LiveAidQueen on 06.12.2004
Do you listen to Queen every day??? - No, I'm not kidding.... by LiveAidQueen on 06.12.2004
Do you listen to Queen every day??? - Oooookay.... by LiveAidQueen on 06.12.2004
I'm New - Hello.... by LiveAidQueen on 06.12.2004
Most wanted item in your Queen collection - Queen II... by LiveAidQueen on 06.12.2004
Flash Gordon - success or flop ? - Lame!... by LiveAidQueen on 06.12.2004
Baby Elijah - another update - He is adorable, he deserves a cake. *Gives litt... by LiveAidQueen on 06.12.2004
Interesting Fact - I heard Tie Your Mother Down is the 69th song, but... by LiveAidQueen on 05.12.2004
Baby Elijah - another update - I was hoping he'd be alright, I'm so glad he is. T... by LiveAidQueen on 05.12.2004
Amazing live recording of Bring back my leroy brown (great sound) - I hate that song.... by LiveAidQueen on 05.12.2004
Flash Gordon - success or flop ? - It's kinda weird...Flop in my books. Though things... by LiveAidQueen on 05.12.2004
What do you think of White Man ? - I think it's great.... by LiveAidQueen on 05.12.2004
calling all computer nerds/geeks - I'm a nerd, but I don't know what to tell you.... by LiveAidQueen on 05.12.2004
Wish me luck... - *Gives a lucky cake*... by LiveAidQueen on 05.12.2004
HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA! - What is that...... by LiveAidQueen on 05.12.2004
Look at this ebay auction - That's ridiculous!... by LiveAidQueen on 04.12.2004
Rogers voice - He reminds me of Rod Stewert.... by LiveAidQueen on 04.12.2004
Best Queen song with verses in a foreign languaje... - Las Palabras... by LiveAidQueen on 04.12.2004
Do you listen to Queen every day??? - I haven't actually listened to them for about 5-6 ... by LiveAidQueen on 04.12.2004
poo poo and poo - Why do so many people talk about body functions...... by LiveAidQueen on 04.12.2004
Everybody Loves Raymond. - I love the parents in that show, they are always b... by LiveAidQueen on 03.12.2004
Randomness! Add to the randomness! - Janet is still a hamster.... by LiveAidQueen on 02.12.2004
Everybody say... Awwwwwwwww - I don't think it's that cute...... by LiveAidQueen on 02.12.2004
i am not sorry... - *Break dances*... by LiveAidQueen on 02.12.2004
how old is roger - We have a Q and A for crying out loud.... by LiveAidQueen on 01.12.2004
AC - I love...camels.... by LiveAidQueen on 01.12.2004
sorry - Blondes do not have more fun.... by LiveAidQueen on 01.12.2004
how much do you like roger? - I do not like him.... by LiveAidQueen on 30.11.2004
George Michael's Patience : the album of the year? - LOL Bob loves watching him shaking it. :-)... by LiveAidQueen on 30.11.2004
Have you Ever been to a bad gig? - I agree. She's too much for me.... by LiveAidQueen on 30.11.2004
The Loudest rockers? - Van Halen!!!... by LiveAidQueen on 30.11.2004
do you like roger? - He reminds me too much of Rod Stewert, and I do no... by LiveAidQueen on 30.11.2004
I love you all dear Queen fans....(analysis my dears, a must read ;) - *Eats cake*... by LiveAidQueen on 30.11.2004
George Michael. - He's terrific in every way...Well not every way, b... by LiveAidQueen on 30.11.2004
in about 4 hours I'm gonna meet Brian - *Makes 30 cakes to give to Josue* Awesome.... by LiveAidQueen on 30.11.2004
how DARE they - LOL... by LiveAidQueen on 30.11.2004
Have you Ever been to a bad gig? - I've seen alot of negative remarks about Fleetwood... by LiveAidQueen on 30.11.2004
I am back - *Gives a cake*... by LiveAidQueen on 30.11.2004
Important Survey Questions - N/A... by LiveAidQueen on 30.11.2004
George Michael's Patience : the album of the year? - George Michael has a heavenly voice.... by LiveAidQueen on 30.11.2004
sorry - I like your questions better than some other peopl... by LiveAidQueen on 30.11.2004
in about 4 hours I'm gonna meet Brian - Good luck with that! Or if you've already been...Y... by LiveAidQueen on 30.11.2004
where are the real Queen fans? - Hmmm....... by LiveAidQueen on 30.11.2004
do you like roger? - No.... by LiveAidQueen on 30.11.2004
Breaking Deacon news! - I like Zak Starkey.... by LiveAidQueen on 30.11.2004
Have you Ever been to a bad gig? - I quite like the Strokes.... by LiveAidQueen on 30.11.2004
Randomness! Add to the randomness! - And Janet is still a hamster.... by LiveAidQueen on 30.11.2004
Randomness! Add to the randomness! - I am in 7th period right now...... by LiveAidQueen on 30.11.2004
Christmas preparations - Well, I will probably be at my grandparents. They ... by LiveAidQueen on 30.11.2004
I love you all dear Queen fans....(analysis my dears, a must read ;) - Thank you. :-)... by LiveAidQueen on 30.11.2004
It was one year ago today... - You have no idea what PMS feels like! *Cries*... by LiveAidQueen on 29.11.2004
JOHN DEACON - Ohhh Geeks, lol... by LiveAidQueen on 29.11.2004
I love you all dear Queen fans....(analysis my dears, a must read ;) - *Barfs*... by LiveAidQueen on 29.11.2004
where are the real Queen fans? - Which is ridiculous. I mean, it's okay to meet ... by LiveAidQueen on 29.11.2004
where are the real Queen fans? - That doesn't prove anything, except that you have ... by LiveAidQueen on 29.11.2004
Where is John Deacon???? - *Throws rocks*... by LiveAidQueen on 29.11.2004
Worst tour? - I do not like the Magic or Works tour at all.... by LiveAidQueen on 29.11.2004
glam queen or eighties queen?? - I like Queen up until about 1985, after that I jus... by LiveAidQueen on 29.11.2004
George Michael's Patience : the album of the year? - Geez Bob!!... by LiveAidQueen on 29.11.2004
BackChat (demo) and Hot Space - I didn't really like it, I thought Las Palabras De... by LiveAidQueen on 29.11.2004
where are the real Queen fans? - I prefer the Beatles over Queen, but I am still a ... by LiveAidQueen on 29.11.2004
Freddies voice.. - I thought it was a little too high pitched, but it... by LiveAidQueen on 29.11.2004
Have you Ever been to a bad gig? - I saw Fleetwood Mac in 2002 and they were terrible... by LiveAidQueen on 29.11.2004
guess who's back guys! - Yay?... by LiveAidQueen on 29.11.2004
What is 70s glam/disco 54 dress code? - A neon mohawk!... by LiveAidQueen on 29.11.2004
What is 70s glam/disco 54 dress code? - Okay, I don't know...... by LiveAidQueen on 29.11.2004
Scientific question - :-)... by LiveAidQueen on 29.11.2004
Randomness! Add to the randomness! - Janet is a hamster.... by LiveAidQueen on 29.11.2004
25 Years on and................. - That's the dumbest thing I've ever heard.... by LiveAidQueen on 29.11.2004
I can't believe it's 2004 and I'm finding this on the news - Ohh, that's terrible.... by LiveAidQueen on 29.11.2004
LMAO - I don't understand.... by LiveAidQueen on 29.11.2004
George Michael's Patience : the album of the year? - He has a beautiful voice, I absolutly love him. It... by LiveAidQueen on 29.11.2004
My new guitar purchase - I love guitars, everything about them.... by LiveAidQueen on 29.11.2004
Man Made Paradise - It's my favorite song of his.... by LiveAidQueen on 27.11.2004
Scientific question - Who the crap are you talking to?... by LiveAidQueen on 27.11.2004
Randomness! Add to the randomness! - LOL... by LiveAidQueen on 27.11.2004
Happy Birthday YourValentine - *Gives AC a chocolate cake* Geez, you ate all o... by LiveAidQueen on 27.11.2004
Leftover Thanksgiving Turkey - I feed the leftovers to the cats.... by LiveAidQueen on 27.11.2004
Happy Birthday YourValentine - Whooo!!!... by LiveAidQueen on 27.11.2004
Great truths! - The success one is great. :-)... by LiveAidQueen on 27.11.2004
Happy Birthday YourValentine - Geez Janet! *Throws pies*... by LiveAidQueen on 27.11.2004
Randomness! Add to the randomness! - I WIN, I WIN, I WIN!!! Okay, I love Pla... by LiveAidQueen on 27.11.2004
It was one year ago today... - Where have I heard that before? *Wonders*... by LiveAidQueen on 27.11.2004
Greendays new album- where do we stand on nu metal? - They all play too damn fast for me...It will never... by LiveAidQueen on 27.11.2004
It was one year ago today... - I just ate at McDonalds.... by LiveAidQueen on 26.11.2004
