WHY is it that Americans, when you'd THINK that they'd do a good job translating certain Japanime shows that are new, instead turn it into corny crap??
Americans HAVE to be the worst dubbers in the world when it comes to dubbing foreign shows into English! And especially make it so bad that only children are expected to watch the English dubs!(?)
(Sorry, just was in the mood for ranting)
Ahm... Seeing it's Pokemon you are on about *cough*: Actually, I believe it IS meant for children, so indeed only kids are supposed to pay attention to those dubs...
Man grow up and watch some real JapAnime like "Ghost in the shell", now that's one hell of a movie and i believe that The matrix was highly influnced by that movie....
First of all, let me say that I like Anime, but as all entertainment genres, there's "GOOD ANIME", and "SHIT ANIME".
Good Anime are the movies created by Hayao Miyazaki like "Spirited Away" and "Princess Mononoke". Also let's not forget "Akira" which is a milestone on Japanese animation.
Now needless to say, shit anime is "Pokemon", "Sailor Moon" and Dragon Ball-Z" and all that over hyped crap.
Dark have you ever seen the Japanese version of Pokemon (Pocket Monsters)? I've seen some eps. and its completetly different from the Americanised version, and its good!
The problem with Anime in non speaking Japanese countries is that animation is seen as a children's medium of entertainment, not for all ages. In Japan, anime is seen not only as a genre for kids, but for teens and adults too.
In America, the mindset of animation is for children. They buy rights to popular anime series (i.e. Sailor Moon) and dumb it down for kids! That's how it is! Sailor Moon is a great example of the dumbing down of Anime. In essence, Sailor Moon is a serious anime. Yes, it does have its funny moments, and the main character Usagi (Serena in the US version)is a klutz, but she potrays the values of friendship and good. The series potrays issues, in a toungue and cheek manner, as homosexuality, good vs evil, and death.
Homosexuality, in Sailor Moon there are two characters, two sailor soldiers that are lesbians. In the American version, they were turned into COUSINS?! Why? You tell me.
In that last season of Sailor Moon (which is hasnt been dubbed yet, thank god!) there are three sailor soldiers who are transvestites. Do you really think that can be dealt with in the US? I dont think so.
Good vs evil There are a LOT of violence and blood in the series. However, "kids are fragile, and they should not be exposed to violence". Therefore, the Americanised version is almost non violent. Japanese kids can cope with it, why not western kids?!
Death. In Sailor Moon, the characters die twice! I remember seeing the edited first death of the sailor soldiers, and when I saw the original version of the ep. I found out that the deaths were completetly edited out! I believe kids can cope with death. So why dumb it down?!
About the voice acting, American and Canadian voice actos are truly horrid, well most of them. They don't grasp the essence of any anime series, and they think that eventhough a serious anime such as Cowboy Bebop, for example, they have to give them goofy out of character voices. Making serious anime into corny "cartoon shows".
Blah Blah Blah...The US, UK, Canada, etc... dumb down anime for cooperate purposes. Dubbing companies, toy companies, and distributors are not dumb. They KNOW that the kids market is very profitable. Dumbing down anime to kids is their way to gain lots of money. Anime in Japan is an artform and it is entertainment. Anime in the US is a money making machine.
"Americans HAVE to be the worst dubbers in the world"
Obviously you haven't heard Polish or Russian TV yet then. I watched some Russian and Polish channels via satellite when I was on holiday and I couldn't stop laughing. They seem to employ only one bored person that overdubbs every person in the movie.
Btw. I still don't understand how can anybody over 8 years of age watch Pokemon.
"Good Anime are the movies created by Hayao Miyazaki like "Spirited Away"
I actually just rented that movie last night.
All I have to say is: For once, Disney finally got something done right for a change! It is EXCELLENT!
The downside? THE PRICE OF THE DVD!!! :-o
They actually expect people to pay $32.99 for that DVD set?