Mr.Jingles 10.12.2003 21:33 |
Just to quote certain parts from the whole 'Religion' post. << Does anyone like these? They are scum.>> Some religious freaks are truly scum, but so are you for spreading hate based on other people's beliefs. Most people who follow a religion don't wish anything bad for people who follow other religions. Nor they wish that they could convert to their own religion. << Christians are goody goody people who never swear, and they believe in jesus or someone. I think its hilarious cos its the most pathetic story I've ever heard, lol, a black man with a beard years ago who turned water into wine? Christ, is he david blaine or something. >> Most christians swear once in a while. I was raised a catholic, but at this very moment I don't exactly follow a religious faith. I believe in God because I think that someone must have been created this universe that has so many wonderful things, and I doubt all of that could have come out of nowhere. I don't know if Jesus was truly the son of God, but I admire him for the things he taught about loving and accepting other. Without trying to turn you into a christian, perhaps you should listen to some of the things this "bearded black guy" used to say. You might learn some valuable things. << And muslims are just a threat to the human race. >> It's true that some muslims think that christians (or the whole western world) are a threat to human race as well. But I'm sure that 'MESSENGER of the QUEEN' (who is a Muslim) can tell us that the Quran doesn't preach for revenge or hatred towards people from others faiths. I think a bigger threat are those who after 9/11 verbally and physically assaulted muslims who worked at 7-11 stores. Wouldn't surprise me if you were one of them. << Jews are quite funny cos they have big noses but christians dont like them cos they apparently killed this jesus fellow or something. >> If christians didn't like jews, then tell us why thousands of christians sacrificed their lives to stop the nazis from exterminating jews back in WW II. << I dont mind Buddahs cos they leave you alone like but on the whole I cant stand religion or religious people. >> And I can't fuckin' stand YOU!! Look, I've had christian, jewish, muslim, and aethist friends. I might not agree with some of their beliefs, but I respect what they believe in, and they respect me as well. When Roger said "religion tends to fuck people up" he was refering to people who take religion to the extreme. But it seems than you are more fucked up than all those religious freaks. |
Lester Burnham 10.12.2003 21:41 |
To answer your thread title, I suppose I can, but I like being intelligent. |
Saint Jiub 10.12.2003 22:28 |
Because Dudley won't post the same topic repeatedly, he won't get banned at QueenZone (unless he starts attacking individual posters). Dudley is more intelligent than he appears, but appears ignorant because he gets so much enjoyment out of being a shit stirrer. But I suppose there are some posters here that can't be happy unless they are on a witchhunt trying to get someone banned on Queenzone. It may surprise some here that Dudley has been at Queenzone off and on a long time (since the last milenium?) and it will take more than a stupid petition to get Dudley banned at Queenzone. |
Daburcor? 11.12.2003 01:20 |
It seems that he's trying to piss off as many people as he possibly can. Just my two cents. |
Flashman 11.12.2003 03:03 |
I've no quarrel with young Dudley. I must confess now and again to having a wee chortle at some of his material. And he's got people posting again after the recent lull in activity around these parts. Good Lord, it has been dreadful for about a month or so. I almost turned from the bottle. |
Fenderek 11.12.2003 03:53 |
OMG... The best way to be noticed on this board seems to be to post sth controversial (or just plainly stupid) OR post sth like "he's so offensive, ban the bastard, woooahhh!!!" Oh please... |
bleeding heart show 11.12.2003 05:00 |