If you could choose 2 seasons... - Hmm, fall is beautiful here, summer is horrible!... by LiveAidQueen on 26.11.2004
Im sick and tired of listening and watching crap - I hate nearly everything that comes out today, the... by LiveAidQueen on 26.11.2004
Heart with Queen? - Ohhh dear, well thanks guys :-)... by LiveAidQueen on 26.11.2004
Great truths! - It's like she knows everything about life. :-)... by LiveAidQueen on 26.11.2004
who is the best songwriter? - Brian is the best writer.... by LiveAidQueen on 25.11.2004
most depressing song - the_hero, if that many songs depress you, maybe yo... by LiveAidQueen on 25.11.2004
So proud to be a Queen fan after watching Live Aid - Whooo Hooo.... by LiveAidQueen on 25.11.2004
The best thing in the world...? - I win, I win, I WIN!!! Ooops....... by LiveAidQueen on 25.11.2004
For The Younger Posters - *Cries*... by LiveAidQueen on 25.11.2004
most depressing song - Made In Heaven is pretty depressing...... by LiveAidQueen on 24.11.2004
Heart with Queen? - I love them, they are great. Thanks Niek :-)... by LiveAidQueen on 24.11.2004
L.A.M.B. - I thought she did awesome at the awards. I'm think... by LiveAidQueen on 24.11.2004
who is better Daffy Duck or Bugs Bunny - Daffy Duck. He's alot more funny.... by LiveAidQueen on 24.11.2004
Heart with Queen? - Is it on a link of their concerts?... by LiveAidQueen on 24.11.2004
Heart with Queen? - Is that all?... by LiveAidQueen on 24.11.2004
Heart with Queen? - I'm listening to an interview now with Nancy Wilso... by LiveAidQueen on 24.11.2004
I have a confession.. I am in LOVE with PaulPenney. - Alright then Mike, I hope you take care and come b... by LiveAidQueen on 24.11.2004
Happy Birthday YourValentine - *Gives cake* :-D I hope you enjoy yourself Barb!!... by LiveAidQueen on 24.11.2004
Hello all! - Hello.... by LiveAidQueen on 24.11.2004
Paul McCartney playing Superbowl halftime - :-D... by LiveAidQueen on 24.11.2004
Thanksgiving - Well I have to go to my grandparents early tomorro... by LiveAidQueen on 24.11.2004
Where Do You Come From? - Biloxi, Mississippi.... by LiveAidQueen on 23.11.2004
Post Counts - Where did they go Sir GH?... by LiveAidQueen on 23.11.2004
Thanksgiving - Hello guys, what are you all doing for Thanksgivin... by LiveAidQueen on 23.11.2004
Randomness! Add to the randomness! - What is this topic about?... by LiveAidQueen on 23.11.2004
Paul McCartney playing Superbowl halftime - It's about time they get real entertainment.... by LiveAidQueen on 23.11.2004
JFK Reloaded... What Do You Americans Think Of It? - I think it's stupid.... by LiveAidQueen on 23.11.2004
Fatty, I demand an explanation here! - Wait, does anybody think that Jake looks like Taco... by LiveAidQueen on 18.11.2004
The Virgin Mary Cheese Sandwich On Ebay - LOL, I saw that on the news. How ridiculous.... by LiveAidQueen on 18.11.2004
who's a cancer over here? - lol... by LiveAidQueen on 18.11.2004
play the game of... - Mother Mercury.... by LiveAidQueen on 18.11.2004
Freddie-B, back on your screens - Lance Bass! Noway! :-)... by LiveAidQueen on 17.11.2004
Youngest Queen Fan - Whooooo Hoooooo! You totally deserve a cake.... by LiveAidQueen on 17.11.2004
HeM , K_Q and others - Well that's good.... by LiveAidQueen on 17.11.2004
Live Aid USA - They didn't have as much people as Wembley did the... by LiveAidQueen on 17.11.2004
Coupling - I'm glad the American one failed. It was terrible.... by LiveAidQueen on 17.11.2004
Sad but true. - See ya.... by LiveAidQueen on 17.11.2004
Freddie-B, back on your screens - And you shirt is great.... by LiveAidQueen on 17.11.2004
Freddie-B, back on your screens - You still look great, it's nice to have your back.... by LiveAidQueen on 17.11.2004
Brian's curse - Well see EVH ridded of the cancer, so he broke the... by LiveAidQueen on 16.11.2004
Worse songs live - Some versions of WWRY/WATC are terrible.... by LiveAidQueen on 16.11.2004
BRIAN MAY - THE BEST GUITARIST EVER?! - He's not the best, but one of the best.... by LiveAidQueen on 16.11.2004
who's a cancer over here? - Pisces are silly.... by LiveAidQueen on 16.11.2004
play the game of... - Boo boo.... by LiveAidQueen on 16.11.2004
who's a cancer over here? - Taurus.... by LiveAidQueen on 16.11.2004
play the game of... - Sheer Heart Attack.... by LiveAidQueen on 16.11.2004
This just may be the biggest ego trip ever - Do you guys really like my cakes?... by LiveAidQueen on 16.11.2004
the worst thing of the world - Substitutes.... by LiveAidQueen on 16.11.2004
Fatty, I demand an explanation here! - Go Amanda!... by LiveAidQueen on 16.11.2004
My beautiful new piano... - Love it!... by LiveAidQueen on 16.11.2004
Fatty, I demand an explanation here! - What just happened?... by LiveAidQueen on 16.11.2004
HeM , K_Q and others - Lame.... by LiveAidQueen on 16.11.2004
Post Counts - I like to look at my post number, but it wouldn't ... by LiveAidQueen on 16.11.2004
Ah, I love this site during the holidays... - Thanks Janet, mine was so pretty :-)... by LiveAidQueen on 14.11.2004
Hello Queenzoners :P - I'm glad you finally joined! Nice to see you again... by LiveAidQueen on 14.11.2004
A New Picture - Well thank you guys alot. :-)... by LiveAidQueen on 14.11.2004
Live Aid Night on VH1 (UK) - :-D... by LiveAidQueen on 13.11.2004
hi - Let's hope not.... by LiveAidQueen on 13.11.2004
Everybody's changing - I am so in love with Keane, I bought Hopes and Fea... by LiveAidQueen on 13.11.2004
A New Picture - Thank you so much!!... by LiveAidQueen on 13.11.2004
hi - Hello!... by LiveAidQueen on 13.11.2004
A New Picture - And thank you guys. :-)... by LiveAidQueen on 13.11.2004
A New Picture - There was a really strange looking kid walking by ... by LiveAidQueen on 13.11.2004
the worst thing of the world - The music of today.... by LiveAidQueen on 13.11.2004
Hello - :-)... by LiveAidQueen on 13.11.2004
A New Picture - :-P... by LiveAidQueen on 11.11.2004
A New Picture - That's a load of... :-)... by LiveAidQueen on 11.11.2004
A New Picture - Yes, that's me again, I got bored and took a new p... by LiveAidQueen on 11.11.2004
coming to Panama City - I live near Panama City.... by LiveAidQueen on 11.11.2004
This time Arafat is really gone. - Castro...LOL... by LiveAidQueen on 11.11.2004
Hello - It's so nice to see you again, please don't run of... by LiveAidQueen on 11.11.2004
KEVPAR new profile pic: comments please - Why are you hiding!... by LiveAidQueen on 10.11.2004
AC - And you too AC.... by LiveAidQueen on 10.11.2004
Live Aid Dvd. How will sound and picture be like? - *Claps*... by LiveAidQueen on 09.11.2004
Can you guys leave Freddie rest in peace??? - It is slightly disturbing.... by LiveAidQueen on 09.11.2004
Question about Van Halen for Kayla... or any other Van Halen freak - Well is that where EVH got that name from?... by LiveAidQueen on 09.11.2004
Live Aid Artist Drawings On Sale - I quite like all of them.... by LiveAidQueen on 08.11.2004
AC - Great as huggers too.... by LiveAidQueen on 08.11.2004
the latest wardrobe malfunction - I saw that yesterday.... by LiveAidQueen on 08.11.2004
Question about Van Halen for Kayla... or any other Van Halen freak - And 5150 is also the name of a song of their's. Th... by LiveAidQueen on 08.11.2004
Question about Van Halen for Kayla... or any other Van Halen freak - 5150 is the name of Eddie's studio in his home. I ... by LiveAidQueen on 08.11.2004
AC - Goodnight, I love the camels and will take care of... by LiveAidQueen on 08.11.2004
AC - *Accepts the camel and dresses it with pretty clot... by LiveAidQueen on 08.11.2004
AC - Camels do smell and do spit sometimes, but they ar... by LiveAidQueen on 08.11.2004
AC - *Eats the pizza and takes a piece of the cake*... by LiveAidQueen on 08.11.2004
AC - *Gives a cake*... by LiveAidQueen on 08.11.2004
AC - *Hugs*... by LiveAidQueen on 08.11.2004
What movies are you looking forward to? - Saw is going to be horrifically great. I can't wai... by LiveAidQueen on 08.11.2004
Live Aid Artist Drawings On Sale - I am interested! They look great.... by LiveAidQueen on 08.11.2004
brian may - I like BMW, but he trashes the Beatles too much :-... by LiveAidQueen on 08.11.2004
