Estoy haciendo un favor a mi hermana, ella esta haciendo un trabajo sobre su país.
Tengo 2 preguntas para ustedes.
¿Cuál es el índice más reciente de analfalbetismo en su país?
¿Desde que edades un niño debe cursar la escuela, según la ley? Es decir, los niveles de educación con sus edades.
Por favor contesten pronto. :)
Gracias :)
"I am making a favor to my sister, she this making a work on its country. I have 2 questions for you. Which is the most recent index of analfalbetismo in its country? Ever since ages a boy must attend the school, according to the law? That is to say, the levels of education with its ages. Please they answer soon:) Thanks:)"
I don't know what analfalbetismo is, but it sounds hot! I know I never did anything anal until age 14, if that helps. (But I never did it at school)
Jeffrey LMAO that sounded perverted! :))
If you think that 'analfabetismo' is hot, then you might think that men that know how to read are just ugly! :P
'analfabetismo' means illiteracy
I was asking if there are any Chilean Queen fans that might know what is the recent percentage of illiteracy in Chile.
And what are the levels of education in Chilean schools, and what are the age brackets for each.
There is nothing pervy about this post :P LOL
EDIT: Hermana means sister :P
I'm sorry if I turned your thread into a joke then.. :-/
However I was hoping the 'cake' thing was correct. Anal cake sounded interesting.
I'm sorry.. continue...
La primera no la se, la segunda un niño debe cursar desde los 6 años lo que se llama primero básico, 7 años segundo básico, y así sucesivamente hasta octavo básico.
De ahí en adelante entra a primero medio con 14 supuestmente, 15 en 2 medio, 16 en tercero y 17 en cuarto donde termina la enseñanza para luego ingresr a la U o darselas de vagoneta. oajal te sirva