Thank you so you so much Mr.jingels for giving me the chance to express my self. I really appreciate it. I’m not going to say much I’ll just post some verses from the Koran and everyone here can feel free to give their own opinions but first I have to clarify that the “SO-CALLED” Muslims who were responsible for the 9/11 tragedy are not considered as Muslims amongst us. Believe me Islam never tells you to go into other countries in bomb them or kill the innocent civilians and then you’ll die as martyr and you will directly go to paradise. Islam forbids such acts and those people who did what they did are a threat to the human race, and believe me if they got away with it that day they wouldn’t have lived the day to tell about it here.just think of them as a terrorist Islamic cult. I’m not just asking I’m begging you people to separate the thought of terrorism from Islam, ‘cause the difference between them is like from the earth to the sky. Even everyone can see in the news what is happening here in my country bombings every week a lot of people died including children which means that their intentions exceed revenge and I also think it’s goes way over terrorism. “although our country is being ruled by a bunch of dictators and hypocrites” THIS is for Dudley I believe that you’re KIND is the true threat to the human race imagine a world ruled by people like you!!!! God I can’t even imagine it! From the Holy koran: "Strongest among men in enmity to the believers wilt thou find the Jews and Pagans; and nearest among them in love to the believers wilt thou find those who say, 'We are Christians': because amongst these are men devoted to learning and men who have renounced the world, and they are not arrogant. (The Noble Quran, 5:82)" [016:032] (Namely) those whose lives the angels take in a state of purity, saying (to them), "Peace be on you; enter ye the Garden, because of (THE GOOD) which ye did (in the world)." [002:136] Say ye: "We believe in God, and the revelation given to us, and to Abraham, Isma'il, Isaac, Jacob, and the Tribes, and that given to Moses and Jesus, and that given to (all) prophets from their Lord: We make no difference between one and another of them: And we bow to God (in Islam)." [002:177] It is not righteousness that ye turn your faces Towards east or West; but it is righteousness- to believe in God and the Last Day, and the Angels, and the Book, and the Messengers; to spend of your substance, out of love for Him, for your kin, for orphans, for the needy, for the wayfarer, for those who ask, and for the ransom of slaves; to be steadfast in prayer, and practice regular charity; to fulfil the contracts which ye have made; and to be firm and patient, in pain (or suffering) and a dversity, and throughout all periods of panic. Such are the people of truth, the God-fearing. 002:274] Those who (in charity) spend of their goods by night and by day, in secret and in public, have their reward with their Lord: on them shall be no fear, nor shall they grieve. One last quote from Prophet Muahmmed (PBOH) he's teaching muslims what to do in case of war: Go in Allah's name, trusting in Allah, and adhering to the religion of Allah's Apostle. Do not kill a decrepit old man, o a young infant, or a child, or a woman; do not be dishonest about booty, but collect your spoils, do right and act well, for Allah loves those who do well. |
Guy 11.12.2003 05:37 |
"If christians didn't like jews, then tell us why thousands of christians sacrificed their lives to stop the nazis from exterminating jews back in WW II." Or why the USA is Israel's #1 supporter. "Do not kill a decrepit old man, o a young infant, or a child, or a woman;" Now I really fail to understand how certain people who call themselves Muslims had misread this part, because clearly many Muslims killed children, women & elderly. I'm sure you can think of a few examples yourself. |
bleeding heart show 11.12.2003 06:01 |
They are terrorists GUY they believe in what they want to believe in. and please don't relate terrorist acts to the resistance in Palestine/Israel. and you make it sound as if the Israli army isn't doing anything to the palestanain Citizens!! Do I have to remind you of Muhammed AL-Dora ? I know that what i'm saying now is off topic but GUY I truley believe that only only the Middle Eastern Jews from among all of the Jews in the world belong to Palestine. I also believe that Israel and Palestine should be one democratic nation. Who ever is elected as a Prime Minister is elected by votes. I don't deny the Jews' rights to Palestine. But not the Jews from America and Europe and else where beside the Middle East. The reason for this is: It is not Biblically nor logically nor ethically right for someone to say "I am Jewish" when referring to his nationality, because this is all a bunch of Zionist racist nonsense. It is one thing for someone to believe in the Books of Moses (the Torah), and it is completely a different thing for someone to be a Russian national for instance. Russians have Christians (those who believe in the NT), Muslims (those who believe in the Noble Quran) and Jews (those who believe in the Torah). This Jewish argument is completely wrong and it is one of the main reasons why