Top 5 non-Queen artists - Oh I love Heart too. Great rocker chicks.... by LiveAidQueen on 08.11.2004
Top 5 non-Queen artists - 1- Van Halen 2- The Beatles 3- George Michael 4... by LiveAidQueen on 08.11.2004
Americans. - She must be stupid. I mean, really stupid...... by LiveAidQueen on 08.11.2004
I'm bored and my AC is out - lol... by LiveAidQueen on 08.11.2004
KEVPAR new profile pic: comments please - You are beautiful.... by LiveAidQueen on 08.11.2004
Early Queen vs Late Queen - I prefer early Queen.... by LiveAidQueen on 07.11.2004
Shortened Titles. - I don't always feel like typing the whole thing ou... by LiveAidQueen on 07.11.2004
Mr. Roboto-Styx - They just came here in concert a couple of weeks a... by LiveAidQueen on 07.11.2004
who is more cool ? - Jessica.... by LiveAidQueen on 07.11.2004
To the citizens of the USA - Too much to read.... by LiveAidQueen on 07.11.2004
Who's the most famous person you've ever met? - OMG!!!... by LiveAidQueen on 07.11.2004
What QZers do know each other personally? - I've met nobody.... by LiveAidQueen on 07.11.2004
What movies are you looking forward to? - Saw.... by LiveAidQueen on 07.11.2004
I'm Already Tired of You ALL! - Lame.... by LiveAidQueen on 06.11.2004
LIVE AID - I've been waiting a long time for this...I will pr... by LiveAidQueen on 06.11.2004
Happy Birthday Bob! - *Hands out cake*... by LiveAidQueen on 06.11.2004
LIVE AID - Whoooooo Hoooooo!!!... by LiveAidQueen on 06.11.2004
Who's the most famous person you've ever met? - Ohhhh Davy!!... by LiveAidQueen on 06.11.2004
Americans. - We have bonfires to show "school spirit"... by LiveAidQueen on 06.11.2004
YOGURT!!!!!!!!! - I wouldn't really mind at all.... by LiveAidQueen on 06.11.2004
Freddie Murcary, HIV/AIDS - Ohh dear, Now thinking you can't hardly get it... by LiveAidQueen on 06.11.2004
YOGURT!!!!!!!!! - And?... by LiveAidQueen on 05.11.2004
Elton getting married? - I meant if he is gay, why is he getting married to... by LiveAidQueen on 05.11.2004
Half of America apologizes to rest of world. - Lame!... by LiveAidQueen on 05.11.2004
The "Love The^Person above you threath" - You silly person you. :-)... by LiveAidQueen on 04.11.2004
Arafat at death's door - Is he dead or not?... by LiveAidQueen on 04.11.2004
WAKE UP PEOPLE!!! - *Sighs*... by LiveAidQueen on 04.11.2004
Freddie Murcary, HIV/AIDS - Well I'm learning about HIV/AIDS in Health this se... by LiveAidQueen on 04.11.2004
The "Love The^Person above you threath" - That's a true compliment. *Rubs on Mr Mercury*... by LiveAidQueen on 04.11.2004
Elton getting married? - You should be asking why exactly is he getting... by LiveAidQueen on 04.11.2004
The "Love The^Person above you threath" - *Loves back* :-) Have some cake.... by LiveAidQueen on 04.11.2004
Funny Things that a scale would say.... - 110 lbs.... by LiveAidQueen on 03.11.2004
George W. Bush UNCENSORED - That's hilarious!... by LiveAidQueen on 03.11.2004
The "Love The^Person above you threath" - Hey! He wasn't above you! I was! :-P... by LiveAidQueen on 03.11.2004
The "Love The^Person above you threath" - I would love to rub on KillerQUEEN.... by LiveAidQueen on 03.11.2004
Give Bush A Makeover - Cool :-)... by LiveAidQueen on 03.11.2004
Why is John Deacon so bitter? - He's not bitter, he has a life.... by LiveAidQueen on 03.11.2004
hiya newbie here! - Welcome.... by LiveAidQueen on 03.11.2004
Did Freddie have a nose job? - What an odd question.... by LiveAidQueen on 03.11.2004
JFK Blown away - Bush makes me sick.... by LiveAidQueen on 03.11.2004
Vote! Vote! Vote! - Everyone had the "Vote or Die" shirts on... by LiveAidQueen on 02.11.2004
Thank you Mayboy - :-)... by LiveAidQueen on 02.11.2004
Thank you Mayboy - <---LiveAidQueen by the way :-)... by LiveAidQueen on 02.11.2004
The "Love The^Person above you threath" - Yogurt taste good, and HeM is sexy.... by LiveAidQueen on 02.11.2004
John Deacon's singing voice... - I don't even care if he did or not.... by LiveAidQueen on 02.11.2004
I spoke to Greg Brooks earlier this morning... - Well what a great thing to start a topic over...... by LiveAidQueen on 02.11.2004
Thank you Mayboy - Well hello Lisser :-) Your son is adorable.... by LiveAidQueen on 02.11.2004
The "Love The^Person above you threath" - Music Man is sexy.... by LiveAidQueen on 01.11.2004
I MET JOHN MCCAIN!!! - *Yawn*... by LiveAidQueen on 01.11.2004
Queen or The Beatles? Which is the greatest band ever? - The Beatles... by LiveAidQueen on 31.10.2004
Queenzone home page - *Hugs HeM* Whooo! Live Aid!... by LiveAidQueen on 30.10.2004
who's drunk? - Everyone I know that does get drunk are stupid peo... by LiveAidQueen on 29.10.2004
i like/don´t like ... because - Ohhh sure :)... by LiveAidQueen on 29.10.2004
how many pics or items of queen do you have? - Wow, he sure is.... by LiveAidQueen on 29.10.2004
i like/don´t like ... because - HeM, $25 :)... by LiveAidQueen on 29.10.2004
Some cool contacts - Go Mayboy :)... by LiveAidQueen on 29.10.2004
Some cool contacts - Long hair is nice on guys.... by LiveAidQueen on 29.10.2004
i like/don´t like ... because - I like giving cake. *Gives cake*... by LiveAidQueen on 29.10.2004
how many pics or items of queen do you have? - I have millions of items. MILLIONS.... by LiveAidQueen on 29.10.2004
Some cool contacts - Those are awesome looking.... by LiveAidQueen on 29.10.2004
Re- the Jake Britt thread. - lol... by LiveAidQueen on 29.10.2004
who's drunk? - I'm not drunk.... by LiveAidQueen on 29.10.2004
Queenzone home page - Something Live Aid Richard, for me.... by LiveAidQueen on 28.10.2004
I finally got a new picture... - Ohhh poo on you :)... by LiveAidQueen on 28.10.2004
I finally got a new picture... - Thanks Niek :-)... by LiveAidQueen on 28.10.2004
I finally got a new picture... - Noway!... by LiveAidQueen on 28.10.2004
Would Freddie have been fit enough to tour in 1989 ? - I don't think he would have been.... by LiveAidQueen on 28.10.2004
EVERYONE! JOIN THIS AWESOME FORUM! - Trolls are ugly.... by LiveAidQueen on 28.10.2004
Ashlee Simpson had better explain... - Hey!... by LiveAidQueen on 28.10.2004
John McCain!! :) - I thought it was Kerry...... by LiveAidQueen on 28.10.2004
Just say no to drugs - I think I would too.... by LiveAidQueen on 28.10.2004
I finally got a new picture... - I can't look like him, lol... by LiveAidQueen on 28.10.2004
As I look out my window... - I forgot all about it...Damn!... by LiveAidQueen on 28.10.2004
Hi Everybody! - Hey!... by LiveAidQueen on 28.10.2004
Ashlee Simpson had better explain... - She disgusts me.... by LiveAidQueen on 28.10.2004
I finally got a new picture... - Yes, she sure is huge! Thanks And gracias Mex ;... by LiveAidQueen on 27.10.2004
school - Great.... by LiveAidQueen on 27.10.2004
i like/don´t like ... because - I like Van Halen, I don't like liars.... by LiveAidQueen on 27.10.2004
I finally got a new picture... - :-)... by LiveAidQueen on 27.10.2004
I finally got a new picture... - Wow, thanks :-) I had just finished washing my hai... by LiveAidQueen on 27.10.2004
I finally got a new picture... - I finally got my little camera to load my pics, if... by LiveAidQueen on 27.10.2004
school - I hate school grades...... by LiveAidQueen on 27.10.2004
School Classes - I had to take Spanish 1, 2, and 3. It was pretty t... by LiveAidQueen on 27.10.2004
does anybody have profile pictures of themselves ??? - I wish that was me...*Looks in profile*... by LiveAidQueen on 26.10.2004
Moving usernames... - I hate them.... by LiveAidQueen on 26.10.2004
John McCain!! :) - Not everyone...... by LiveAidQueen on 26.10.2004
Pepsi or Coca-Cola? - Vanilla Coke is the best, but overall I love Pepsi... by LiveAidQueen on 26.10.2004
Queenzone home page - I think it's rather grand...... by LiveAidQueen on 26.10.2004
Red Sox World Seiries!!!!! - I hope they win.... by LiveAidQueen on 26.10.2004
100 Greatest Lyricists of the rock n roll era! - Those list are silly...... by LiveAidQueen on 26.10.2004
why Mercury?? - I have no idea.... by LiveAidQueen on 26.10.2004
Trampoline Trickz - Jump... by LiveAidQueen on 26.10.2004
