philip storey 26.01.2020 21:41 |
You could say what went right with The Cosmos Rocks? I would be interested to hear peoples views on why this Album performed so badly.Released twelve years ago in 2008 with all tracks being written by Brian,Roger and Paul peaked at Number 5.In my opinion there were maybe four good songs on it,Small,We Believe,Say It's Not True and Surfs Up...Schools Out.The cover is awful,the CD inlay is very cheap indeed,very small writing can hardly read the lyrics,maybe done on purpose.There seemed to be hardly any news of its release no big fanfare.I only knew that it was going to be released as they made an appearance on Al Murray's Pub Landlord show performing a song which could have been written about Adam Lambert...C-lebrity. The song Call Me was a obvious rip off of Crazy Little Thing Called Love.I think they played around five songs from the Album during the Cosmos Rocks tour.Many people could not accept PR as a replacement for Freddie and quite rightly.Just a thought Hot Space or The Cosmos Rocks ? |
Holly2003 26.01.2020 21:46 |
Queen minus Freddie ain't Queen, that's what went wrong. |
brENsKi 26.01.2020 21:49 |
philip storey wrote:Just a thought Hot Space or The Cosmos Rocks ?Neither. I'd rather drive six-inch nails through my own eardrums. |
stevelondon20 26.01.2020 22:27 |
Hot Space easily. |
Man from Zanzibar 27.01.2020 00:00 |
It's not a bad blues rock album, it just sounds absolutely nothing like Queen. More like "Paul Rodgers + Brian and Roger" album. Seems like people wanted a sort of recreation of their golden years, but it's not possible without Freddie. |
flash00. 27.01.2020 00:34 |
Hot Space. For me The Cosmos Rocks sounded like a Paul Rogers solo album not a Queen or Queen+ sound in the slightest, in reality you could of had any musician on it instead of Brian and Roger as it was more a Paul Rogers sound than Maylor if that makes sense (obviously due to PR's vocals). And if Brian and Roger didn't want a Queen sound, which is fair enough they should also not of called themselves Queen+. I don't think they as in Maylor we're that bothered about truly promoting it i.e making some decent promo video's for it or at least a C-lebrity promo, because it was a cheap effort to use Al Murray's TV guest spot as a promo video as it was shite.Then of course Brian having a bit falling out with PR maybe Brian just want's someone to do as they are told i.e AL. |
Makka 27.01.2020 02:08 |
Have to agree regarding the cover. Almost as bad as Brian's Live At Brixton Academy cover. But there were a few solid songs on it but as mentioned, it just sounded like a Paul Rodgers solo album. They should never have used the Queen name to release it and hopefully it's lack of success and terrible songwriting stop them from trying to do the same with Adam. |
Wiley 27.01.2020 02:51 |
So many things went wrong. It wasn't marketed that much, like they wanted it to tank. Was that the record label or the band's decision? Who knows? Brian was absent and you can feel like he kind of phones it in. This is more of a Roger + Paul collaboration with Brian as guest but I don't think the music sounds like a Paul Rodgers solo album at all. Roger is the chief writer, after all. Lyrics are pretty weak. Hot Space is obviously better and less cringeworthy. I'd pick HS over TCR any time. But, then again, I'm in the minority that actually likes Hot Space. Cosmos has a few good moments and it does leave me wanting to know what a second Q+PR album would have sounded like. One with Brian fully contributing, rather than focusing on his Ph.D. |
Jimmy Dean 27.01.2020 05:38 |
It wasn’t horrible. Nor was hot space. There are so many worse albums out there notwithstanding Queen. But without question, cosmos is the weakest of all “Queen” albums. The golden voice was missing and john’s input was clearly missed. Brian and Roger don’t consider it a Queen album. They didn’t reissue it in the remasters series and they did not include it in the vinyl box. If they had to defend it they would point to the album cover and insist it was not a Queen album but rather a Queen+ project. But it wasn’t a horrible album. You can enjoy it if you have an open mind. You probably wouldn’t play it on repeat. But every now and then, I give it a spin. I enjoy still burning, c-lebrity, small, we believe. Each of them could have made it on a real Queen album. |
The Fairy King 27.01.2020 07:14 |
philip storey wrote: .....a song which could have been written about Adam Lambert...C-lebrity. ?You clearly have no understanding of the world. That album could've used Adam. That said; Cosmos Blows is a pile of shit made by middle-aged lazy millionaires who can't write a decent haiku, let alone an album's worth of good lyrics. Hot Space all the way. Would even rate Adam's solo work above this shit. Ugh...and that album title... We all probably know how that meeting went. |
pittrek 27.01.2020 07:50 |
I used to love The Cosmos Rocks, I used to listen to it again and again, but to be honest I haven't listened to it for a long time. Maybe 10 years. There are 2 main problems - 1 - the cover is absolutely awful, 2 - the songs are good. But the songs should not be GOOD, we were used to Queen albums where every song was something special. You won't find anything like that on this album. And yeah, the fact that there was zero promotion didn't help either. |
Holly2003 27.01.2020 14:00 |
So much for the argument that Fred was only 1/4 of Queen. Without Fred (and John) there was only an echo of Queen in TCR. Where I feel that presence most is in Some Things That Glitter (is that song a tribute to Fred?), but in almost all the other songs it is absent. The Queen 'brand' didn't work and they really should have called themselves something else. For concerts, of course, the brand still carried/carries weight. |
Nathan H 27.01.2020 15:20 |
I'm being honest now, I've never listened to it. My first memory of the group was at the time when the collaboration ended so I have never really tried listening to it. I know a couple of songs but I don't think I've listened entirely to one track. |
KJ 27.01.2020 15:27 |
The album has no soul. It's dark and too much Paul Rodgers. |
MyHumanZoo 27.01.2020 16:09 |
I actually enjoy the album, but it’s not one I listen to often. It’s just real “hook” it were. I like Paul’s voice and so for me it works. But it’s nowhere near a Queen sound. |
Band Forever 27.01.2020 17:45 |
PR neither possessed the vocal dexterity or the vocal range to do a Queen Album justice. I loved Small a great whimsical meander akin to TTDOOL. A pity this wasn't on the boil for Innuendo. Brian's solo and the music generally very warm and listenable. Please do not record with AL he will be trying to out do Freddie with the vocal gymnastics. |
Star* 27.01.2020 18:08 |
We could also say what went wrong with "Smile" (The flop group) as well as "The Cosmos Rocks" = No Freddie to add that touch of magic perhaps ? |
DeakyThru 27.01.2020 19:04 |
No Freddie & John, no Queen, sorry. I never liked TCR. Cringe album in my opinion. |
Graeme Arnott 27.01.2020 19:04 |
As the band always said - the sum is greater than the parts, that in essence is the problem in that the magic is attained when all 4 original members contribute to the product which sadly as we know is no longer possible. |
Star* 27.01.2020 20:05 |
Could your theory also apply to the "Live" in concert experience today then ? |
vince73 27.01.2020 20:39 |
Some songs are good... I loved Surf's Up and Small is a beautiful song. They recorded Runanway maybe they should record a covers album (Hendrix, Led Zeppelin, Beatles). |
Dim 27.01.2020 21:08 |
The Cosmos Flops, was a sweet looking cake but with no sugar. Moreover The QOR postponed all the Queen archival releases, and also lead to Q+A L which is least bad since they have successfull tours. |
runner_70 27.01.2020 21:49 |
The Fairy King wrote:You clearly have no clue about the lyrics. The song is EXACTLY about people like AL. Casting muppets who are told what to do and sing. Too bad they ate their words and hired exactly such a muppet and became a laughing stick ever since.philip storey wrote: .....a song which could have been written about Adam Lambert...C-lebrity. ?You clearly have no understanding of the world. That album could've used Adam TCR was half decent half soso. There is far worse out there. They should have put the Queen name to rest after MIH |
Russian Headlong 27.01.2020 22:41 |
I like it. it sounds more like a Bad Company record than a Queen album but they are a great band too. I wish they were still working with PR instead of that dogshit C-lebrity Lambert. |
matt z 28.01.2020 03:08 |
Surfs up schools out is embarrassing. They could've spent some time making it topical ORabstract REWRITING the simple 8th note beats and had something. Something tells me there was simply pressure to push it out like a solid turd compacted in the bowels The music and atmosphere created were larger than the song was. All who agree say YEEEEEEEAAAAAAAAAHHHHHH!!!! |
