Before I start, I'd just like to point out that I know more about Queen and their works than the whole damned lot of you put together and quadrupled. And with a million zeroes on the end. And multiplied to infinity.
So all this in-fighting that is filling the board at the moment, whilst great entertainment, is so much bollocks. Big sweaty ones at that.
If only you'd listen to Flashy, dear reader, you would learn that John's hair in the Radio Ga-Ga video wasn't for a bet at all - but a serious and vain attempt to appear trendy.
You would discover that when Brian said he felt Freddie's presence during the making of the 'Made In Heaven' album, it had nothing whatsoever to do with the spirit world - it was just John pissing about with a sheet over his head going 'Woo'.
Think Roger opposed Rupert Murdoch's proposed takeover of Manchester United a few years back because he wanted to stand up and fight on behalf of the downtrodden football fan? Think again - he simply had a record out.
Okay, so you did know that one.
Instead of bitching about who knows what about what, when and why - here's a thought: Draw your own conclusions. You're old enough.
By the way, you're all nuts.
Flashman wrote: I often wonder if it's just me, or has the entire world gone mad.
It's just me, ain't it?
It's not you. It's everything else, not revolving correctly and suddenly spinning off into the vast void of nothingness ...
It's them.
Ooh. Cashews are nice.