OMG!!! LOOK WHAT JUST HAPPENED!! - *Hugs Mayboy*... by LiveAidQueen on 26.10.2004
John McCain!! :) - Uhhh Duhhhh....... by LiveAidQueen on 26.10.2004
Introduction - It is, if you go in a certain time. It depends wh... by LiveAidQueen on 26.10.2004
YOU GUYS GOTTA SEE THIS!! - The Stokes, Whooo!! I truly do hope this is the... by LiveAidQueen on 26.10.2004
chat up lines - How cheesy!... by LiveAidQueen on 25.10.2004
Time II - It's 9:45 pm here...... by LiveAidQueen on 24.10.2004
CALLING ALL TEENAGE QUEEN FANS - And Janet you totally do not look a day over 30, I... by LiveAidQueen on 24.10.2004
CALLING ALL TEENAGE QUEEN FANS - I don't feel like talking.... by LiveAidQueen on 24.10.2004
Eponymous Queen or debut album. - Have you seen them on this tour? They still ro... by LiveAidQueen on 24.10.2004
Let's write a story - Like George Bush, and his house cathches fire...... by LiveAidQueen on 24.10.2004
brian and roger,please stop!!!! - I think they should stop too.... by LiveAidQueen on 24.10.2004
freddie mercury - And your site is very pretty.... by LiveAidQueen on 24.10.2004
freddie mercury - Sorry, that's my tribute...... by LiveAidQueen on 24.10.2004
Freddie singing - I prefer Brian's voice over Roger's any day...... by LiveAidQueen on 24.10.2004
Let's write a story - Having done that, Barbara Bush walks in and scream... by LiveAidQueen on 24.10.2004
Queen poster attacked me - A Live Aid picture...YAY!... by LiveAidQueen on 24.10.2004
OMG!!! LOOK WHAT JUST HAPPENED!! - *Stands with bambam in amazement*... by LiveAidQueen on 24.10.2004
Introduction - *Waves*... by LiveAidQueen on 24.10.2004
the most sexy queen member - You guys frighten me...... by LiveAidQueen on 24.10.2004
OMG!!! LOOK WHAT JUST HAPPENED!! - What are you on?... by LiveAidQueen on 24.10.2004
I too, am leaving Queenzone. - Take care Jessica.... by LiveAidQueen on 24.10.2004
YOU GUYS GOTTA SEE THIS!! - LOLOL... by LiveAidQueen on 24.10.2004
It's time for bed - I have AIM.... by LiveAidQueen on 23.10.2004
Hey jess, or headlong, or killerqueen - Hehehe HeM is pretty too.... by LiveAidQueen on 22.10.2004
Bush & Kerry singing Bohemian Rhapsody. Funny Cartoons. - I haven't seen it posted before. It's a little hum... by LiveAidQueen on 22.10.2004
Hey jess, or headlong, or killerqueen - Jessica is pretty.... by LiveAidQueen on 22.10.2004
Just say no to drugs - Coke is nasty, Mickey D's...They're good :-)... by LiveAidQueen on 22.10.2004
To GB. Queen Boxsets: The untold Story. (What we are NOT supposed to know) - *Picks an orange from Richard's Orchard* How si... by LiveAidQueen on 22.10.2004
WWRY Tickets for February 2005 - ok to wait or order in advance? - I don't think I would. It is starting here next su... by LiveAidQueen on 22.10.2004
Just say no to drugs - :-)... by LiveAidQueen on 22.10.2004
Hello - What I meant to say was welcome... :)... by LiveAidQueen on 22.10.2004
Please pray for a classmate of mine - I hope the best for you too.... by LiveAidQueen on 22.10.2004
CONFESS CONFESS CONFESS - the brave among you. - Well anyways, I want some medicine...*Sneezes* And... by LiveAidQueen on 22.10.2004
Please pray for a classmate of mine - I've no idea.... by LiveAidQueen on 22.10.2004
wtf? - Castro, LOL... by LiveAidQueen on 22.10.2004
Just say no to drugs - How can something so dangerous be so pretty...Look... by LiveAidQueen on 22.10.2004
Please pray for a classmate of mine - Count me in.... by LiveAidQueen on 22.10.2004
YOU ALL LOVE ME REALLY - I KNOW YOU'RE JUST PLAYING WITH ME! - *Gives cakes*... by LiveAidQueen on 21.10.2004
I think we should ban GB... - I think he's insane.... by LiveAidQueen on 21.10.2004
I feel bad... - Hmm... by LiveAidQueen on 21.10.2004
Eponymous Queen or debut album. - *Loves EVH*... by LiveAidQueen on 21.10.2004
Teen Queen Fans??? - Welcome, I hope you enjoy yourself.... by LiveAidQueen on 21.10.2004
YOU ALL LOVE ME REALLY - I KNOW YOU'RE JUST PLAYING WITH ME! - Pro-YourValentine... by LiveAidQueen on 21.10.2004
I feel bad... - Go Amanda! Go Amanda! Go Amanda!... by LiveAidQueen on 21.10.2004
QOL: RE JAKE - He gives me the chills.... by LiveAidQueen on 21.10.2004
The most overrated pop acts at the moment are.... - Almost everyone is...... by LiveAidQueen on 21.10.2004
the most sexy queen member - None of them really...... by LiveAidQueen on 21.10.2004
I feel bad... - *Gives cake*... by LiveAidQueen on 21.10.2004
It's time for bed - Oooo The White Album :)) I stayed home today, I... by LiveAidQueen on 21.10.2004
I'm 16 today - Happy Birthday! I hope it isn't as bad as my 16... by LiveAidQueen on 21.10.2004
Everybody on the Couch.... - Pulling teeth High School or College? (Fun wise... by LiveAidQueen on 20.10.2004
What did you do 24 nov 2001 - LOL... by LiveAidQueen on 20.10.2004
OMFG - Like Nadar would win...... by LiveAidQueen on 19.10.2004
Everybody on the Couch.... - Tetris! Pumpkin Pie or Cherry Pie?... by LiveAidQueen on 19.10.2004
and so...about the news that brian... - Ohhh god...... by LiveAidQueen on 19.10.2004
Everybody on the Couch.... - Defiently Mario... Yoshi or Luigi?... by LiveAidQueen on 19.10.2004
Thought Of The Day (October 19, 2004) - Thanks.... by LiveAidQueen on 19.10.2004
Thought Of The Day (October 19, 2004) - Would anybody really listen to me, no.... by LiveAidQueen on 19.10.2004
Everybody on the Couch.... - I prefer AOL, because I use it... Christmas or ... by LiveAidQueen on 19.10.2004
I have mono - Yuck, I've had that before, not fun, Get well soon... by LiveAidQueen on 19.10.2004
Mr Bad Guy - It's good.... by LiveAidQueen on 18.10.2004
What will you be doing in November 24 2160? - I hope to god I am dead by then...... by LiveAidQueen on 18.10.2004
Dick Cheney!!! Chen-Chen!! - I would start a riot...Okay maybe not...... by LiveAidQueen on 18.10.2004
Everybody on the Couch.... - We are in a way... Does anyone really like Samm... by LiveAidQueen on 18.10.2004
Everybody on the Couch.... - Cherry coke AC or pma?... by LiveAidQueen on 18.10.2004
Everybody on the Couch.... - Stop...Yes... by LiveAidQueen on 18.10.2004
Everybody on the Couch.... - Yes Camels in Egypt or Camels in your house?... by LiveAidQueen on 18.10.2004
Everybody on the Couch.... - (Wonderful Camels) Brown ones or maroon ones?... by LiveAidQueen on 18.10.2004
Everybody on the Couch.... - Sad But True What do you like about turtles?... by LiveAidQueen on 18.10.2004
Everybody on the Couch.... - 3 humped camels 2 ducks or 2 chickens?... by LiveAidQueen on 18.10.2004
Everybody on the Couch.... - Lester... AC or Camels?... by LiveAidQueen on 18.10.2004
Dick Cheney!!! Chen-Chen!! - He is disturbing...... by LiveAidQueen on 18.10.2004
Everybody on the Couch.... - Knitting The letter E or the letter Z?... by LiveAidQueen on 18.10.2004
i heard that roger can't swim - I don't really care if he can or not...... by LiveAidQueen on 16.10.2004
Elton John or George Michael - GM is so much better...But I do like Elton...... by LiveAidQueen on 16.10.2004
Staying Power live at Milton Keynes - It's terrific.... by LiveAidQueen on 16.10.2004
BREAKING NEWS: Paris Hilton has been shot... - Okay...... by LiveAidQueen on 14.10.2004
Flashman you cad! - I quite enjoy Spinal Tap.... by LiveAidQueen on 14.10.2004
My granpda's left us - *Hugs* That's terrible.... by LiveAidQueen on 14.10.2004
What do we think of R.E.M? - I like them.... by LiveAidQueen on 14.10.2004
A special meaning... - That's pretty scary!... by LiveAidQueen on 13.10.2004
Freddie's last interwiew - Hehehehehhehe... by LiveAidQueen on 13.10.2004
Queen's Success - There nothing without each other...... by LiveAidQueen on 13.10.2004
best concerts you attended - Ohh I also saw Fleetwood Mac, it was okay...... by LiveAidQueen on 13.10.2004
best concerts you attended - I saw Van Halen (Yes with Hagar...) Sept 5. and it... by LiveAidQueen on 13.10.2004
No Subject - I like the both decades, they really went from the... by LiveAidQueen on 12.10.2004
Hot Space resurrection - Please don't yell...... by LiveAidQueen on 12.10.2004
Leave Madonna Alone! - Amen Amanda!!... by LiveAidQueen on 12.10.2004