matt z 28.01.2020 03:12 |
THE COSMOS ROCKS Interviewer: And yes yes, how do you feel about .... the turd album by legendary Rock Gods QUEEN, the cosmos Rocks released in 2008..Any thoughts?? It came at a precarious time in the band's history... Roger in interview: (raspy) No no. I'm quite confused... SHEER HEART ATTACK was our THIRD album, and yes - it was rather a hit or miss time for the group. Interviewer: "Ne ne! Ne ne ne!" ? ? I posted Korean "Hanguel " but it came out as question marks |
Graeme Arnott 28.01.2020 05:08 |
St 17 most definitely yes. |
musicland munich 28.01.2020 05:18 |
It's a weak album. Brian was also working on his Phd at that point if I remember correctly. I didn't like one song on that poor product. Yes, there are some nice bits here and there, but that's simply not enough for QUEEN standards. PR is a decent singer overall, but no fit for a band like Queen. The absence of John Deacon and a real catchy HIT single bombed it to Queen fans and the general public as well. I could go on but actually it's not worth the effort ;) |
The Real Wizard 28.01.2020 07:27 |
Wiley wrote: So many things went wrong. It wasn't marketed that much, like they wanted it to tank. Was that the record label or the band's decision? Who knows? Brian was absent and you can feel like he kind of phones it in. This is more of a Roger + Paul collaboration with Brian as guest but I don't think the music sounds like a Paul Rodgers solo album at all. Roger is the chief writer, after all. Lyrics are pretty weak. Hot Space is obviously better and less cringeworthy. I'd pick HS over TCR any time. But, then again, I'm in the minority that actually likes Hot Space. Cosmos has a few good moments and it does leave me wanting to know what a second Q+PR album would have sounded like. One with Brian fully contributing, rather than focusing on his Ph.D.^ this. I put it on a few months back and it didn't age well. The best moments are wonderful, but not enough to carry the album. It sounds like Brian wasn't there for half of it. His solo albums sound far more like Queen than this does. I will forever maintain that had they gone with the supergroup route, calling it something like Good Company, people would've listened to it with entirely fresh ears. But by using the Queen name the comparisons to their earlier output with Mercury were inevitable, and it was doomed to fail. And thus they've learned that they can market literally any product with the Queen name on it - except for new music. But good on them for trying. It was a phase they had to go through. I'll never forget how excited Brian was in interviews at the beginning of this collaboration in 2005. Never heard him sounding happier before or since. |
Ken8 28.01.2020 08:56 |
"The best moments are wonderful, but not enough to carry the album. It sounds like Brian wasn't there for half of it. His solo albums sound far more like Queen than this does. I will forever maintain that had they gone with the supergroup route, calling it something like Good Company, people would've listened to it with entirely fresh ears. But by using the Queen name the comparisons to their earlier output with Mercury were inevitable, and it was doomed to fail." Exactly. I think Fred's contributions in the studio are often overlooked. The amount of times Roger's complained about Fred changing the meaning of his words and Brian's complaints about production techniques Name one song post Fred's death that went on to be a hit Made In Heaven not included |
The Real Wizard 28.01.2020 09:32 |
Ken8 wrote: Name one song post Fred's death that went on to be a hitOf course, after Mercury died it was game over. Nobody's arguing that. But it's not like Mercury found much success on his own without the other band members. He had a few top ten singles, but nothing compared to what he had as part of the band. Brian had a couple top ten singles too. Does that mean he was just fine without Mercury too? Or was the collective more than the sum of the parts? The fact that Brian and Roger's creativity lagged after the mid 1990s could just as well be due to age or other external factors. Most artists are lucky to get a decade of solid creativity, and these guys had two. Even McCartney - arguably the greatest songwriter of the past century - dried up for quite some time. How many solid albums has he written since 1973? Had Mercury not fallen ill, who's to say his output would've improved as it did while he faced his mortality? In the 80s it was the other members of the band writing most of the hits while he was absorbed in the gay scene and happy as a clam. Mr Bad Guy is where Mercury was at, and it's basically an album of decent to good hooks without much direction. Maybe he would've gotten even worse had Bob Geldof not happened. Of course such things will never be known, but it's fun to speculate. But the argument that the band are nothing without Mercury just doesn't fly. The other band members are partly what made Mercury great as well. Sheer Heart Attack isn't a great album because of a quarter of the band. |
Vocal harmony 28.01.2020 11:15 |
The Real Wizard wrote: . . . . . I'll never forget how excited Brian was in interviews at the beginning of this collaboration in 2005. Never heard him sounding happier before or since.Well spotted, it's something I often thought about. Proof maybe that they really couldn't see a way of continuing being Queen until that point. Probably that Brian and Roger really wanted too but both had accepted that as a working band there was no future and therefore both had steered solo careers. The Paul Rodgers thing wasn't planned in advance ( not part of a master plan) but after the awards performance they obviously thought that this was the chance they had hoped for, hence Brian's genuine excitement at the tour. . . . Also during the tour he seemed really excited at the fact they were jamming during sme sound checks and in Brian's words it's early days but there maybe something new here. . . . Some regard it as a failure, but away from the album, the PR years showed Brian and Roger that they still had an audience and if nothing else was the beginning of the path of success they are now part of. |
Dr Magus 28.01.2020 12:11 |
They should never have used the 'Queen' name because it wasn't Queen. Simples. |
kosimodo 28.01.2020 14:33 |
Wonder where it is.. There was one moment i said to myself: ho, thats nicely done. Cant recall what or where. One moment in one song... Man, i can listen to one queen song 10 times i a row and still be exited after all those years. It wasnt special. |
Rick 28.01.2020 18:22 |
Small is such a beautiful song, though, |
stevelondon20 28.01.2020 19:07 |
Small is the best song on the album by far. Completely agree Rick. |
The Real Wizard 28.01.2020 20:05 |
stevelondon20 wrote: Small is the best song on the album by far. Completely agree Rick.Small is great, but the solo is just so half-assed that the song loses its strength. For me it's Some Things That Glitter. It's the only real classic Brian sounding track. Time To Shine is nice too. |
*goodco* 29.01.2020 10:29 |
Band named as 'Good Company'.....I like it, and makes sense. We all wouldn't have been so harsh. CR was a Paul Rodgers+Queen- album. Brian and Roger in the background. Why Roger didn't do LV on 'Small' (a shame his solo version is so damn slow) and any other song, Brian on 'All That Glitters', more shared LVs, more BVs, more guitars, more...... and less Paul. I haven't given it a spin since the year it was released, and can't name half the songs. I'll take side 2 of HS any day. Matt Z: "I thought 'Sheer Heart Attack' was our THIRD album..." LMAO on that one! |
Pim Derks 29.01.2020 21:13 |
Through The Night is awesome as well, a Mother Love kind-of-vibe. I wish every Queen album sounded as good on a production level as TCR and MIH did. In my opinion ofcourse. |
PrimeJiveUSA 30.01.2020 01:42 |
Pim Derks wrote: Through The Night is awesome as well, a Mother Love kind-of-vibe. I wish every Queen album sounded as good on a production level as TCR and MIH did. In my opinion ofcourse.I agree the production is really good on the TCR and Through the Night is indeed a very good song. Also really like We Believe, Small, Some Things That Glitter, Voodoo and Say It's Not True. I've always really liked the album. Ironically, the song released as the single(C-lebrity) is my least favorite on the album. It's one of those cynical, negative and gimmicky songs that Roger seems to always produce. Not a huge fan of Call Me and the opening title track but most of the album is a real pleasurable listen. In fact...this thread has made me want to give it a spin as its been a while! |
matt z 30.01.2020 16:03 |
