stevelondon20 25.02.2019 07:05 |
Knew they'd sweep up there. Congrats!! |
AlexRocks 25.02.2019 07:52 |
Long live QUEEN forever!!! |
runner_70 25.02.2019 08:30 |
Ridiculous - Malek was so stiff and wooden it was totally laughable. And he looked like Bugs Bunny dressed as Freddie |
dysan 25.02.2019 09:01 |
Yeah I'm pretty flummoxed by that. I guess the awards need to recognise a populist title to keep their ratings up. What song did they do? |
Wijnand 25.02.2019 09:16 |
dysan wrote: Yeah I'm pretty flummoxed by that. I guess the awards need to recognise a populist title to keep their ratings up. What song did they do?WWRY WATC That's all... |
Sheldon 25.02.2019 09:41 |
I feel like the proverbial dog that has seen the rainbow and all the other dogs don't have a clue what he is talking about. It's fantastic that Queen/Freddie get so much publicity. Rami seems like a nice guy and I don't mind good things happening to him. But there is absolutely no way he should have won an Oscar, the most prestigious film award there is, for this performance. For half of the film he was nowhere near resembling Freddie and even in the other half the brilliant moments were not that many. If this was an Oscar-worthy performance, how bad would a non-Oscar-worthy performance have been??? Happy to see a few fellow not-color-blind dogs here :D |
Sheldon 25.02.2019 09:47 |
Rami's acceptance speech was very cute (better than his performance in the film) and it was really classy of him to start by thanking his mother and finish by thanking his girlfriend. I wish he hadn't labelled Freddie as a "gay man and immigrant", something that I don't think the man himself ever stressed. He was just Freddie Mercury. |
Sheldon 25.02.2019 09:51 |
Sorry for multiple posts! In a way I think that his lovely acceptance speech showcased in every way why he was the totally wrong man to play someone as flamboyant and "raw" as Freddie. |
bucsateflon 25.02.2019 10:10 |
Sheldon wrote: Rami's acceptance speech was very cute (better than his performance in the film) and it was really classy of him to start by thanking his mother and finish by thanking his girlfriend. .So cringe how he took Allison Janney by the neck... like a true horse handler, he must have saw some Egyptian Arabian in her. |
Golden Salmon 25.02.2019 11:44 |
I haven't watched the performance yet, but I kind of expected them to do something more original than simply WWRY & WATC, at least on top of those. I guess those times are over and they only play it safe now. Anyway, I love how the movie got both sound awards. Best editing and actor don't hurt either, but it's like Queen finally gets recognition at the most popular award show in the world after all these years. We fans knew Queen is like no other, and the world is reminded about the band once again. By the way, I haven't watched the movie yet... I really, really want to do it now. I bet Freddie would be beside himself if he found out an actor got an Oscar by playing him. |
dysan 25.02.2019 12:17 |
That's a good point. Freddie would love it, although probably DEMAND it was actually his and call Rami a talented bitch. These things don't really mean as much as they did 20 years ago though - like The Brit awards. |
stevelondon20 25.02.2019 12:41 |
A talented Bitch. Love it!! |
Dougie 4 25.02.2019 13:39 |
I think they gave Rami the Oscar simply as a tribute to Freddie really...the teeth were too big and completely distracting...the movie itself not well written or made |
Donna13 25.02.2019 14:35 |
I thought it was a wonderful celebration. My random thoughts: (Sorry if I spell any movie star names incorrectly.) The dresses were beautiful and the fabrics were so interesting. My top scores are Amy Adams and Helen Mirren. And did you see Brian and Roger in their velvet (?) suits? Brian in purple with sparkles, and Roger in red? Ha! Why do rock stars always have to dress to stand out? I guess that is just how it is. We get it. I loved the opening and was only worried Brian would fall off the front of the stage. I actually was talking to the TV: “Brian! Don’t fall!” Well, it turned out that after the show, Rami fell off the stage, so maybe my intuition was working but just for the wrong person. It was cute when Adam screamed, “Welcome to the Oscars!” They got a very excited response from that crowd, and a standing ovation. I thought the choice of WWRY and WATC was solid. Know the audience! Plus, the drums! Perfect way to start the show. I loved the huge picture of Freddie at the end. I loved the Wayne’s World reunion of Mike Myers and Dana Carvey. You realize you are old when stuff that you think