The next time you moan at your parents because they make you wash & dry the dishes, tidy your room, do your homework or won't buy you the latest pair of trainers for £200, have a look at this story and count yourself lucky...... link
The baby was passing live housefly maggots into his nappy.
Sadly this is quite local to me, in that I live in Sheffield and I know the area.
Failed as parents?!!! What this article doesn't mention is that the "mother" *COUGH* has more or less been pregnant since the age of 15 and has had numerous miscarriages and terminations, including one in prison while she was awaiting trial!
Let's hope they have a good time in prison - somehow I don't think so!
Bloody hell. When will kids learn that coitus interupptus doesn't always work. Salt of the Earth those two. You can tell they're both University material. Pricks.
"An eye for an eye" we say, or let's see how they like a taste of their own medicine. I can't abide folk who mistreat little 'uns, brings a tear to the eye it does. Let's hope someone gives them the Christmas they deserve.
Bob The Shrek wrote: The next time you moan at your parents because they make you wash & dry the dishes, tidy your room, do your homework or won't buy you the latest pair of trainers for £200, have a look at this story and count yourself lucky......
Just because there are those in a worse situation, that does not thus make your situation qualify as good.
That was not a good story. I feel bad for the children.
Children are very valuable. I wish people in my city would know that. Some children in my city and cities around me are being kidnapped, killed, and stuffed with drugs just so they can take the drugs to another contry. Sick people.
Yet when they go to jail they get hot meals, tv in their rooms, privacy, letters from home.... Millions of homeless people have to do without those things. The british legal system is falling fast...
And btw, i take offense that its only young people who are to learn from this bob. I never asked massive extravigances from my parents, ive worked as much as possible to fund myself. I think people of all ages can learn from this