"C-lebrity" is great and has a catchy Roger hook. ...problem is, it was much better in 1992 when it was JUDAS PRIEST 's "A Touch of Evil" *Now THERE'S a fucking song! A bridge! A solo! A crescendo! Bite! Anyways, stylistically very different from "QUEEN" ...a poster here had done a fantastic analysis of the albums mixing and with a few attenuations had SERIOUSLY (*for our friend who despises CAPS on a forum that prohibits bold/italics) changed the tonal character of the album. It "breathed" more. It sounded better. I'll post a link when i get to work and can more competently SEARCH and LOCATE that POST HERE IT IS!.. A POST BY A USER "Jeremy" in which he linked examples. I really DO wish someone would explain what "Cosmos Rockin'" is all about. I am not a scientist. link |
Invisible Woman 31.01.2020 07:08 |
The reason is simple. The songs from that album were not good enough and didn't looks like their music. |
Martin Packer 31.01.2020 10:03 |
I don't know if y'all've noticed but some people are naming some songs as bad while others name the same songs as good. Isn't that what we expect from the Queen brand? It seems to happen for EVERY album. |
PrimeJiveUSA 31.01.2020 14:47 |
Martin Packer wrote: I don't know if y'all've noticed but some people are naming some songs as bad while others name the same songs as good. Isn't that what we expect from the Queen brand? It seems to happen for EVERY album.Very true. Reminds me of all the Queen songs I've loved that seem to get routinely derided by most fans: Jesus Funny How Love Is Seaside Rendezvous White Man Fun It Staying Power Body Language Machines Rain Must Fall |
Biggest Band On The Planet 31.01.2020 18:14 |
I may be in the minority but I actually like the cover it also reminds me of the cover on A Kind of Magic. But I don't like the Album, say its not true is about the only good song on it. |
fras444 31.01.2020 18:17 |
How much of a dark horse was John regards to writing, arranging and composing music? Would his input had been enough... If Brian... let John have, unimpeded control and input into the song writing, would have John made the album more than half decent??? |
fras444 31.01.2020 18:21 |
More the the question... With John given the free rain to compose and be apart of the songwriting much in the same way that Freddie supposably aloud him over the years, could the three of them had made an impact in the 90s-2000s as Queen - Freddie |
Saint Jiub 31.01.2020 19:33 |
fras444 wrote: How much of a dark horse was John regards to writing, arranging and composing music? Would his input had been enough... If Brian... let John have, unimpeded control and input into the song writing, would have John made the album more than half decent???The bass sucked on this album ... surely John would have immensely improved TCR just based on this alone. Please also note that John salvaged "The Hitman" from the scrap heap with his song arrangement skills. |
matt z 01.02.2020 02:32 |
fras444 wrote: More the the question... With John given the free rain to compose and be apart of the songwriting much in the same way that Freddie supposably aloud him over the years, could the three of them had made an impact in the 90s-2000s as Queen - FreddieAhhh! The classic BITTER/SARCASTIC but more ACCURATE term for the band since Hahaha always gives me a laugh QUEEN - (Minus) |
Star* 01.02.2020 09:34 |
There is a good saying Forget Queen+ and lets call them Queen - Freddie ! |
philip storey 01.02.2020 12:23 |
Bass Guitar was done by Brian on TCR,seems a little strange to me as a really good Bass Guitarist could have added some guts to some of the tracks. Surely it was not done to this way to keep costs down ! |
philip storey 01.02.2020 12:23 |
Bass Guitar was done by Brian on TCR,seems a little strange to me as a really good Bass Guitarist could have added some guts to some of the tracks. Surely it was not done to this way to keep costs down ! |
fras444 01.02.2020 21:11 |
^Saint Jiub Was that why Deacks got a credit to such an "un John" heavy metal number!!?? Always wondered what his input to that song, also has to be one of the very few that he got for innuendo... There you go.... Had John been apart of the TCR... at the very least.... the bass would have been brilliant.... One wonders what the huge difference is for a multi instrumentalist Brian to play bass... he could play the 6 strings with his fingers piano... BASS.... something just simply did not click... John.... Bass piano drums synths "BACKING VOCALS..." and he could also play..... Guitar Dave Mustaine... "Bass players are at the bottom of the food chain..." Hahaha there you go... Seseme Street...The word of the day kids is QUEEN - Freddie. When you use basic algebra math in bands B+J+R-F = Queen - Freddie.. Doesnt make sense.. its algebra... it's not meant to make sense but it does... |
The Real Wizard 02.02.2020 23:15 |
fras444 wrote: Dave Mustaine... "Bass players are at the bottom of the food chain..."Exactly the ignorant nonsense one can expect from someone at the bottom of the food chain of metal. Geddy Lee, Chris Squire, James Jamerson, and Lee Sklar would almost certainly agree with me. |
fras444 03.02.2020 04:36 |
^ yup that just sums it all up mate. Dave Mustaine... the creator of Megadeth will always be remembered as the guy who got fired from Metallica and with all the success he had with Megadeth... Will always be left with the "what ifs... " wishing he was still in the band. Wonder what he thought of Cliff Burton... |
matt z 03.02.2020 05:25 |
??? Megadeth is far far far far greater than that shitty band metallica. Its not even close. Creatively artistically etc Maybe that's a quote regarding his style of music. But they've been just about as consistent as any band could be without retreads. A few non grandeur albums: super collider, United abominations... But even stuff like The world needs a hero (*with a drastic lineup change) batted about .600 Didn't know there were Megadeth haters here. They may not have enjoyed the public ride that metallica has gotten despite years of incredulous crap with a few albums copying themselves (death magnetic/hard wired) but they're genuine, compelling, contemporary and still strong with variety , riffs and feats. .something metallica hasn't done |
fras444 03.02.2020 14:49 |
I enjoy Megadeth. Rust in peice and hanger 18 is a top notch song but I dear say I couldn't listen to Mustaines voice all day vs James..... Countdown too extinction is another top album. Yep band changes kinda sums up Mustaine in away.... if Marty had gotthe chance to have more of an artistic input into it. Could have been something more different. True about Metallica though. Dave brought them Kill em all, Cliff brought them Ride and Master... justice was a great album but lacking the bass... poor Newsted could have been a force and had he been given more support and less crap... Black album was okay.. Load/Reload okay.... and yep what Cliff and Dave brought was something that James Kirk and Lars couldn't quite produce... Top quality songs composure creativity |
matt z 03.02.2020 15:17 |
And that's just it. Metallica continues to Tour and rake up sales and touring revenue although they are mostly a heritage act at this point. Meanwhile Megadeth continues to produce original topical material and still pack a mean punch without sounding contrived (*except for that A Tout Le Monde redo with that female singer) Which is difficult after all that time. As for Marty, They had a mutual separation after Marty wanted to take them into pop style territory. He'd been considered to rejoin but stated he didn't want to reduce any of the legacy of that era. |
Boudica 05.02.2020 11:15 |
Boudica 05.02.2020 11:17 |
<>But it's not like Mercury found much success on his own without the other band members. He had a few top ten singles, but nothing compared to what he had as part of the band. Brian had a couple top ten singles too. Does that mean he was just fine without Mercury too? Or was the collective more than the sum of the parts? The fact that Brian and Roger's creativity lagged after the mid 1990s could just as well be due to age or other external factors. Most artists are lucky to get a decade of solid creativity, and these guys had two. Even McCartney - arguably the greatest songwriter of the past century - dried up for quite some time. How many solid albums has he written since 1973? Had Mercury not fallen ill, who's to say his output would've improved as it did while he faced his mortality? In the 80s it was the other members of the band writing most of the hits while he was absorbed in the gay scene and happy as a clam. Mr Bad Guy is where Mercury was at, and it's basically an album of decent to good hooks without much direction. Maybe he would've gotten even worse had Bob Geldof not happened. Of course such things will never be known, but it's fun to speculate. But the argument that the band are nothing without Mercury just doesn't fly. The other band members are partly what made Mercury great as well. Sheer Heart Attack isn't a great album because of a quarter of the band. <> Freddie's solo albums were not his main focus. He even left behind Mr Bad Guy at one point to work on Queen material. He didn't