is common knowledge has to be explained for the under 30’s, and they had to show the iconic scene from the car in Wayne’s World before Mike and Dana came on stage. But that’s OK. I felt bad for Glenn Close, losing again after so many nominations, but apparently Olivia Coleman is great. Rami was pretty stunned. He and Lucy looked very happy. He deserved it, and now he has so many awards for that part: Golden Globe, SAG, BAFTA, and Oscar. Plus some film festival awards. I’m so happy for him. I noticed that Bohemian Rhapsody was the audience favorite (you could hear the reaction each time it was mentioned). I didn’t see Green Book, Roma, or The Favourite yet, but “best picture” is really a category of apples and oranges. This morning there is already criticism that Green Book did not deserve the top prize, so maybe it is best not to win Best Picture! Just to avoid those daggers! |
matt z 25.02.2019 14:51 |
^" i watched Matlock in a bar last night, with the sound turned off...but i think i got the just of it." Good win, bad art. Good varied performance at best. *excuse me. It was the *OSCARS |
Invisible Woman 25.02.2019 16:54 |
I wasn't surprised that Rami won the award for the main role. I remember that when the first trailer appeared, immediately on You Tube were comments that Rami will win Oscar. And when I heard that Queen + Adam Lambert perform on ceremony I knew he will win Oscar. Everything has become predictable. |
Sweetandtenderhooligan 25.02.2019 17:21 |
Meh, not impressed with the PDA and not thanking Freddie. I'm glad this movie madness is over. |
pma 25.02.2019 17:44 |
Malek was a poor Freddie, couldn't nail his voice, and the entire script was utter drivel. But good for him, seems like a nice bloke. |
Sweetandtenderhooligan 25.02.2019 18:23 |
PMA: seriously what was that speaking voice? Freddie didn't sound brain damaged |
matt z 25.02.2019 20:59 |
^^ YEAH, no shit. hahah... It was a slow witted English Forrest Gump voice. |
Donna13 25.02.2019 21:34 |
I think Rami speaks beautifully. English is his second language, and now that he is flying around the world, he will probably be picking up other languages as well. Freddie spoke quickly, often finishing half sentences with “you know”. An actor has to articulate. Not only that, but the audience has to be able to take in what is being said. If an actor delivered lines too quickly, like a person giving the weather forecast, for example, he or she might be stopped by the director and asked to slow down. Ideas and lines have to have the time to sink in. Also, that is just Rami’s style. He is very intelligent. I’m dissapointed in the intellectual level of this forum. On average, it seems below average. |
Rich Tea 25.02.2019 22:58 |
Yes absolutely well deserved The film is simply brilliant. I really thought I would hate it but I let go of the inaccuracies and was crying at the end. I was lucky I was in that crowd at Live Aid I remember it like yesterday and the film captures it perfectly. I guess you had to be there. A lot on here obviously were not as lucky as those of us who saw Queen in the 70's & 80's I can honestly say I'm yet to see a live video that comes close to being there in the presence of genius I get that some will bemoan the timeline is wrong blah blah its a just a fucking movie people get so excited about these things...….. Anyway just wanted to say How Fucking Fantastic it is 40 odd years after I left School my favourite band from those days are still rocking the world long live QUEEN.... |
Kamenliter 25.02.2019 23:24 |
>I think Rami speaks beautifully. English is his second language, and now that he is flying around the world, he will probably be picking up other languages as well. English is Rami's first language. He was born and raised in the United States. |
matt z 26.02.2019 01:23 |
Yes, Rami is from the valley. 10 min drive from me. Wonderful to attribute every dissenter to "a lower intellectual level" because it disagrees with your premise. That's some air o gant bullsheeeet. His voice IN THE FILM is drawly, it's labored and far too leveled to match the speed and nasal sometimes spirited and high pitched phrasing Freddie would do in excitement. It's just a droning almost mawkish "old man" voice. I'm just glad someone finally said it |
Donna13 26.02.2019 04:26 |
Rami was born in the United States, but his sister was born in Egypt, and as recent immigrants, his parents spoke Arabic in the home. Rami didn’t learn English until later in his childhood. So, my point was well made. |
stevelondon20 26.02.2019 07:39 |
You learn something every day. |
runner_70 26.02.2019 09:56 |
