Looking forward to that presidential speech.... link link
Proof that he can engage in discussion, although not for very long. link
Hopefully this is someone else... link
A lone dissenter?
So, "Chuck", now that I've actually looked at what you want to achieve with your life (given that the link you post here is to your webhost and not your own page, as someone pointed out, not that you took any notice), I have some questions...
1. Would you like to bet that you are elected President next year?
2. If you wish to have the human race stop procreating for a few months, why do you spend so much time posting sex related messages here? Surely that's a contradiction?
3. With the improvements in medicine leading to longer life expectancy, wouldn't the result of your aim be to create a missing generation which would mess up the world economies for years (no children to go to schools for 10 years, leading to an absence of teachers when it picks up again, exacerbated by a severely reduced workforce to support the huge OAP & child populations either side of this group)? Wouldn't we be better off pressurising our governments to enforce more environmentally sound policies, like sign up to the Kyoto agreement on climate change (which the US was alone in refusing to do)? On an individual level, if one believes in healing the world to the extent that you claim to, how about cycling to work instead of driving, conserving electricity by not wasting it on, for example, pointless internet use, recycling waste, growing one's own food, etc?
4. Who's your vice persident going to be?
5. Are you not in fact some window licker from nowheresville with half a theory and a power trip?
6. Can you point us to a forum where you are NOT reviled, ridiculed or otherwise rejected? So far I've looked at:
Blues Traveler
Capitol records (where they have the sense to delete you entirely)
Bubba Sparxx (who also remove all content)
Members of the loyal order of stupids (A Ren & Stimpy site, not as one would assume where you started....)
Rapboard (oops, banned)
Nine Inch Mails
Britney Spears (where you also respond to yourself using another name)
Baja Hurricane Chasing Road Rally (???? go for the populist vote, why don't you?)
Snoop Dogg(where you have modestly knighted yourself)
7. Assuming that you are aware that your behaviour is unpopular, have you considered how many potential votes you are losing? I would have thought that a marginal campaign such as yours would be as open and positive as possible. Or do you have the backing of big business? Thought not.
8. Is alienating the press by spamming filth on independent media centres from around the world helpful to your cause? If so, how?
1. It's about the third time(at most) I've even acknowledged his existence
2. It didn't take that long at all.
3. It's a little more constructive than randomly echoing what he says, don't you think?
Sterling work P_G.
You could be made an honorary Flashmaniac for your endeavour.
In fact, if you can figure out a way to finally rid us all of the bastard, it's as good as yours.