According to rumours Justin Hawkins of The Darkness is record a track with Black Eyed Peas. What a combination two of the best bands to emerge out of 2003 to collaborate.
I wonder, however, how long it will take narrow-minded rock fans to dump on it from a great height like Robbie, Pepsi etc etc.
yo at least B.E.P is a band not just some rappers going touring with a freakin scratch desk and a karaoke machine efffing and blinding to think they own the freaking place!
Big up balck eyed peas wid their lyrical ryhmes its fresh! versatile in taste to da maximum,
darkness and peas united yo thats cool! betta leaving the topic with the fact they might collaborate with so solid crew... that will be a joke.
Neutrino and all that may cause a spark....
realise that colourful words is to not cause offence but to generate an expression in this modern age,, so yo my bad... it diddnt mean to dis you seen?.
'What a combination two of the best bands to emerge out of 2003 to collaborate. '
According to whom?
According to BPI - both got their awards: The Darkness - as the best british rock group, plus 2 more, and Black Eyed Peas - as the best international newcomers, I think
I've known this for a while, but...
Right on!
At least I'm opened minded enough to like B.E.P., and it's great that there is going to be a collaboration.
At least Black Eyed Peas seem somehow more original than The Darkness. At least B.E.P. makes an effort to mix black rythms and add an originality of their own.
****Dan :::::Azmandaman... Please... Say something that SOMEONE OTHER THAN YOU would understand.*******
Na Dan man, seen azman say tings straight from da heart, neva go as low as to make universally commercially popilly the same as the rest no no, like to keep it raw and if its to rebelious then so be it...but yo am not... am just being me seen? not like you and the so called rest lol!
any ways Dan old chap care for some tea and crumpets? I feel very british today after what you said old boy... care for a game of Polo? with Sir Freddies Millionnaire waltz playing in the back ground....oooooh I say that would be just tremendously fab. dont you?
Yo! Uk Lingo lyrical verbalizer bak wid an impak!
"Na Dan man, seen azman say tings straight from da heart, neva go as low as to make universally commercially popilly the same as the rest no no, like to keep it raw and if its to rebelious then so be it...but yo am not... am just being me seen? not like you and the so called rest lol!"
Again... All clicks and buzzes... Uh-oh... I'm starting to hear things...