Whats your .... msn/hotmail/yahoo address? - I'd rather not say...... by LiveAidQueen on 12.10.2004
Who died?? - It's called drugs, they've discovered drugs...... by LiveAidQueen on 12.10.2004
Did he mean it ?? - What?... by LiveAidQueen on 12.10.2004
Hot Space resurrection - I quite like it...... by LiveAidQueen on 12.10.2004
It's creepy when this happens. - What?... by LiveAidQueen on 11.10.2004
The QZ Cookbook - CAKE!... by LiveAidQueen on 11.10.2004
I am disturbed... - No, the cow is hott.... by LiveAidQueen on 11.10.2004
It's time for bed - Eeek, I have to wake up at 5...... by LiveAidQueen on 11.10.2004
R.I.P. Superman! - Man, that's terrible. I was hoping he'd walk again... by LiveAidQueen on 11.10.2004
What if Queen are chating to us right now - Whoa whoa, calm down now...... by LiveAidQueen on 11.10.2004
Invisible Man: John should have kept the hat - I actually prefer Brian with a hat. The others don... by LiveAidQueen on 11.10.2004
Overrated/Underrated in Queen World - Brighton Rock can't be overrated. ... by LiveAidQueen on 11.10.2004
WOW - *Annoyed*... by LiveAidQueen on 10.10.2004
WOW - A very big one...... by LiveAidQueen on 10.10.2004
WOW - I mean a VERY big one.... by LiveAidQueen on 10.10.2004
Hey i am a new- bee - *Hands out cake*... by LiveAidQueen on 10.10.2004
Can someone help me? - Yeah, that's an odd book.... by LiveAidQueen on 10.10.2004
Leave Madonna Alone! - Icky Icky Icky!... by LiveAidQueen on 10.10.2004
The kids from the Miracle video - Certain jokes.... by LiveAidQueen on 10.10.2004
I am disturbed... - Yep, same here...... by LiveAidQueen on 10.10.2004
What's the use of Chat Room!? - It's okay, it can get scary.... by LiveAidQueen on 10.10.2004
Hello - WOW, what a tosser... by LiveAidQueen on 10.10.2004
post numbers - I'm a Deity :-)... by LiveAidQueen on 10.10.2004
I am disturbed... - Did you understand?... by LiveAidQueen on 10.10.2004
Funny as hell - Hmm...... by LiveAidQueen on 10.10.2004
QUIZ :)) - This one is very confusing.... by LiveAidQueen on 10.10.2004
The kids from the Miracle video - I think so.... by LiveAidQueen on 10.10.2004
Elton's dig backed - Madonna is terrible. I praise Elton and Roger...... by LiveAidQueen on 10.10.2004
my Bijou. - I've learned so much.... by LiveAidQueen on 10.10.2004
Very bad moment... - *Gives Geeks a cake with a pretty bow on it*... by LiveAidQueen on 10.10.2004
I am disturbed... - What?... by LiveAidQueen on 10.10.2004
The QZ Cookbook - I LOVE to make cake. :-)... by LiveAidQueen on 10.10.2004
It's time for bed - Nighty night, sleep tight... by LiveAidQueen on 10.10.2004
It's time for bed - And wash up now...... by LiveAidQueen on 10.10.2004
A special meaning... - You're My Best Friend, reminds me of my best frien... by LiveAidQueen on 10.10.2004
What a great Ebay find! Bid before it's gone!!! - Err...... by LiveAidQueen on 10.10.2004
Franz Ferdinand mentioning John Deacon - Silly Popeye...... by LiveAidQueen on 10.10.2004
Very bad moment... - I'm real sorry Geeks.... by LiveAidQueen on 10.10.2004
What if Queen are chating to us right now - I think they would be very disturbed by this NB...... by LiveAidQueen on 10.10.2004
Leave Madonna Alone! - Madonna...*Cringes*... by LiveAidQueen on 10.10.2004
a picutre of the one u like to hate. - You look nice to me.... by LiveAidQueen on 09.10.2004
have you got a job????? - I work. Too much...... by LiveAidQueen on 09.10.2004
Can they play "Killer Queen" live? - I don't like it.... by LiveAidQueen on 09.10.2004
S c a n d a l !!! - Well it's about Brian and Anita isn't it?... by LiveAidQueen on 09.10.2004
do not scream - Jake...... by LiveAidQueen on 09.10.2004
do not scream - Wait, that's Jake right?... by LiveAidQueen on 09.10.2004
Happy Birthday John Lennon! - John would be 64 and Sean is 29. Happy Birthday.... by LiveAidQueen on 09.10.2004
does anybody have profile pictures of themselves ??? - I have a few pics of me, but I don't feel like pos... by LiveAidQueen on 08.10.2004
happy birthday synth!!! - Happy Birthday... by LiveAidQueen on 08.10.2004
1 day without QZ seemed like a week... - I only come on when there is nothing else to do...... by LiveAidQueen on 08.10.2004
Two Choice Game - Well I can't drink, but I think brandy... David... by LiveAidQueen on 08.10.2004
Hello spirit_wolf_girl16! - Hello, Yogurt, you are pretty.... by LiveAidQueen on 07.10.2004
works tour - I thought it was alright.... by LiveAidQueen on 07.10.2004
Mustapha - And it's kinda weird...... by LiveAidQueen on 07.10.2004
Mustapha - It means nothing.... by LiveAidQueen on 07.10.2004
Two Choice Game - Finding Nemo White Rain or Suave... by LiveAidQueen on 07.10.2004
Hi - Hi... by LiveAidQueen on 07.10.2004
The Big Yin - That sucks.... by LiveAidQueen on 07.10.2004
"The Miracle" appreciation thread - The Miracle is okay.... by LiveAidQueen on 07.10.2004
S c a n d a l !!! - I think it's a joke...Some look for something more... by LiveAidQueen on 07.10.2004
Hey i am a new- bee - Hi.... by LiveAidQueen on 07.10.2004
John Deacon - What I meant, is I'd be sick of using the Queen lo... by LiveAidQueen on 06.10.2004
does anybody have profile pictures of themselves ??? - I like it.... by LiveAidQueen on 06.10.2004
Fried Chicken - No... by LiveAidQueen on 06.10.2004
Mrs.Badguy - lol... by LiveAidQueen on 06.10.2004
does anybody have profile pictures of themselves ??? - Hmmm...... by LiveAidQueen on 06.10.2004
John Deacon - Better than going on and on....... by LiveAidQueen on 06.10.2004
HEY WHATS UP WITH YOU QUEEN FANS ! - Hush now, hush.... by LiveAidQueen on 05.10.2004
does anybody have profile pictures of themselves ??? - lol... by LiveAidQueen on 05.10.2004
choclate! - Chocolate ice cream, don't even get me started!... by LiveAidQueen on 05.10.2004
New Fan Song Added: Dragon Attack by Fat Bottomed Boys - Okay, I sent :-) Thank You.... by LiveAidQueen on 05.10.2004
Mrs.Badguy - :-)... by LiveAidQueen on 05.10.2004
‹^› ‹(•¿•)› ‹^› - That was pretty creative!... by LiveAidQueen on 05.10.2004
Mrs.Badguy - *Looks around* It was him! *Points*... by LiveAidQueen on 05.10.2004
New Fan Song Added: Dragon Attack by Fat Bottomed Boys - Alright, is it the same e-mail? :-)... by LiveAidQueen on 05.10.2004
oppions onmrs.badguy please .. - They're all crap.... by LiveAidQueen on 05.10.2004
Mrs.Badguy - Err...I didn't put the seat up...... by LiveAidQueen on 05.10.2004
i'm thinkin' of changing bo rhap a bit to fit me... - Sounds dangerous.... by LiveAidQueen on 05.10.2004
Mrs.Badguy - Thanks.... by LiveAidQueen on 05.10.2004
does anybody have profile pictures of themselves ??? - YAY!... by LiveAidQueen on 05.10.2004
women! - No I don't.... by LiveAidQueen on 05.10.2004
I'm Going Slightly Mad - I like watching him reherse shacking his head...It... by LiveAidQueen on 05.10.2004
QUEEN - 5TH BIGGEST BAND (Q MAGAZINE) - I hear you, it's awful...... by LiveAidQueen on 05.10.2004
QUEEN - 5TH BIGGEST BAND (Q MAGAZINE) - Bruce Springsteen *Cringes*... by LiveAidQueen on 05.10.2004
New Fan Song Added: Dragon Attack by Fat Bottomed Boys - *Wonders* Niek, I really want to hear more of O... by LiveAidQueen on 05.10.2004
Freddie.... - How old are you -queenie-?... by LiveAidQueen on 05.10.2004
Fried Chicken - People ate chicken at Live Aid.... by LiveAidQueen on 05.10.2004
Queen at Live-Aid - how good? - Very well.... by LiveAidQueen on 05.10.2004
Mrs.Badguy - *Puts seat down*... by LiveAidQueen on 05.10.2004
does anybody have profile pictures of themselves ??? - Whoooo Amanda!!... by LiveAidQueen on 05.10.2004
does anybody have profile pictures of themselves ??? - Janet, I must add, you are a very very pretty youn... by LiveAidQueen on 05.10.2004
Mrs.Badguy - The toilet.... by LiveAidQueen on 05.10.2004
women! - Most guys are pigs.... by LiveAidQueen on 05.10.2004
Mrs.Badguy - You are all nuts.... by LiveAidQueen on 05.10.2004
WENDY WOO I LOVE U I DIDNT MEAN TO HURT U ! - *Disgusted*... by LiveAidQueen on 05.10.2004
does anybody have profile pictures of themselves ??? - I do. Well I used to...... by LiveAidQueen on 05.10.2004
choclate! - Only I give out the best chocolate.... :-)... by LiveAidQueen on 05.10.2004