promote his solo album much. After Freddie's death Brian had a lot of opportunities to promote his solo material, he toured and did a lot of press interviews. People don't often realize that Freddie abandoned the whole disco phase after Mr Bad Guy. He never wrote any disco music after that. He also wrote It's A Hard Life during that time, it wasn't the biggest hit, but from a songwriting perspective it is a good song. He did a lot more promotion for the Barcelona album. But the whole Barcelona album isn't exactly top of the charts commercial pop music.The Barcelona song did well in spite of the fact that it wasn't very commercial. The album is well regarded and highly rated, on most places. Freddie did prove that he could work separately from Queen. The band were also able to use some of Freddie's solo material for the Made In Heaven album, precisely because it wasn't well promoted at the time Freddie released the album. After the Mr Bad Guy album, Freddie wrote songs such as Princess Of The Universe, Was It All Worth It, I am Going Slightly Mad, Friends Will Be Friends. Innuendo. The Miracle, the whole Barcelona album. In truth Freddie was never really one who often wrote overtly commercial music, the Hot Space album is the one exception. A lot of his songs that became hits, were hits despite the fact that they were not commercial in an obvious manner. Even something simple such as Crazy Little Thing Called Love, was a rockabilly tune in the 80's. If it was during the 60's then the tune's popularity would have been much more obvious. Don't Stop Me Now, didn't do well on the charts, but the song have become very popular over the years. Living On My Own and I Was Born To Love You are other songs that was converted into a reasonably big hits after Freddie's death. The same is true of Freddie in the early years as well, songs such March Of The Black or even Bohemian Rhapsody, are good songwriting, but wasn't exactly songs that were written for the pop charts. The band member who's input really declined during this period was John. John often added a song or two to Queen's albums. I don't believe John was such a good songwriter as Freddie or Brian, but he usually added some generally good material. During the last years his input really declined, and he did not have a lot of input on Innuendo. It seems like his personal life influenced his output. John also wrote a lot music in conjunction with Freddie. That leaves us with Roger, his songwriting improved a bit over the years, but his music always need a lot of direction. Roger also had a tendency of writing very corny lyrics. Practically all of his songs that became hits were reworked and altered by Freddie. From all of the available information Roger was left to perform most of the songwriting duties on Cosmos Rocks. That immediately signals a problem, because was there no one to alter and rework his music. Brian is a very good songwriter, but he never actually wrote that many big hits. Brian has produced some interesting and unique music. But overall Freddie was a more adventurous and unique songwriter. Brian was often good at adding some nice guitar solos to Freddie's music. Roger has spoken this songwriting issue, with regards to producing new music: “Well, you’re missing your best and prime songwriter,” Taylor says. “We could all write songs, but Freddie was born to it. He constantly surprised us. I still don’t know where some of his lyrics came from, they’re so clever, almost Cole Porter-ish at times. Or like when he was writing all that slightly Tolkien-esque, proggy stuff. I never saw Freddie read a book, but he must have been a great black hole of information. That’s why Brian and I haven’t made more new music since he died, because we know we wouldn’t bring the full arsenal that we had to the table. Even according to Roger himself, Freddie was very important to their songwriting at the end of the day. The Cosmos Rocks definitely also suffered from the fact that it was sold as a Queen album. If you attach the name Queen to a project, people are going to have certain expectations. It was strange how they did not use a real bass player on the album. Bass might not always be the most obvious aspect of a song, but it can be very important. Paul Rogers is a reasonably well known figure, but he had never really written or composed such big hits as Queen. As a songwriter he is not on the same level. |
MyHumanZoo 05.02.2020 17:29 |
Very insightful and very well-stated, Boudica. I do think that a very under appreciated aspect of Freddie was his ability to add to songs, to contribute innovative lyrics, rhythms, arrangements, etc. to make them unique and listener-friendly. For example, he has said that Roger wrote Radio Gaga, and then he had to rework it himself. What did Freddie do to it to “improve” it....I would love to know. I’d also love to hear Roger’s original version to hear the difference. If any of you Houdini’s with the bootlegs and recordings have that, please share! And an interesting point about John being the one to really drop off in song writing in the later years...was part of that Freddie’s focus on his solo stuff, maybe less time to assist John? Or did the lack of success on Hot Space make John withdraw a little, thinking maybe he’d lost some magic? Or was it just life getting in the way, children and general issues kind of stifling the creativity? It would be nice to know what went on. |
brENsKi 06.02.2020 22:41 |
in response to the OP question - "What Went Wrong With The Cosmos Rocks ?" Answer: it was recorded! |
runner_70 07.02.2020 14:36 |
Boudica wrote: Brian is a very good songwriter, but he never actually wrote that many big hits. Brian has produced some interesting and unique music.Those May sheep might disagree ;) But you are completely pot on. Without Freddie May would have become an astronomer |
Star* 07.02.2020 14:48 |
Yep Freddie wrote the big tunes for Queen and Brian May will always be jealous of Mercury's Bohemian Rhapsody! |
Nathan H 07.02.2020 17:51 |
I don't think Queen would've been successful without each other as they all submitted different things. I always think of this with the members of Queen: - Roger was very good at coming up with ideas/embryos for songs especially from the 80s onwards - Freddie was very good at completing/commercialising songs - John was very good at technical side of recording e.g. setting up/adjusting equipment - Brian was very good at perfecting Queen songs e.g.determjnation and work effort Of course Freddie wrote a lot of the hits but Brian was the most consistent writer and wrote a lot more of the meaningful and powerful songs, but not very commercial compared to other Queen songs. |
Star* 07.02.2020 20:56 |
Please do not forget Freddie broke the band into the big time and it was his songs that got heads turning and landed them on Top of the Pops ! Freddie & Brian were the main song writers at the start but for 45s it was Freddie all the way. |
Nathan H 07.02.2020 22:03 |
ST17 wrote: Please do not forget Freddie broke the band into the big time and it was his songs that got heads turning and landed them on Top of the Pops ! Freddie & Brian were the main song writers at the start but for 45s it was Freddie all the way.Yes I know but I'm trying to even it out between all the members! To balance it all out... - It was Brian who started Queen in the first place way back in the late-60s when he asked for a "Ginger Baker/Mitch Mitchell type drummer" - It was John who wrote Queen's best selling single; Another One Bites The Dust - It was Roger who wrote or contributed significantly to the highest charted songs after 1984 including Radio Ga, A Kind Of Magic, Innuendo, These Are The Days Of Our Lives and Heaven For Everyone Freddie liked being in Queen so he would've left if he thought that he was the only one to contribute significantly to the group. (He tried going solo but didn't like it, he rathered being in a group.) Queen is not all about Freddie - Brian, Roger and John are simply not just a backing band. |
Holly2003 08.02.2020 09:43 |
Young Music Fan wrote: Of course Freddie wrote a lot of the hits but Brian was the most consistent writer and wrote a lot more of the meaningful and powerful songs, but not very commercial compared to other Queen songs.Perhaps you mean Brian wrote more "personal" songs -- unless you consider Now I'm Here, TYMD, FBG, Dead on Time, Tear It Up etc as "meaningful"? :) I'm joking. Mostly. I know he wrote White Man which is "meaningful and powerful." But I think your definitions are muddy and imprecise. |
rockchic65 08.02.2020 10:13 |
Holly2003 wrote:He did also write WWTLF, Save Me, It's Late, White Queen and The Prophet's song.Young Music Fan wrote: Of course Freddie wrote a lot of the hits but Brian was the most consistent writer and wrote a lot more of the meaningful and powerful songs, but not very commercial compared to other Queen songs.Perhaps you mean Brian wrote more "personal" songs -- unless you consider Now I'm Here, TYMD, FBG, Dead on Time, Tear It Up etc as "meaningful"? :) I'm joking. Mostly. I know he wrote White Man which is "meaningful and powerful." But I think your definitions are muddy and imprecise. |
