I'm looking for a biography book on Freddie Mercury and or Queen. There seems to be couple out there but I want to buy the one with the most accurate info and is well written. Any recommendations? Thanks!
Could do a lot worse than "As It Began" by Jacky Gunn & Jim Jenkins. A very good read. You can pick up a used copy from Amazon for as little as £4.00. link
Yeah, As It Began is good. I remember when it came out, I'd pre ordered it and got it on the day of release, it didnt let me down. Or theres Jim Huttons book and Phoebes book.
You need to read Freddie Mercury by Peter Freestone. It is a very descriptive book from him, who was Freddie's personal assistant, on the early days of his life up until Freddie's death. I really, really, reconmend it!
deleted user 23.09.2004 15:00
Mercury and Me. real steamy! Almost like gay pulp.