Gimme the prize - I like them.... by LiveAidQueen on 05.10.2004
Have to agree with Brian about the non-smoking... - When I was in NY, they cost $7 a pack. We lived ab... by LiveAidQueen on 05.10.2004
Have to agree with Brian about the non-smoking... - Everyone in my family smokes...I mean EVERYONE.... by LiveAidQueen on 05.10.2004
Favorite new bands - Rooney... by LiveAidQueen on 05.10.2004
Opening picutre ??? - Yes... by LiveAidQueen on 04.10.2004
Fried Chicken - Fried Chicken means food.... by LiveAidQueen on 04.10.2004
School Classes - What!! Awesome! See here they only have 10-12 ... by LiveAidQueen on 04.10.2004
The Old Boardsters - Ooooo, Jake, Eeeeek!... by LiveAidQueen on 04.10.2004
Blobbie Williams' Nu-Single!!! >:( It's even called 'RADIO' >:( - What the hell...... by LiveAidQueen on 03.10.2004
are some people... - lol... by LiveAidQueen on 03.10.2004
who would be best to replace freddie ?????? if they ever wanted 2 - *Cheers*... by LiveAidQueen on 03.10.2004
All Dead, All Dead... - The Beatles are great. All Dead, All Dead is a ... by LiveAidQueen on 03.10.2004
School Classes - What kind of music class is it?... by LiveAidQueen on 03.10.2004
Queen Bloopers DVD - LOLOL... by LiveAidQueen on 03.10.2004
Family non-support - You have no gum?... by LiveAidQueen on 03.10.2004
who would be best to replace freddie ?????? if they ever wanted 2 - *Cheers*... by LiveAidQueen on 03.10.2004
I'VE BOUGHT THEM! - YAY... by LiveAidQueen on 03.10.2004
School Classes - You stay busy!... by LiveAidQueen on 03.10.2004
favourite memory of freddie ... - <---... by LiveAidQueen on 03.10.2004
who would be best to replace freddie ?????? if they ever wanted 2 - Nobody... by LiveAidQueen on 03.10.2004
Queen Errors & Glitches - Ohh Willy :-)... by LiveAidQueen on 03.10.2004
"so you think you can love me and leave me to die" - God only knows...... by LiveAidQueen on 03.10.2004
School Classes - Thanks, I sure do hope so! Well I've reache... by LiveAidQueen on 03.10.2004
1,000 Posts - I am alright I guess, thanks, :-)... by LiveAidQueen on 03.10.2004
Greatest live act? - I like your list. Though I'd put Van Halen ... by LiveAidQueen on 02.10.2004
Mullets - It was, I am still scared...... by LiveAidQueen on 02.10.2004
Mullets - I had to write a paper on toe nails once...Never a... by LiveAidQueen on 02.10.2004
'I Want To Break Free' on ITunes top 100 - Sadly in a Coke commerical...... by LiveAidQueen on 02.10.2004
Mullets - Well I liked Bowies mullet, it was a cool mullet..... by LiveAidQueen on 02.10.2004
School Classes - Yes, thanks, I think they are alright though C... by LiveAidQueen on 02.10.2004
School Classes - Oooooo, Good Luck Amanda! Yeah, I guess High Sc... by LiveAidQueen on 02.10.2004
School Classes - Hello, what classes are you fellow students taking... by LiveAidQueen on 02.10.2004
'I Want To Break Free' on ITunes top 100 - Yeah, that commercial is weird...... by LiveAidQueen on 02.10.2004
1,000 Posts - Mex...such a crazy guy :-)... by LiveAidQueen on 02.10.2004
Fifteen hundred and fifteen posts! Wooohoo! - I've been gone for months at a time still...I ... by LiveAidQueen on 02.10.2004
Family non-support - I could buy 1 piece of gum with that. :-)... by LiveAidQueen on 02.10.2004
Mullets - They are extremely ugly...and they scare me...alot... by LiveAidQueen on 02.10.2004
Thought Of The Day (01-10-2004) - I'm not required to even take gym...... by LiveAidQueen on 02.10.2004
The Old Boardsters - I kinda prefer the old board...... by LiveAidQueen on 02.10.2004
Homophobic comments from Axl Rose and Sebastian Bach - You guys have WAY too much to say...... by LiveAidQueen on 01.10.2004
the star of a queen video.... - The Show Must Go On... by LiveAidQueen on 01.10.2004
Tony Blair in Hospital - He's kinda strange at times...... by LiveAidQueen on 01.10.2004
Thought Of The Day (01-10-2004) - They would both land the same way?... by LiveAidQueen on 01.10.2004
1,000 Posts - 1,000? Hmmm...Some go absolutly crazy trying to bi... by LiveAidQueen on 01.10.2004
The Old Boardsters - lol... by LiveAidQueen on 01.10.2004
Fifteen hundred and fifteen posts! Wooohoo! - Some people post like nuts...It took me 2 years to... by LiveAidQueen on 01.10.2004
Happy Anniversary Janet - Yay!!... by LiveAidQueen on 01.10.2004
Family non-support - Well listen to 50 Cent for one day and see if they... by LiveAidQueen on 01.10.2004
Plant's Innuendo - I thought he did great with CLTCL...Better than In... by LiveAidQueen on 01.10.2004
How often do...................................... - Ohh VH1C never plays commercials, only breaks to t... by LiveAidQueen on 01.10.2004
How often do...................................... - You have to order it... :-)... by LiveAidQueen on 01.10.2004
"so you think you can love me and leave me to die" - I believe Lord Blackadder is right.... by LiveAidQueen on 01.10.2004
For American Citizens.. - That could be interesting.... by LiveAidQueen on 30.09.2004
Favorite Live Versions - <----That's what...... by LiveAidQueen on 30.09.2004
favourite queen song, and why? - Ohhhhhhh....That's a good one... by LiveAidQueen on 30.09.2004
The Old Boardsters - Hey Archie :-)... by LiveAidQueen on 30.09.2004
For American Citizens.. - Nahh... by LiveAidQueen on 30.09.2004
The best Queen album - :-)... by LiveAidQueen on 30.09.2004
"so you think you can love me and leave me to die" - That's just gross.... by LiveAidQueen on 30.09.2004
The best Queen album - I prefer A Day At The Races... by LiveAidQueen on 30.09.2004
Exciting Queen discovery! - :-)... by LiveAidQueen on 30.09.2004
Which one ??? - I don't even understand it...... by LiveAidQueen on 30.09.2004
Thought Of The Day (09-30-2004) - What?... by LiveAidQueen on 30.09.2004
Exciting Queen discovery! - I don't get it...... by LiveAidQueen on 30.09.2004
Let us cling together - I have to agree Niek... by LiveAidQueen on 30.09.2004
Happy Anniversary Janet - How was the cake Janet?... by LiveAidQueen on 30.09.2004
"so you think you can love me and leave me to die" - lol... by LiveAidQueen on 30.09.2004
For American Citizens.. - Pro-Kerry... by LiveAidQueen on 30.09.2004
The Private & Personal Diaries of Freddie Mercury (1946-1991) - :-)... by LiveAidQueen on 29.09.2004
Freddie's signature - I wouldn't know.... by LiveAidQueen on 29.09.2004
Do u know where the Queen members live? - :-)... by LiveAidQueen on 29.09.2004
How often do...................................... - VH1 will always be better than MTV...MTV is just..... by LiveAidQueen on 29.09.2004
I'm Famous! - If you get to the point to where you take somebody... by LiveAidQueen on 29.09.2004
Happy Anniversary Janet - Yay!! *Hands out cake*... by LiveAidQueen on 29.09.2004
Cat Stevens - That's a bit confusing...... by LiveAidQueen on 28.09.2004
How often do...................................... - I think she means all she has is dumb basic ... by LiveAidQueen on 28.09.2004
Plant's Innuendo - That's true, it's one of a kind...sort of.... by LiveAidQueen on 28.09.2004
I'm Famous! - No, nobody that kills should ever be released.... by LiveAidQueen on 28.09.2004
Bush for President - <---Anti-Bush... by LiveAidQueen on 28.09.2004
I'm Famous! - I don't think he should ever be released...... by LiveAidQueen on 28.09.2004
Homophobic comments from Axl Rose and Sebastian Bach - Split personality? I think so...... by LiveAidQueen on 28.09.2004
Do u know where the Queen members live? - Where else would they live...... by LiveAidQueen on 28.09.2004
Do you think..... - No.... by LiveAidQueen on 28.09.2004
Plant's Innuendo - It sucks.... by LiveAidQueen on 28.09.2004
How often do...................................... - I saw TSMGO 2 days ago on there...I love that chan... by LiveAidQueen on 28.09.2004
Whatever happened to Leah Lurex? - I do not care.... by LiveAidQueen on 28.09.2004
Flick of the Wrist Dedication? - I like the Stroke song...Yeah I don't know about F... by LiveAidQueen on 27.09.2004
I've been speaking to Freddie again. - Ohh Fatty :-):-)... by LiveAidQueen on 27.09.2004
Your First Queen Album... - I can't remember, but it was good enough to buy an... by LiveAidQueen on 26.09.2004