Holly2003 08.02.2020 10:29 |
rockchic65 wrote:Your definitions also appear to be muddy and imprecise. Is Prophet's Song "meaningful" in the way the original poster meant? (what did he mean?) What about Its Late? And if Brian wrote less commercial tracks why were many of the above songs released as singles? (Now I'm Here, TYMD, WWTLF, Save Me, Its Late) Many of these songs have a personal meaning for Brian, but you could say that about the songs of all 4 band members.Holly2003 wrote:He did also write WWTLF, Save Me, It's Late, White Queen and The Prophet's song.Young Music Fan wrote: Of course Freddie wrote a lot of the hits but Brian was the most consistent writer and wrote a lot more of the meaningful and powerful songs, but not very commercial compared to other Queen songs.Perhaps you mean Brian wrote more "personal" songs -- unless you consider Now I'm Here, TYMD, FBG, Dead on Time, Tear It Up etc as "meaningful"? :) I'm joking. Mostly. I know he wrote White Man which is "meaningful and powerful." But I think your definitions are muddy and imprecise. |
Nathan H 08.02.2020 12:20 |
Holly2003 wrote:Brian wrote a lot more personal songs (e.g. meaningful and powerfulness) than any of the others members think about...rockchic65 wrote:Your definitions also appear to be muddy and imprecise. Is Prophet's Song "meaningful" in the way the original poster meant? (what did he mean?) What about Its Late? And if Brian wrote less commercial tracks why were many of the above songs released as singles? (Now I'm Here, TYMD, WWTLF, Save Me, Its Late) Many of these songs have a personal meaning for Brian, but you could say that about the songs of all 4 band members.Holly2003 wrote:He did also write WWTLF, Save Me, It's Late, White Queen and The Prophet's song.Young Music Fan wrote: Of course Freddie wrote a lot of the hits but Brian was the most consistent writer and wrote a lot more of the meaningful and powerful songs, but not very commercial compared to other Queen songs.Perhaps you mean Brian wrote more "personal" songs -- unless you consider Now I'm Here, TYMD, FBG, Dead on Time, Tear It Up etc as "meaningful"? :) I'm joking. Mostly. I know he wrote White Man which is "meaningful and powerful." But I think your definitions are muddy and imprecise. White Queen (As It Began), '39, Good Company, Long Away, Teo Torriatte (Let Us Cling Together), It's Late, Leaving Home Ain't Easy, Save Me, Las Palabras De Amor (The Words Of Love), Who Wants To Live Forever, Scandal, Too Much Love Will Kill You and No-One But You (Only The Good Die Young). Freddie wrote a few, as did the other members but Brian in my opinion wrote the most. Brian may have had a lot of singles but not many of them were Top 10 hits (hence not very commericial songs). His only Top 10 hits in the UK were Flash and I Want It All. And as a solo artist, Too Much Love Will Kill You. Can you see not very many commerical songs. |
Star* 08.02.2020 13:29 |
Young Music Fan It was not Brian that started Queen in the 60s. Brian met Roger and they called themselves "Smile" and got a singer called Tim Staffel who later left when the band flopped, then came a fan of "Smile's" in the form of Freddie Mercury who begged them to give him a chance as he could turn the band around and he did, firstly the bands name changed to Queen which was Freddie's idea and the crest was formed then Freddie had a brilliant forecast ahead knowing what direction to take to make the new band work! The rest is history and not only did Freddie make the band massive he himself is considered by millions as the greatest male vocalist ever ! |
brENsKi 08.02.2020 14:03 |
Young Music Fan wrote: Brian wrote a lot more personal songs (e.g. meaningful and powerfulness) than any of the others members think about... '39, Who Wants To Live Forever Too Much Love Will Kill Youagreed generally, but: '39 isn't personal is it? it's a sci-fi song. WWTLF was written for The Highlander - for a specific scene, so again - it ain't really personal TMLWKY - it may be personal, but isn't it Elizabeth Lamers who penned the lyrics? |
AlbaNo1 08.02.2020 14:58 |
I recall Brian saying that 39 could be taken on two levels, one of them being an emotional journey which he personally related to the experience of going on tour with a rock band away from family and everything seeming different on his return. |
Nathan H 08.02.2020 16:54 |
ST17 wrote: Young Music Fan It was not Brian that started Queen in the 60s. Brian met Roger and they called themselves "Smile" and got a singer called Tim Staffel who later left when the band flopped, then came a fan of "Smile's" in the form of Freddie Mercury who begged them to give him a chance as he could turn the band around and he did, firstly the bands name changed to Queen which was Freddie's idea and the crest was formed then Freddie had a brilliant forecast ahead knowing what direction to take to make the new band work! The rest is history and not only did Freddie make the band massive he himself is considered by millions as the greatest male vocalist ever !But the point I'm trying to make is that if Brian and Roger hadn't have met in the first place then there would be no Queen. The way your putting this information is like Queen isn't a group but a singer with backing musicians like Elton John. Freddie would've quit Queen if he thought that he did everything, it was more of a group effort then your making out. |
Nathan H 08.02.2020 16:57 |
brENsKi wrote:These songs can have a special meaning for people as the lyrics could be applied to their lives. TMLWKY was an idea conceived by Brian - a documentary turned into a song.Young Music Fan wrote: Brian wrote a lot more personal songs (e.g. meaningful and powerfulness) than any of the others members think about... '39, Who Wants To Live Forever Too Much Love Will Kill Youagreed generally, but: '39 isn't personal is it? it's a sci-fi song. WWTLF was written for The Highlander - for a specific scene, so again - it ain't really personal TMLWKY - it may be personal, but isn't it Elizabeth Lamers who penned the lyrics? |
Star* 08.02.2020 17:00 |
In the beginning Queen was Freddie's baby, he got the band up and running and the band relied on him heavily for his artistic input and flare. Brian & Roger had flopped with there previous band and decided to let Freddie sprinkle some magic and see what happened. Sure Roger John & Brian were first class musicians but without the amazing songs Freddie wrote they could have ended up another disaster like Smile did. |
The Real Wizard 08.02.2020 18:48 |
matt z wrote: Didn't know there were Megadeth haters here.Nope, I don't hate Megadeth - the music is great. Separate the art from the artist. And the artist in this case - Dave Mustaine - is a piece of shit. |
The Real Wizard 08.02.2020 18:58 |
Boudica wrote: He did a lot more promotion for the Barcelona album. But the whole Barcelona album isn't exactly top of the charts commercial pop music.The Barcelona song did well in spite of the fact that it wasn't very commercial. The album is well regarded and highly rated, on most places. Freddie did prove that he could work separately from Queen....give or take an AIDS diagnosis. When confronted with one's mortality, of course everything changes. Naturally there's no way of knowing if Mercury would've gotten his act together in that short time had his health not taken a turn for the worse, but if we're being honest with ourselves, we know the answer. It's got nothing to do with promotion. The artist doesn't call the shots on promotion - the label does. And when his label realized what a turd Mr Bad Guy was, they dropped him like a used rubber. Barcelona was on a different label, and because it was a much better album, it was promoted well. Mercury was brilliant, full stop. But from about 1982-85 he was not even close to his creative peak. No doubt he was a great collaborator with the other band members, even during this period, but in 1985 he was a far cry from the artist he was a decade earlier. Music went from being his main focus to a side gig that paid the bills. It happens to plenty of us. But Mercury got a second lease on life, knowing it was a limited one. He left New York and Munich behind, and became an artist again. This is undoubtedly why his writing becomes far more consistent after 1986. |
The Real Wizard 08.02.2020 19:04 |
brENsKi wrote: '39 isn't personal is it? it's a sci-fi song.It has multiple layers. May has stated it was all metaphor for how he was leaving everything he knew behind in becoming a rock musician. |
The Real Wizard 08.02.2020 19:06 |