the conflict in Palestine is still occurring today. There are too many migrating Jews pouring into the tiny country, and the Israeli government is left with no other option but to build illegal settlements for them on Palestinian occupied territories. I have no problem with the Middle Eastern Jews gathering in the land of Palestine and building their Holy Temple next to the Muslims' Sacred Dome of Rock and declare their State of Israel. It would be a great honor for me to visit that Jewish Holy Temple (if I would be allowed in as a non-Jewish) and greet it with great respect just the same way the Palestinian Muslims greet with great respect the Christian Churches built on Jesus Christ's birth place and other places. As I said, both Jews and Palestinians (Muslims and Christians) can all live together in peace under one democratic nation. That nation can be called "The Nation of GOD" or anything similar to that since all three Jews, Christians and Muslims will live there. I don't have any problem with the naming of the nation, even it's called "The Nation of Israel", as long as every group of people becomes a national citizen of that State, and is treated with Equality and Justice. so my conclusion is We can definitely have peace in the Middle East. All we need is an open mind and heart from both the Palestinians and the Jews to make this happen. The Jews need to forget about migrating in millions to the land of Palestine and only allow the Middle Eastern Jews live there, and the Palestinians (Muslims and Christians) need to accept the existence of the Jews in Palestine. Even though this might sound irrational today, but anything is possible with Allah Almighty. He could make this happen. All we need is peaceful people taking control and Allah Almighty will certainly help us and change us. He said in the Noble Quran: "Because God will never change the grace which He hath bestowed on a people until they change what is in their (own) souls: and verily God is He Who heareth and knoweth (all things). (The Noble Quran, 8:53)" and in the end this is just my opinion and I hope that there are more people who share the same beliefs as you in Israel 'cause you really sound like a peace loving person to me. Let's just hope for the best GUY. |
Guy 11.12.2003 07:02 |
For your perspective that only Jews who live in the Middle East have the right to live in Israel, I have a question. How many Muslim countries are there? How many Jewish countries are there? Did you know the State of Israel has a law that says that every Jew, and it doesn't matter where from, can get an identity card, merely for his\her religion? Ofcourse he\she has to prove his\her Judaism, usually by family relations. My point is, you probably don't know that 60% of the Jews (or their families) currently living in Israel weren't even here in the beginning of the last century. Personally, my Dad's parents came to Israel from Bulgary, and my Mom's grandparents came from Poland and Iran. Israel was built by non middle-eastern Jews. Even Ben-Gurion came from abroad. That's why I find your statement rather ridiculous, regarding this matter. "the Israeli government is left with no other option but to build illegal settlements for them on Palestinian occupied territories." Actually no, those settlers are (usually) religious people who want to prevent Palestinians from settling there. And how do you define "occupied"? If I decide to build a house near an Arab village then the territory is considered occupied? I see no reason why it should be, there are Jews in Haifa and Jaffa as well. "Jews and Palestinians (Muslims and Christians) can all live together in peace under one democratic nation." And you think so, because...? I'd like to clarify I have nothing against Muslims, only against the terrorists (and I'm glad you think of them as such too). The problem is that the Palestinian Authority wasn't built by people like you, it was built by terrorists. |
bleeding heart show 11.12.2003 07:16 |
"If I decide to build a house near an Arab village then the territory is considered occupied?" building a house near a village is alot different than building it IN the village. "And you think so, because...?" If the Muslims and Christians can live together in harmony in Palestine, so can the Jews as well. Islam has absolutely nothing against Judaism. In fact, Allah Almighty called the Torah, Judaism's Holy Book, "Guidance and Light" in the Noble Quran, because it led the People of Israel from the torture of slavery and idol worshiping, into the Light of GOD. |
Guy 11.12.2003 07:25 |
