I get these stand-by jury notices all the time. They instruct me to call at a certain time to find out if I'm needed. Always in the past the message has said I'm excused. I called today and it says to "call back after 5 for instructions about Tuesday"
Can you imagine someone as goofy as me on a jury? I really don't wish to leave the house for this.. but I suppose if instructed to do so, you at least have to show up in person to try and get out of it, right?
Fucking hell.
i got notice about a month ago for next week--
told them (and it is the truth) that the day after i leave for the jersey shore for my parents 50th- so they 'delayed' me until november
went a bought a house in another county that is suppose to be finished by the end of november-
which means if holds up-- wont serve again...
i am sure i will get it from fulton county though *LOL*
i served on a jury once about 12yrs ago-- woo hoo such fun
last time called as soon as they found out i worked in collections--they said bye bye
Funny someone should mention jury duty. I'm actually doing one, for a two-day service. I haven't been called yet, but there is always tomorrow. We had 233 people show up and they only called one group while I was there. At noon they said that they would only need about 50 of us so I was listening for my name to stay and I ended up going home early. I don't have to be there until 9 tomorrow morning so that is good. I had to be there at 7:30 this morning and that is just too early since I had to get up at 5 just to beat my dad to the shower.
Let's hope we don't have to servre Batman :)
Good for you.
Might as well update you on mine too. I didn't get picked today either. They kept 54 of us today and the rest of us got to go home at noon again. I don't have to serve again for another two years over here at least. So now my stomach will be normal again so I won't be a nervous wreck.
I am the only memeber of my family not to be called for jury service, excluding my mum because she is exempt. From what they have told me, I haven't missed much.