Young Music Fan wrote:ST17 (and his dozen other monikers here) isn't a Queen fan - similar to runner_70, he's a Freddie Mercury fan who has dedicated his life to slandering May and Taylor because they have managed to create a successful touring version of the band without Mercury. He only says nice things about Deacon because his path of retirement was ostensibly chosen out of respect for Mercury (something which Deacon hasn't confirmed).ST17 wrote: Young Music Fan It was not Brian that started Queen in the 60s. Brian met Roger and they called themselves "Smile" and got a singer called Tim Staffel who later left when the band flopped, then came a fan of "Smile's" in the form of Freddie Mercury who begged them to give him a chance as he could turn the band around and he did, firstly the bands name changed to Queen which was Freddie's idea and the crest was formed then Freddie had a brilliant forecast ahead knowing what direction to take to make the new band work! The rest is history and not only did Freddie make the band massive he himself is considered by millions as the greatest male vocalist ever !But the point I'm trying to make is that if Brian and Roger hadn't have met in the first place then there would be no Queen. The way your putting this information is like Queen isn't a group but a singer with backing musicians like Elton John. Freddie would've quit Queen if he thought that he did everything, it was more of a group effort then your making out. Anything said to the contrary, regardless of factual merit, is met with radio silence at best and baseless vitriol at worst. Feelings masquerading as facts. So don't be seeking any kind of reasoned dialogue with these characters - you will be sorely disappointed. |
The Real Wizard 08.02.2020 19:08 |
ST17 wrote: Brian & Roger had flopped with there previous band and decided to let Freddie sprinkle some magic and see what happened. Sure Roger John & Brian were first class musicians but without the amazing songs Freddie wrote they could have ended up another disaster like Smile did.Absolute nonsense. Smile just ended because it ran its course, like literally millions of bands before and since. Smile was a big name on the UK college circuit in the late 1960s, and in Queen's early days (for at least a year) they used the Smile name to get and promote gigs because it had clout, whereas Queen meant nothing to anyone. link Once again you are demonstrating your ignorance and are clouded by your hatred for May and Taylor. It says nothing about them and everything about you. |
Nathan H 08.02.2020 19:12 |
Thank you The Real Wizard keep up your good work. |
AlbaNo1 08.02.2020 22:05 |
AlbaNo1 08.02.2020 22:05 |
No wonder Queen ignore their “real” fans. |
The Real Wizard 08.02.2020 22:54 |
Young Music Fan wrote: Thank you The Real Wizard keep up your good work.Flattered. But I'm afraid I won't - I have very little spare time to hand these people's asses to them anymore. Sadly they just refuse to learn anything beyond their simple worldview, so it's really just a waste of everyone's time. What's the point of trying to educate someone who has no desire to learn? |
AlbaNo1 08.02.2020 23:00 |
You are so intellectually superior. |
*goodco* 09.02.2020 02:49 |
The Real Wizard wrote:But some of us old farts that still visit once a week, and scan past 90% of the rubbish, love the gems that some may never have seen before, such as the above Queen concert placard.Young Music Fan wrote: Thank you The Real Wizard keep up your good work.Flattered. But I'm afraid I won't - I have very little spare time to hand these people's asses to them anymore. Sadly they just refuse to learn anything beyond their simple worldview, so it's really just a waste of everyone's time. What's the point of trying to educate someone who has no desire to learn? Thanks for that, kind sir. |
Holly2003 09.02.2020 08:14 |
Holly2003 09.02.2020 08:19 |
I can one-up that :) Here's an ad for Sour Milk Sea at the Roundhouse in March 1970, just before Freddie left the band. |
brENsKi 09.02.2020 10:17 |
The Real Wizard wrote: Absolute nonsense. Smile just ended because it ran its course, like literally millions of bands before and since.@Real Wizard, but we keep forgetting that Freddie's pre-Queen bands were such a massive success. Didn't he leave his (critically acclaimed and massive commercial success) final pre-Queen band just to give Roger and Brian a "leg up" the rock success ladder. :-) |
Saint Jiub 09.02.2020 13:55 |
AlbaNo1 wrote: You are so intellectually superior.unfortunately nobody is perfect ... |
Star* 09.02.2020 14:13 |
@Real Wizard You know nothing about me and i am an ardent Queen fan i love the four members and have done since 1974 so you cannot arrogantly tell everyone on here what i do or do not like you are out of order. I have lost a lot of respect for Brian and Roger now since Adam Lambert got on board but i do still like past projects they have done. Until you become a clairvoyant keep your beak out of my opinions matey. |
brENsKi 09.02.2020 18:04 |
AlbaNo1 wrote:You are so intellectually superior.says the man currently making a single Grand National bet...staking his life savings on a blind, three-legged horse! |
AlbaNo1 09.02.2020 20:58 |
Such a horse would not be in the Grand National |
The Real Wizard 09.02.2020 21:05 |
ST17 wrote: You know nothing about me and i am an ardent Queen fan i love the four members and have done since 1974 so you cannot arrogantly tell everyone on here what i do or do not like you are out of order.. So you have one account where you can put a sentence together, and another where you choose not to. I pity you for having so much spare time and nothing useful to do with it. |
brENsKi 09.02.2020 22:26 |
brENsKi wrote:AlbaNo1 wrote:You are so intellectually superior.says the man currently making a single Grand National bet...staking his life savings on a blind, three-legged horse! AlbaNo1 wrote:Such a horse would not be in the Grand NationalThat's as maybe. But, were such a beast to be saddled up at the starting gate, you'd be selling your children, mother, and everything you own to raise funds to bet on it. |
AlbaNo1 09.02.2020 22:50 |
Indeed a more attractive proposition than the dead horse you continue to flog |
brENsKi 09.02.2020 22:57 |
brENsKi wrote:brENsKi wrote:AlbaNo1 wrote:You are so intellectually superior.says the man currently making a single Grand National bet...staking his life savings on a blind, three-legged horse!AlbaNo1 wrote:Such a horse would not be in the Grand NationalThat's as maybe. But, were such a beast to be saddled up at the starting gate, you'd be selling your children, mother, and everything you own to raise funds to bet on it. AlbaNo1 wrote: Indeed a more attractive proposition than the dead horse you continue to flogand that's your comeback? really? I think I'm going to have to start making allowances for you. |
AlbaNo1 09.02.2020 23:05 |
I thought it was quite good |
AlbaNo1 09.02.2020 23:06 |
I thought it was quite good |
brENsKi 09.02.2020 23:11 |
brENsKi wrote:brENsKi wrote:brENsKi wrote:AlbaNo1 wrote:You are so intellectually superior.says the man currently making a single Grand National bet...staking his life savings on a blind, three-legged horse!AlbaNo1 wrote:Such a horse would not be in the Grand NationalThat's as maybe. But, were such a beast to be saddled up at the starting gate, you'd be selling your children, mother, and everything you own to raise funds to bet on it.AlbaNo1 wrote: Indeed a more attractive proposition than the dead horse you continue to flogand that's your comeback? really? I think I'm going to have to start making allowances for you. AlbaNo1 wrote:I thought it was quite goodbut you're only going by your own (sub) standards. for the rest of the world it was "meh". |
Saint Jiub 09.02.2020 23:23 |
AlbaNo1 wrote: I thought it was quite goodIt was quite good. |
*goodco* 10.02.2020 02:07 |
Holly2003 wrote: I can one-up that :) Here's an ad for Sour Milk Sea at the Roundhouse in March 1970, just before Freddie left the band.:-) Thank you (so I lied and visited 2x in one day whilst killing time during the Oscars) |
The Ghost of Lester Burnham 11.02.2020 03:43 |
The Real Wizard wrote:Not only that, but if Freddie was so all-powerful, why didn't he hit it big with Wreckage? Or Ibex? Or Sour Milk Sea?ST17 wrote: Brian & Roger had flopped with there previous band and decided to let Freddie sprinkle some magic and see what happened. Sure Roger John & Brian were first class musicians but without the amazing songs Freddie wrote they could have ended up another disaster like Smile did.Absolute nonsense. Smile just ended because it ran its course, like literally millions of bands before and since. Smile was a big name on the UK college circuit in the late 1960s, and in Queen's early days (for at least a year) they used the Smile name to get and promote gigs because it had clout, whereas Queen meant nothing to anyone. link Once again you are demonstrating your ignorance and are clouded by your hatred for May and Taylor. It says nothing about them and everything about you. Not trying to put the guy down, as he was undoubtedly a brilliant musician, songwriter, singer, entertainer, performer, etc., but it took the combination of Freddie, Brian, and Roger – and then ultimately John – to make Queen who they were. EDIT: ah dip, brenski already got there before I did. I'll let my message stand. |