"building a house near a village is alot different than building it IN the village." The settlements are always NEAR some village or another. I don't take Hebron as an example for building "in" a village, since I think Hebron is a city like all cities. |
Fenderek 11.12.2003 08:10 |
Fenderek 11.12.2003 08:12 |
< Now that's what I call an ignorance, jingles. You just proved that you don't know shit about history of WWII... People were sacrificing their lives not because they wanted to save Jews- hitler wasn't killing ONLY Jews for fuck's sake... He took Czechs, Slovakia, Austria, then Poland, France, almost whole Europe. He didn't suceed with Britain but he certainly wanted... Then he attacked Russia (which was his huge mistake...). Are You telling me that Brits, French, Poles and whoever was there were fighting Germans to save Jews...???!!!! WTF!! They were fighting for their own countries, for freedom against someone who attacked them!!! And another thing- are you saying that Hitler was killing ONLY Jews, that he was exterminating them only... To be honest, what you wrote is one of the lamest and most ignorant things I have ever read... A little bit of general knowledge doesn't make any harm, believe me... |
Mr.Jingles 11.12.2003 08:41 |
Fenderek Call me an ignorant all you want, because you're the one who is the ignorant here. Look, it's true that the whole European continent (except perhaps Switzerland & Spain) were being extremely affected by the war. But it was the whole Jewish population which took the worst part, because by being caught by the nazis they had pretty much marked a death sentence upon themselves. The whole point is that the allied forces didn't fight the nazis because they said... "we like the jews, we like the polish, or we like the french... let's free them from the nazis". It had nothing to be with sympathy for a certain race, ethnic group or nationality. It was all about the respect for human life and the right that every single person in this planet has to be happy, to grow healthy, to raise a family, and to live life to the fullest. Now call me an ignorant. |
Red_Special 11.12.2003 08:55 |
Let me tell you something: no one in the world makes a war to help someone. They were scared by Hitler, so they started the war to stop him before it was too late. OH, and why do you think that Hitler was against the Jews? in part because he was fucking crazy, but mainly because they had the money. It's interesting to say that Stalin was against the Jews too, he killed thousands of them. |
Fenderek 11.12.2003 08:55 |
Now you're talking!!! I absolutely agree with U- right there!!! You wrote however sth else before... and thet's what annoyed me... BTW What kind of ignorance did you find in my post..? Being from Poland I think I know something about WWII.... |
Fenderek 11.12.2003 08:58 |
< That's right!!! Not only Germany attacked Poland... On the East Russians did exactly the same!!! Only in 1944 Hitler attacked Russia which he never respected by the way- well, they weren't arians either... |
Fenderek 11.12.2003 09:02 |
You're absofuckinglutelly right...!!! *blushes* That was IGNORANT...! |
Guy 11.12.2003 09:06 |
I don't think Mr. Jingles was speaking of the soldiers who fought in the war. I believe he was refering to the German, Dutch, Polish etc. people who helped Jews escape from the Nazis. They did that to help and didn't gain anything. Am I right Mr. Jingles? |
Guy 11.12.2003 09:09 |
And btw, Stalin was a maniac just as Hitler. He killed 25 million of his own people while Hitler started a war that caused twice as much casualties. |
Red_Special 11.12.2003 09:16 |
Glad to hear it |
Fenderek 11.12.2003 09:35 |
Guy, maybe you're right... I wouldn't however put WWII history into religion discussion... Christian Poles and Dutch and whoever didn't help Jews because they were christians or cause they liked Jews... They were just helping innocent people who were hunted... Don't think this had anything to do with any religion, really.... Nor WWII was so kind of religious crusade... |
Guy 11.12.2003 09:49 |
I never said they did it because they liked Jews. |
The Truth 11.12.2003 11:27 |
I'm sure Dudley is having a right old laugh at all the people stupid enough to take the time to write big long replies to his wind-up posts. Dudley 1, Queenzone nil |
Fenderek 11.12.2003 11:56 |
Guy, I also never said you said that...:) I just meant that putting WWII into religious discussion by Mr Jingles was pretty pretenscious, that's it... IMO this war had nothing to do with religion whatsoever... |
Guy 11.12.2003 12:01 |
