Main Entry: bi·jou
Pronunciation: 'bE-"zhü
Function: noun
Inflected Form(s): plural bijous or bi·joux /-"zhü(z)/
Etymology: French, from Breton bizou ring, from biz finger
1 : a small dainty usually ornamental piece of delicate workmanship : JEWEL
2 : something delicate, elegant, or highly prized
- bijou adjective
There ya go!
Sadly, here in Germany there is a jewelry-chain which sells cheap and (in my opinion) distasteful jewelry things called Bijou Brigitte... It devalues the whole name. It kind of sounds nice that word.
Literally: Bijou does correctly mean "an ornamental piece of delicate workmanship (ie a JEWEL) or something delicate, or highly prized".
However, Metaphorically in the context of the "Innuendo" album it is a veiled Ironic reference to "Aids". That is why the album was entitled "Innuendo", and why the track is so musically amgigious.
It is NOT a "happy track", in a "happy key" celebrating a "highly prized" jewel - rather it is a sad reflective piece, which sarcastically acknowledges that both Freddie and his "prize" are to be bonded - till do us part.
i dont know if this has been answered fully, as i cant really be bothered to read all the post, but in french, bijou is a jewel, or a piece of jewellery. but in english, it means sweet and elegant if i remember correctly, though in the context that freddie uses it, it doesnt really make sense... so i could be wrong, but hell! no ones perfect!
I think Brian once explained the song as sort of inversed. The guitar kinda "sings" the verses, whilst the short vocals take the place of the guitar-solo and are placed within the song like a precious litte piece of jewellery - a bijou. I think it was one of the Quotes on Sebastians old website.
Thomas: "I find it a bit far-fetched, you know. Sarcasm was never Freddie's thing (that was more Roger). I think this is more referring to Mary."
Please, the album was called "Innuendo" for more than just the inclusion of the title track.
The point is that the "Innuendo" (or the "rumour" in the press at the time) was that Freddie WAS HIV+.
Consider other tracks like "I'm Going Slightly Mad", "I Can't Live Without You", "These Are The Days Of Our Lives", and "The Show Must Go On".
Now, I am NOT saying that these are out and out AIDS anthems - but HIV was part of the lyrical "mix" crammed with multi-layered allusions. (Simply these tracks are open to many interpretations and the HIV angle is as deliberate as it is subtle).
Consider the lyrics in line with the disease;
You and me are destined
You'll agree
To spend the rest of our lives with each other
The rest of our days like two lovers
For ever - yeah - forever
My bijou...
Now in context of the album, and in the light of other allusions - it would NOT be incorrect to say that the track is about HIV. It may be incorrect to say it is ONLY about HIV, and it may also be incorrect to discard other relevant interpretations (in my view Mary in this context is NOT what the song is about), but I assure you that the HIV reference is both real and valid, and certainly not in the least "a bit far-fetched".