Star* 11.02.2020 07:42 |
Probably the reason for Freddie failing in the other three groups may be because he never got on very well with the guys or the bands were not as creative around Freddie and as we know Freddie got bored fairly fast if a particular thing was not going anywhere so he just moved on. There is also the aspect of gaining experience as he went along as well. A bit like footie stars they loose the first three games then score on the fourth! |
The Real Wizard 11.02.2020 21:54 |
ST16 wrote: Probably the reason for Freddie failing in the other three groups may be because he never got on very well with the guys or the bands were not as creative around Freddie and as we know Freddie got bored fairly fast if a particular thing was not going anywhere so he just moved on. There is also the aspect of gaining experience as he went along as well. A bit like footie stars they loose the first three games then score on the fourth!Of course - make up your own version of history when the facts aren't known, and you're sure to get the result you want. But the last point is interesting. Let's apply that logic to Brian May, as he'd played in Smile, 1984, and Left-handed Marriage. But because you worship Freddie Mercury and hate Brian May, you'll find a way to make it about Brian's character and lack of talent. Your bias and small-mindedness are laughable. It's amazing you keep trying, when you continue to have your ass handed to you literally every time. |
Negative Creep 11.02.2020 22:58 |
The Real Wizard wrote: Of course - make up your own version of history when the facts aren't known, and you're sure to get the result you want.Do you think you're immune to that? You claimed Smile were well known on the "UK college circuit " - which is clearly utter bollocks. The handful (or less!) of early Queen gig adverts that mentioned Smile were merely venues that Smile had previously played and mostly associated with Roger. As lovely as Cornwall is, Truro is essentially the arse end of nowhere and they only went to play there because of Roger's connections and not being able to get other gigs elsewhere. |
runner_70 11.02.2020 23:02 |
Negative Creep wrote:TRW is someone who thinks of himself as Mr Know it all while in the real world he has not clue about Queen history or rock music in general. Well known fact on QZ for ages.....The Real Wizard wrote: Of course - make up your own version of history when the facts aren't known, and you're sure to get the result you want.Do you think you're immune to that? You claimed Smile were well known on the "UK college circuit " - which is clearly utter bollocks. The handful (or less!) of early Queen gig adverts that mentioned Smile were merely venues that Smile had previously played and mostly associated with Roger. As lovely as Cornwall is, Truro is essentially the arse end of nowhere and they only went to play there because of Roger's connections and not being able to get other gigs elsewhere. |
*goodco* 12.02.2020 04:38 |
^ So correct you are with that opinion, as you are with every one you print here. The Real Wizard probably knows (and can spot on nail) a thousand songs on guitar, while you would have to sit idly by while others do the stomping and clapping to WWRY. And you probably visit his website to learn about Queen. If not, it's time you started. Do carry on. |
Star* 12.02.2020 07:22 |
@Negative Creep I agree TRW likes to think he is god on this website and everyone has to look up to him but truth is he is deluded. He must sit in his bedroom googling everything on Queen and repeating it on here to make himself look clever lol Still have they got google in Canada i know they have plenty of ice lol |
Holly2003 12.02.2020 21:07 |
*goodco* wrote:I believe Sour Milk Sea also played the Roundhouse on April 4th that year supporting Taste, featuring Rory Gallagher. Rory, of course, was one of Brian's idols.Holly2003 wrote: I can one-up that :) Here's an ad for Sour Milk Sea at the Roundhouse in March 1970, just before Freddie left the band.:-) Thank you (so I lied and visited 2x in one day whilst killing time during the Oscars) |
The Real Wizard 12.02.2020 22:05 |
Negative Creep wrote:Way to feed the trolls.The Real Wizard wrote: Of course - make up your own version of history when the facts aren't known, and you're sure to get the result you want.Do you think you're immune to that? You claimed Smile were well known on the "UK college circuit " - which is clearly utter bollocks. The handful (or less!) of early Queen gig adverts that mentioned Smile were merely venues that Smile had previously played and mostly associated with Roger. As lovely as Cornwall is, Truro is essentially the arse end of nowhere and they only went to play there because of Roger's connections and not being able to get other gigs elsewhere. Smile played hundreds of gigs all over the UK, and opened for Hendrix and Cream numerous times. Compared to most bands at the time who didn't have a record deal, they did about as well as they could have. Some of your points are valid, but keep it civil. Writing it the way you did you makes me out to be the equal opposite of the Brian/Roger hating idiots who constantly pollute this place with their vitriol. Don't make it worse. |
The Real Wizard 12.02.2020 22:12 |
ST16 wrote: @Negative Creep I agree TRW likes to think he is god on this website and everyone has to look up to him but truth is he is deluded. He must sit in his bedroom googling everything on Queen and repeating it on here to make himself look clever lol Still have they got google in Canada i know they have plenty of ice lolThere goes that shoe sized IQ and your generalizations again. What a pathetic existence you must lead. |
AlbaNo1 12.02.2020 22:50 |
I wonder does this contradict any more recent posts. This forum may be junk but the search function works. brENsKi user is on How shall we f**k off, Oh Lord brENsKi Deity: 8896 posts add to buddy list send PM Posted: 18 May 12, 10:24 Edit this post Reply to this post Reply with Quote queen had broekn america before the John argument doesn't work. I think Freddie made queen. but from one perspective only. smile were a band and had made a recording, but were going nowhere....TS decided to join a band called Humpy Bong for fuck's sake - that shows how successful he felt smile would ever be freddie brought a new direction to a standard (for the times) band formula.... brian still plays that silly solo that appeared on that smile lp which |
Star* 13.02.2020 07:50 |
Totally agree Freddie made Queen he styled the band gave the band direction and got them massive with his songwriting. May & Taylor were going nowhere before Freddie got involved. |
brENsKi 13.02.2020 08:06 |
AlbaNo1 wrote: I wonder does this contradict any more recent posts. This forum may be junk but the search function works. brENsKi user is on How shall we f**k off, Oh Lord brENsKi Deity: 8896 posts add to buddy list send PM Posted: 18 May 12, 10:24 Edit this post Reply to this post Reply with Quote queen had broekn america before the John argument doesn't work. red smile were a band and had made a recording, but were going nowhere....TS decided to join a band called Humpy Bong for fuck's sake - that shows how successful he felt smile would ever be freddie brought a new direction to a standard (for the times) band formula.... brian still plays that silly solo that appeared on that smile lp whichyou need to learn to read. hehe - searching out posts form 2012 - but still getting it wrong. my feelings on queen are consistent. idiot. |
AlbaNo1 13.02.2020 08:38 |
It's "from " 2012, not "form" 2012 |
brENsKi 13.02.2020 09:28 |
AlbaNo1 wrote:It's "from " 2012, not "form" 2012"form" is a word. so spellchecker didn't flag it. to "make a point" you come back with something from 7 years ago - and fail on an epic scale. because the post you quoted confirmed little other than what I've always said about the band. clearly - "from" your recent posts, you appear to have decided to target me. yip-dee-do! my very own stalker. what an inconsequential little nobody you are. |
brENsKi 13.02.2020 09:30 |
ST16 wrote:Totally agree Freddie made Queen he styled the band gave the band direction and got them massive with his songwriting. May & Taylor were going nowhere before Freddie got involved.and Freddie was going nowhere - until May & Taylor arrived. |
AlbaNo1 13.02.2020 10:19 |
brENsKi 13.02.2020 11:26 |