"I'm sure Dudley is having a right old laugh at all the people stupid enough to take the time to write big long replies to his wind-up posts." Did you see me refering to anything he said? Or Fenderek? If you don't have anything to contribute, shh. |
DudleyFufkin 11.12.2003 13:12 |
Well, wars may not be as bad as they seem. On the plus side, many people get killed and therefor the massive world population gets decreased slightly, thus illeviating congestion in this overcrowded world. |
Guy 11.12.2003 13:36 |
He's doing it on purpose O.o |
inu-liger 11.12.2003 13:57 |
"Can someone possibly be more ignorant than Dudley Fufkin" TED, maybe? Or does it have to be someone who's actually on the board now? I'd be 2nd to Dudders, given recent events |
Guy 11.12.2003 14:04 |
I wouldn't be so proud of it if I were you. |
Mr.Jingles 11.12.2003 14:13 |
<< I just meant that putting WWII into religious discussion by Mr Jingles was pretty pretenscious, that's it... IMO this war had nothing to do with religion whatsoever... >> Perhaps it wasn't just religion what this war was all about. But you could include religion among a whole bunch of other things that were the main point of this war. Hitler persecuted foreigners, racial & ethinc groups, homosexuals, disable people, political opossitors, among a few. Besides Barry already showed us that you know A LOT about WW II. |
nil 11.12.2003 14:14 |
*What the world needs now, is Love sweet Love* |
inu-liger 11.12.2003 14:16 |
"Well, wars may not be as bad as they seem. On the plus side, many people get killed and therefor the massive world population gets decreased slightly, thus illeviating congestion in this overcrowded world. " What a fucking moron. More people die from disease rather than through wars (with the exception of WW2 where the millions of Jews were killed, thus leaving a horrible legacy) |
Holly2003 11.12.2003 15:17 |
"It was all about the respect for human life and the right that every single person in this planet has to be happy, to grow healthy, to raise a family, and to live life to the fullest." That's an interesting new theory on why the allies fought in WW2. What led you to that conclusion? |
Fenderek 12.12.2003 08:15 |
< Hitler prosecuted EVERYONE, doesn't matter the religion or anything else. He believed in a super-race, arians, and everyone else was supposed to be executed... Saying that religiomn was one of the main points in WWII is again ignorant... About Barry proving sth... Is knowledge of dates everything for you...? I said about myself- THAT was ignorant, didn't try to hide it... Still think than logic and general knowledge of what happen and WHY is more important... I'll repeat- WWII HAD NOTHING TO DO WITH RELIGION!!! It was madman's dream of Arians ruling the world... He was killing homosexuals or disable people cause he believed they were weak and they were a balast to superior Arian race (they would have to feed them etc.- what for? they're scum, let's kill them...)... He wasn't chosing whom to kill- he wanted to rull the Arian race and the whole world... Even saying that it was ALSO about religion is pretenscious...IMO |
Fenderek 12.12.2003 08:28 |
<<"It was all about the respect for human life and the right that every single person in this planet has to be happy, to grow healthy, to raise a family, and to live life to the fullest.">> That's another ignorant thing... And very american, btw- we're fighting for the whole world to be happy and blah, blah, blah- oh please... Tell me then WHY after WWII you gave Poland, Czechs, Hungary, Jugoslavia, the whole eastern Europe to Russians... It was occupation, my dear... Somehow no-one than gave a f*** about eastern europeans NOT being happy, NOT growing healthy and definitelly NOT living life to the fullest... I'll tell you why- Americans and Brits needed Russia to fight Germans, so the Germans were divided on both fronts and couldn't defend properly... Hadn't they (allies) gave all the Eastern countries to Stalin (that was his condition!), they wouldn't have received Russian help and the Hitler would put all of his army on West and believe me- it would last much longer!!! Politics, that's what it was... Don't tell me now that allies (Americans? Brits?.. .Poles?) were fighting for THIS!!! Living life to the fullest- don't make me laugh... Tell this to hundreds of thousends people who were killed by Stasi or KGB or SB or whatever..... |
Maz 13.12.2003 15:50 |
"That's an interesting new theory on why the allies fought in WW2. What led you to that conclusion?" Surely, you don't expect an real answer to that, Holly? I doubt Jingles can come up with one. |
Fenderek 15.12.2003 03:01 |
And so he didn't... |