Where Do You All Go - I go to: ClassicVanHalen.com EddieVanHalen.com... by LiveAidQueen on 26.09.2004
Young Rock N Rollers... - Hey, I thought it was hilarious! Some of them are ... by LiveAidQueen on 26.09.2004
How did you first discover QZ? - I was bored. And I found it. And I joined it. Yeah... by LiveAidQueen on 26.09.2004
Did or didn't Brian have a wig??? check this out!!! - ...... by LiveAidQueen on 24.09.2004
Do u know where the Queen members live? - England... by LiveAidQueen on 24.09.2004
Two Choice Game - Cupcakes Eddie Van Halen or Keith Richards?... by LiveAidQueen on 24.09.2004
Star is born! - Gwen is awesome, she has creative hair.... by LiveAidQueen on 24.09.2004
Freddie ' s favorite perfume - What?... by LiveAidQueen on 24.09.2004
I'M BACK!!!!!!!! - I don't know you, but hello...... by LiveAidQueen on 24.09.2004
Star is born! - EVH... by LiveAidQueen on 24.09.2004
Queen II - Maybe he means...no...... by LiveAidQueen on 24.09.2004
*Johns big package wen playing at wembley . cos ..* - I tend to not look at that...Because it's scary.... by LiveAidQueen on 24.09.2004
Teo Torriatte (Let Us Cling Together) - It's perfect.... by LiveAidQueen on 24.09.2004
Young Rock N Rollers... - Paul Stanley is hilarious! Look at EVH! and Ozzy! ... by LiveAidQueen on 24.09.2004
Young Rock N Rollers... - http://membres.lycos.fr/metaltom/jeunes.htm I m... by LiveAidQueen on 24.09.2004
Somebody told me.... - Somebody asked me today if I knew who they where a... by LiveAidQueen on 24.09.2004
Lost - My dad watched it and quite liked it, I was too bu... by LiveAidQueen on 24.09.2004
Things that annoy you about Queen after Freddie........ - The commercials?... by LiveAidQueen on 23.09.2004
I have given up on QZ - I know what you mean. They were great...Flash is... by LiveAidQueen on 23.09.2004
Things that annoy you about Queen after Freddie........ - The musical will be here next summer...Yay?... by LiveAidQueen on 23.09.2004
Is there anyone here whose favorite band is not Queen? - Whoooooo!!!... by LiveAidQueen on 23.09.2004
Is there anyone here whose favorite band is not Queen? - I believe they came to Albany at the Pepsi Are... by LiveAidQueen on 23.09.2004
VERY URGENT ABOUT JOHN DEACON!! - Quite jolly, yes.... by LiveAidQueen on 23.09.2004
Beta Test of New Board - Marvelous :)... by LiveAidQueen on 23.09.2004
Is there anyone here whose favorite band is not Queen? - Do they sing Hella Good, or something like tha... by LiveAidQueen on 23.09.2004
Is there anyone here whose favorite band is not Queen? - Yes, On Freddie's birthday :-) It was awesom... by LiveAidQueen on 23.09.2004
Pre-order Live-aid DVD - That's really a decent price, I was expecting some... by LiveAidQueen on 23.09.2004
Queen fans? - A grill could never replace my great home ma... by LiveAidQueen on 23.09.2004
I have given up on QZ - A few....a few...... by LiveAidQueen on 23.09.2004
Hello! - Name: Kayla Age: 16 Location: MS Job: Student ... by LiveAidQueen on 23.09.2004
Pre-order Live-aid DVD - Thank you... by LiveAidQueen on 23.09.2004
I have given up on QZ - Goodnight... by LiveAidQueen on 23.09.2004
Go back in time - About 1974 to 1985...I have too many reasons why..... by LiveAidQueen on 22.09.2004
Johns big package..... - Roger... by LiveAidQueen on 22.09.2004
Is this a fanclub site or a hateclub site? - It's a hateclub mainly...Used to be nice...... by LiveAidQueen on 22.09.2004
What's the most offensive thing someone has told you for being a Queen fan - "You suck"... by LiveAidQueen on 22.09.2004
loverboy - It's pretty cool...... by LiveAidQueen on 22.09.2004
Is there anyone here whose favorite band is not Queen? - I have 3 top band, Queen, The Beatles, Van Halen..... by LiveAidQueen on 22.09.2004
What if another queen member was to die? - I think it would be sad?... by LiveAidQueen on 22.09.2004
The Song Game - Love Hurts - Nazareth... by LiveAidQueen on 22.09.2004
Queen fans? - I am here for Queen and the people here that I lik... by LiveAidQueen on 22.09.2004
OK, I'm interested in this kind of stuff! SORRY! - Who cares, she is wrong for everything...... by LiveAidQueen on 21.09.2004
And now... - Cake!!... by LiveAidQueen on 21.09.2004
Hey... - Hey!... by LiveAidQueen on 18.09.2004
Best Queen song with Brian or Roger on lead vocals? - '39 for me... by LiveAidQueen on 18.09.2004
What did you think the first time you heard Bohemian Rhapsody? - Then you laughed? :-)... by LiveAidQueen on 18.09.2004
In case you noticed...(fyi) - Well anyways, I'm glad you are back...... by LiveAidQueen on 18.09.2004
What did you think the first time you heard Bohemian Rhapsody? - I thought it was great.... by LiveAidQueen on 18.09.2004
The most memorable teachers you've ever had - I don't really get on well with teachers, but Mr. ... by LiveAidQueen on 18.09.2004
Queen II - Yeah, great one...... by LiveAidQueen on 18.09.2004
What do we think of Def Leppard? - I agree with everything.... by LiveAidQueen on 18.09.2004
My new favorite tv-channel - You can attend church while looking up porn...How ... by LiveAidQueen on 18.09.2004
Pictures in profiles - I finally got mine to work! Thanks Barb :-)... by LiveAidQueen on 17.09.2004
School - LOLOL... by LiveAidQueen on 16.09.2004
Eddie Van Halen and Brian - :-))... by LiveAidQueen on 16.09.2004
Eddie Van Halen and Brian - Faster ;)... by LiveAidQueen on 16.09.2004
Eddie Van Halen and Brian - Man! I knew they did something together I just cou... by LiveAidQueen on 16.09.2004
Eddie Van Halen and Brian - Did they play together on record? If so what songs... by LiveAidQueen on 16.09.2004
Hurricane Ivan - Man I live right on the Gulf Coast in Biloxi MS an... by LiveAidQueen on 13.09.2004
Van Halen - Yeah, I live here right in Biloxi now and they cam... by LiveAidQueen on 12.09.2004
How many girl zoners are there? - I am one...... by LiveAidQueen on 11.09.2004
Van Halen - Hey!! I thought I'd tell you I saw Van Halen last ... by LiveAidQueen on 11.09.2004
Thought I'd tell ya how things are... - Hey!! Glad you guys said hello! Yes I had some cak... by LiveAidQueen on 27.08.2004
Thought I'd tell ya how things are... - I haven't had internet for awhile, but I'm at scho... by LiveAidQueen on 26.08.2004
Does anyone find it a bit odd - I hate it when they can't even get their birthday ... by LiveAidQueen on 30.06.2004
Hottest Queenzoners - Thank you Pete, I really appreciate it.... by LiveAidQueen on 30.06.2004
McCartney at Glastonbury - I still think he is good, but he was great when he... by LiveAidQueen on 27.06.2004
is Freddie sexy? - No... by LiveAidQueen on 27.06.2004
Hottest Queenzoners - Man I am gone for a few months and you all forget ... by LiveAidQueen on 27.06.2004
I got a livejournal!! Whoo whoo! - I have one of those!... by LiveAidQueen on 15.06.2004
How to be a good mom - Yeah, pass em over.... by LiveAidQueen on 09.06.2004
Why we love Queenzone - :-)... by LiveAidQueen on 09.06.2004
Why we love Queenzone - *Hands out cake*... by LiveAidQueen on 06.06.2004
November Rain - That's my favorite Guns N Roses song.... by LiveAidQueen on 06.06.2004
Creed call it quits - I thought they were okay...Ahh well... by LiveAidQueen on 06.06.2004
Why we love Queenzone - I really don't know why I am still here....... by LiveAidQueen on 06.06.2004
What you need is... A CAMEL! - Ac, yes, I would love to buy one.... by LiveAidQueen on 28.05.2004
What you need is... A CAMEL! - They are great, aren't they?... by LiveAidQueen on 27.05.2004
What do you think boys and girls... - I think that's not a good age difference... by LiveAidQueen on 24.05.2004
Exams... - I have exams tomorrow and Wed. Then that's the end... by LiveAidQueen on 24.05.2004
Just Graduated High School ... - Congrats! Our Seniors graduate Sun and our last da... by LiveAidQueen on 21.05.2004
Buenos Aires '81 - Need your loving tonight - This isn't my section of the board, but I saw it o... by LiveAidQueen on 19.05.2004
Where is everyone? - OH MY...OH MY...OH MY...... by LiveAidQueen on 19.05.2004
How well-travelled is the average Queenzoner? - I've been to 30 states...If that counts!... by LiveAidQueen on 19.05.2004