AlbaNo1 wrote:You said I need to learn to read . I'm just showing my progress. You called me an idiot. You have called me an inconsequential nobody.You suggested I would sell my mother. All of this in response to a post I made that wasn't even directed to you .let's deal with each of your points in turn, then you might finally fuck off into the nothingness that is your very existence. 1. yes I did call you an idiot - because you posted a "search result" claiming i contradict myself. the post in question: AlbaNo1 wrote: [color=blue]I wonder does this contradict any more recent posts. This forum may be junk but the search function works. brENsKi user is on How shall we f**k off, Oh Lord brENsKi Deity: 8896 posts Posted: 18 May 12, 10:24 Edit this post Reply to this post Reply with Quote queen had broekn america before the John argument doesn't work.[/color] red[color=blue] smile were a band and had made a recording, but were going nowhere....TS decided to join a band called Humpy Bong for fuck's sake - that shows how successful he felt smile would ever be freddie brought a new direction to a standard (for the times) band formula.... brian still plays that silly solo that appeared on that smile lp which [/color]was not contradictory of any of my views. it was about ONE ELEMENT of Freddie's influence. 2. I didn't suggest you would sell your mother, my post: brENsKi wrote:greenwas quite clearly nothing more than an allusion to your persistence at taking the wrong side in an argument when you called Real Wizard: AlbaNo1 wrote:blue3. I was replying to your post - which was very definitely directed at me: brENsKi wrote:[color=green]you need to learn to read. hehe - searching out posts form 2012 - but still getting it wrong. my feelings on queen are consistent. idiot.[/color] AlbaNo1 wrote:blueany chance you might let this drop now? - it's unlikely i know, because although you're sinking fast, you're completely unaware of it - or anything else for that matter. and BTW - if all you can do is quote things that prove the opposite of your intent, or misread, or even claim the opposite to what was said - then you're showing no progress whatsoever. |
AlbaNo1 13.02.2020 11:51 |
Who on Earth do you think you are? My comment was on the pomposity of certain posters. Arrogantly preaching and dismissing others.. It's not a good tone for the forum. My only regret is that I didn't pick one of your old posts ,post as my own ,and watch you in effecr argue with yourself Because you would do that rather than agree with a poster you are feuding with. And of course add in additional abuse, whilst lecturing others on forum etiquette. |
brENsKi 13.02.2020 12:20 |
AlbaNo1 wrote:Who on Earth do you think you are?more self-righteous indignation? you can't get over yourself, can you? AlbaNo1 wrote:My comment was on the pomposity of certain posters. Arrogantly preaching and dismissing others.. It's not a good tone for the forum.i know exactly what you were doing. which is why i replied to your post. you're in no position to call others arrogant, while doing your worst "pompous and self-righteous" - at the same time. AlbaNo1 wrote:My only regret is that I didn't pick one of your old posts ,post as my own ,and watch you in effecr argue with yourself Because you would do that rather than agree with a poster you are feuding, no. i'm not goign to contradict myself, because, I know what i think, feel and like/dislike about Queen - and any other topic i discuss. you quoted an old post of mine - claiming contradictions. there weren't any. AlbaNo1 wrote:And of course add in additional abuse, whilst lecturing others on forum etiquette.i don't lecture on ettiquette, i will though, single out racist or other "ist" comments where i feel they might cause offence. there's nothing wrong with free speech, but comments crossing the lines of the seven equality strands should not go unchecked. anything else, is open territory - including calling people idiots, when I believe them to have behaved so. you won't drop this, we all know that. but i thought i'd ask nicely: now, please drop this." title="source:" /> |
AlbaNo1 13.02.2020 12:34 |
You seem to have put in quotes " pompous and self righteous". I just said "pompous". If you are going to trip people up at least get your own house in order. Who is " we"? Is that a betrayal of a psychological fear that despite clearly being a bully you hope you are still well liked and have an imaginary consensus behind you? |
brENsKi 13.02.2020 13:01 |
AlbaNo1 wrote:You seem to have put in quotes " pompous and self righteous". I just said "pompous". If you are going to trip people up at least get your own house in order. Who is " we"? Is that a betrayal of a psychological fear that despite clearly being a bully you hope you are still well liked and have an imaginary consensus behind you?they're not quotes - they're inverted commas. FYI there are three uses of Inverted Commas [correct term]: 1. when quoting someone 2. when used to reference a title of something 3. when showing something isn't necessarily as written. so in that instance I'm calling YOU "pompous and self-righteous" - when in reality i'd prefer to say something less restrained. no. "we" means - everyone knows you won't let it drop. you can't, your whole existence is perfunctory and nebulous - and so you keep replying...on and on and on and on...zzzzzzz i asked you nicely, but you won't. it's clear - you beef is purely argument, for argument's sake. each time you respond with more cr*p, you prove me right. |
AlbaNo1 13.02.2020 13:19 |
You dont need to use inverted commas.. What you did was add the words in as they were already in your previous paragraph and still in your mind . You seriously think it ok to call someone an idiot ,an inconsequential nothing who should fuck off to the nothingness of their existence . And that anyone who doesn't accept it can't get over themselves . It's really going to improve that person's day isn't it. And replying to a post isn't stalking. But you think you can. hand out insults then dictate the end of the matter . |
AlbaNo1 13.02.2020 13:19 |
You dont need to use inverted commas.. What you did was add the words in as they were already in your previous paragraph and still in your mind . You seriously think it ok to call someone an idiot ,an inconsequential nothing who should fuck off to the nothingness of their existence . And that anyone who doesn't accept it can't get over themselves . It's really going to improve that person's day isn't it. And replying to a post isn't stalking. But you think you can. hand out insults then dictate the end of the matter . |
brENsKi 13.02.2020 13:51 |" title="source:" />" title="source:" /> |
brENsKi 13.02.2020 14:02 |
AlbaNo1 wrote:You dont need to use inverted commas.....says the guy omitting an apostrophe and using 200% too many full stops. congrats on finally using the correct term! no i may not need to use inverted commas , but that's certainly a correct usage of them - in the same way that describing you as being a dickhead is also correct. AlbaNo1 wrote:You seriously think it ok to call someone an idiot ,an inconsequential nothing who should fuck off to the nothingness of their existence . And that anyone who doesn't accept it can't get over themselves .It's really going to improve that person's day isn't it..yes i do. because you are an idiot and your fucking off - would be a thing of wonder. last time i checked: this sub-forum was Queen General Discussion. your relentless hounding has taken it well off topic. any chance of stopping now? thought not. |
AlbaNo1 13.02.2020 14:18 |
Child |
brENsKi 13.02.2020 14:21 |
AlbaNo1 wrote:Child" title="source:" /> have you finished now, moron? - because you village called; demanding we send you back. they explained that your place here as "chief idiot" was only ever a secondment. |
AlbaNo1 13.02.2020 14:28 |
I didn't indicate a wish to close the conversation. Yet the one who has keeps on replying. Therea probably a word for that . |
brENsKi 13.02.2020 14:32 |
AlbaNo1 wrote:I didn't indicate a wish to close the conversation. Yet the one who has keeps on replying. Therea probably a word for that .ah bless. getting angry now? easy to tell: all the typos and punctuation errors. you need a lie the van on the way back home to Lower Moronica i've grown tired with this tedium. you've not even stimulating on a micro-superficial level. best you argue with yourself from now on. |
AlbaNo1 13.02.2020 14:40 |
I'm typing on the phone which is harder. I'm not bothered about punctuation . It was just the irony of being asked to learn to read in a post with a typo that brought me to it. But I'm glad to provide you the baton of you want to keep running with it. It's like a child showing daddy he can do it too . I'll make another won if it really excites you . |
Saint Jiub 13.02.2020 23:58 |
Wow, Brenski went off the deep end over nothing ... |
Saint Jiub 14.02.2020 00:03 |
brENsKi wrote: yes i do. because you are an idiot and your fucking off - would be a thing of wonder. last time i checked: this sub-forum was Queen General Discussion. your relentless hounding has taken it well off topic. any chance of stopping now? thought not.The pot calling the kettle black ... How often has brENsKi mentioned Cosmos Rocks in his multitude of replies in this topic? |