ooooh yeeeaaahhh - I am so proud of you! It sounds weird coming out o... by LiveAidQueen on 19.05.2004
I'm new here - Heyla Hey Aloha!... by LiveAidQueen on 19.05.2004
Favorite Names - You guys like some great names! Thanks Niek *Hugs*... by LiveAidQueen on 19.05.2004
Hello from... - Hello!! Thank you, thank you!! *Hugs*... by LiveAidQueen on 19.05.2004
Favorite Names - Hello! What are some of your favorite names? :)... by LiveAidQueen on 17.05.2004
Hello from... - Hey! Thank you!... by LiveAidQueen on 17.05.2004
Hello from... - Mississippi! I done moved about a month ago and we... by LiveAidQueen on 17.05.2004
something - You are welcome! :)... by LiveAidQueen on 26.03.2004
Who is the stupidest Queen fan here? - Quit bleeding on us! :)... by LiveAidQueen on 26.03.2004
Random Facts - I have the same birthday as Jack Nicolson (SP!) an... by LiveAidQueen on 26.03.2004
tis me birthday.. - Happy Happy Happy B-Day *Makes Cake*... by LiveAidQueen on 26.03.2004
The song has gone away... - What he said...... by LiveAidQueen on 26.03.2004
Random Facts - I agree Dan... by LiveAidQueen on 25.03.2004
direct mp3 downloads! - TY TY TY... by LiveAidQueen on 25.03.2004
Yo! - I understand him perfectly...Of course I live in t... by LiveAidQueen on 25.03.2004
The song has gone away... - A question asked a thousand times, but where can I... by LiveAidQueen on 25.03.2004
A song Made In Heaven - I love Freddie's version.... by LiveAidQueen on 25.03.2004
IAQ - I don't know.... by LiveAidQueen on 25.03.2004
grrrr.... something's f-ed up - This is a messed up topic...... by LiveAidQueen on 25.03.2004
exercising to QUEEEEEN - If I worked out(Sigh)I would do it to The Miracle.... by LiveAidQueen on 25.03.2004
Need your recomendation's Folk's... - George Bush... by LiveAidQueen on 25.03.2004
Test - I think I will test.... by LiveAidQueen on 25.03.2004
something - I love your signature Queen Leaf :)... by LiveAidQueen on 25.03.2004
aaaaaw! they were SO cute! - *Burns Amanda's books* Spring is here, let's have ... by LiveAidQueen on 25.03.2004
Newbie Here - preparing to be bashed..... - LOL, Hello!... by LiveAidQueen on 25.03.2004
Bummer Frasier said goodnight for the last time - I will miss Eddie :( That is a great show...... by LiveAidQueen on 25.03.2004
Newbie Here - preparing to be bashed..... - Hello... by LiveAidQueen on 24.03.2004
So... tell me about yourself - First name in real life: Kayla Age: 15 What you ... by LiveAidQueen on 24.03.2004
personality quiz - Sonnett....... by LiveAidQueen on 24.03.2004
Queenzone Awards Thread - ... by LiveAidQueen on 24.03.2004
...i'm kinda scared now... - It is a bit frightening...... by LiveAidQueen on 16.03.2004
As no-one really cares... (I don't expect anyone to really know)... - Whoooooooooo!!!... by LiveAidQueen on 16.03.2004
For the guys here (your opinions wanted) - Where have I seen this before....... by LiveAidQueen on 16.03.2004
Random facts about queen members - Who also knows someone...... by LiveAidQueen on 16.03.2004
How do you like the fan recordings? - Misfire was really good, I am very impressed...... by LiveAidQueen on 16.03.2004
Live-aid setlist - It was great!... by LiveAidQueen on 16.03.2004
Talk to Freddie Mercury! - Human: I am God Freddie Mercury: Hi God. Are yo... by LiveAidQueen on 15.03.2004
Talk to Freddie Mercury! - This is the coolest thing! Human: No Freddie ... by LiveAidQueen on 15.03.2004
How do you like the fan recordings? - Niek is always good. :))... by LiveAidQueen on 15.03.2004
The worst Queen song ever! - Too many to name actually...... by LiveAidQueen on 15.03.2004
. - I'm not going.... by LiveAidQueen on 15.03.2004
Hello! - Hello! All is well I suppose, Miracle is great, Gl... by LiveAidQueen on 15.03.2004
give a certain person a short message here...check often for a post for you - Janet!... by LiveAidQueen on 14.03.2004
give a certain person a short message here...check often for a post for you - *Gives Amanda extra chocolate* Too bad it's not re... by LiveAidQueen on 14.03.2004
Aren't babys so cute! - What are you trying to say Bob? :)... by LiveAidQueen on 14.03.2004
Aren't babys so cute! - Babies, such a great gift aren't they?... by LiveAidQueen on 14.03.2004
OFFICIAL WORLD RECORD HOLDER - Awesome!... by LiveAidQueen on 14.03.2004
give a certain person a short message here...check often for a post for you - To everyone: I give you chocolate...... by LiveAidQueen on 14.03.2004
Hello! - Hellooooooo :-)... by LiveAidQueen on 14.03.2004
Concert for George - I'm a bigger Beatle fan than Tom Hanks...*Huhhh*... by LiveAidQueen on 14.03.2004
Freddie's 'girlfriend' Mary Austin - I think she is okay.... by LiveAidQueen on 14.03.2004
Brian's hair - Of course we all know it's a wig...... by LiveAidQueen on 14.03.2004
Who is the stupidest Queen fan here? - Hmmmm......That's a good question...... by LiveAidQueen on 14.03.2004
Hello! - Hello! I am great! lol... by LiveAidQueen on 14.03.2004
Hello! - Hi! How are you all?... by LiveAidQueen on 14.03.2004
does any1 like my pic?? - Have you seen the video where the Beatles play the... by LiveAidQueen on 22.02.2004
does any1 like my pic?? - Love it!!... by LiveAidQueen on 22.02.2004
For Banquo (and anyone else who'd interested) - Sherlock....I like the cartoon version.... by LiveAidQueen on 22.02.2004
Happy Birthday, Janet!!! - Janet!!!... by LiveAidQueen on 22.02.2004
A question for Americans - It doesn't sound too good...... by LiveAidQueen on 16.02.2004
Compliments - Hitman! Ooooo :)... by LiveAidQueen on 16.02.2004
I just noticed somthing - Yeeesss!... by LiveAidQueen on 16.02.2004
Forum or Notice Board? - NB NB NB NB... by LiveAidQueen on 16.02.2004
Jethro Tull - Not really my type.... by LiveAidQueen on 15.02.2004
Ooh-hoo... - I love birds!... by LiveAidQueen on 15.02.2004
Happy Birthday, Fatty! - Fatty, Fatty, Fatty!!... by LiveAidQueen on 15.02.2004
Compliments - Compliment? Yeah...But they are full of crap...... by LiveAidQueen on 15.02.2004
I just noticed somthing - Amanda, don't hold out on me!... by LiveAidQueen on 15.02.2004
Queenzone population - Yes! I wasn't last!... by LiveAidQueen on 14.02.2004
NEW FACE NEED HELP ALL WELCOME - I spoke in all caps when I first started, Not very... by LiveAidQueen on 14.02.2004
Happy Birthday, Fried Chicken! - Niek!!... by LiveAidQueen on 13.02.2004
I just noticed somthing - I really need some cake...... by LiveAidQueen on 13.02.2004
Valentine's Day - Thank You... by LiveAidQueen on 13.02.2004
Happy Birtthday Alexey Gr - Do Wop Do Wop A Birthday From Me To You... by LiveAidQueen on 13.02.2004
Happy birthday MegaMike - Happy Happy Birthday Baby... by LiveAidQueen on 13.02.2004
I just noticed somthing - I hear ya!... by LiveAidQueen on 13.02.2004
Valentine's Day - Thank you both! Flashman I'll take your offer :)... by LiveAidQueen on 12.02.2004
Awwww... - Cute nose! PS-I watched a hour long video on ch... by LiveAidQueen on 12.02.2004
Valentine's Day - Having no sweetheart, I plan to do nothing!... by LiveAidQueen on 12.02.2004
Happy Birthday, Fried Chicken! - Happy belated birthday Nieky :) Lots of Love... by LiveAidQueen on 12.02.2004
Queenzone population - You okay?... by LiveAidQueen on 12.02.2004
I just noticed somthing - Donut....... by LiveAidQueen on 12.02.2004
I just noticed somthing - Hmmm, Good question :)... by LiveAidQueen on 12.02.2004
I just noticed somthing - Amanda, it is cake, let's all be thankful :)... by LiveAidQueen on 12.02.2004
I just noticed somthing - OMG! It is cake!... by LiveAidQueen on 12.02.2004
I just noticed somthing - Is it cake? Because if it's cake...... by LiveAidQueen on 12.02.2004
I just noticed somthing - Pretty swell I suppose, not alot really going on :... by LiveAidQueen on 12.02.2004
I just noticed somthing - Really? I have not been on in a LONG time!... by LiveAidQueen on 12.02.2004
I just noticed somthing - Yeah it's me, How are you?... by LiveAidQueen on 12.02.2004
I just noticed somthing - Oh Hi :)... by LiveAidQueen on 12.02.2004
I just noticed somthing - Me Too... by LiveAidQueen on 12.02.2004