Rich Tea wrote: Yes absolutely well deserved The film is simply brilliant. I really thought I would hate it but I let go of the inaccuracies and was crying at the end. I was lucky I was in that crowd at Live Aid I remember it like yesterday and the film captures it perfectly. I guess you had to be there. A lot on here obviously were not as lucky as those of us who saw Queen in the 70's & 80's I can honestly say I'm yet to see a live video that comes close to being there in the presence of genius I get that some will bemoan the timeline is wrong blah blah its a just a fucking movie people get so excited about these things...….. Anyway just wanted to say How Fucking Fantastic it is 40 odd years after I left School my favourite band from those days are still rocking the world long live QUEEN....Let me be the first to inform you that Queen ended in 1991 |
junealloway 26.02.2019 11:50 |
A runner70 : YES, the end in 1991!!! |
stevelondon20 26.02.2019 11:51 |
No mate. No, no , no. That is just your opinion. Whilst the original Line Up is no more, Queen are still in existance whether you like it or not. |
runner_70 26.02.2019 11:52 |
Far from Queen. Karaoke Queen meets Vegas Broadway schmaltz maybe |
Dried Fish 26.02.2019 13:38 |
Queen + Adam Lambert are a Queen tribute band, IMO. |
Dr Magus 26.02.2019 13:58 |
Thanks to racist crybabies like Spike Lee, the oscars are no longer about honouring the best regardless of race or skin colour. Malik's portrayal of an immigrant to the UK ticks the required diversity box. |
matt z 26.02.2019 15:14 |
As if there is no narrative in the USA in which race plays ANY factor? I live there (here) and its a constant factor in everything, media, schooling, religion, law, employment of law, practice, walking, driving, talking, finance, music, culture, art, insurance rates, voting fraud, gerrymandering, legislation, taxation, discriminate nature of legal abuse, inflated sentencing (and its effect on stability in households), ordering food.... You name it, it's a factor in everything, right back to the beginning. Anyone who suggests otherwise is living with blinders on. It can be aspired to be an equal place but the reality is far from being so. Because some director comments after accepting his award for a real life occurrence dramatized and adapted from the officer's narrative account, and admonishes people to stop hating....somehow that's racist? Some of his films employ ethnic traditions and or music, why? Because he's black. But they also feature neighborhood issues etc from growing and (then living) in Brooklyn. Still, to this date nearly half his feature work is outside of that narrative, beginning with Summer of Sam, through Inside Man etc. As a "person of color" (as George Carlin would say: the phrase sounds like a visual on LSD) it usually falls upon ourselves to present a better narrative on occurrences that have for centuries been abused for oppressive purposes and political leanings. This very POS in office fits right into the narrative of his last film (which won best adapted screenplay)... I'm pretty sure it was merely fortuitous that the body of its subject COINCIDENTALLY came up and lined up and seemed quite timely with the behavior and ignorant rhetoric of the asshole compromised crook in office It's either just a great coincidence or. ... SHOCK SHOCK : AMERICA'S GOT A RACISM PROBLEM. It might not be something that YOU yourself employ, but ffs; it's damn near the entire story of this country. It's not just black folks or "Brown" folks saying this, it's in the legal doctrine, study groups, legal student dissertations/studies.'s just there man. But *Cry Babies?* Jesus. Take a moment to consider how much worse things were (for us under an alleged rule of law) merely a generation ago. Hell, my mom got tear gassed at an assembly in a park growing up, the same day a news reporter was shot in the head with a canister (it WAS intentional) because it didn't fall in line with racist dogma. There's nothing cry baby about it when you're in it. Right now it's being used to enable this false narrative of a national emergency to divert attention from the financiers and minders of a hack who's all but corporatising and going mafioso on all his appointments. ...people who have no seat of regard or knowledge of the bodies and titles they've been given. It's really a frightening time when big money backing is essentially trying to bring back fascism. All this while it's body politic continues to allow a figurehead schmuck to abuse his position and berate the press when such abuse should be seen as out of line with his position. It's creating a cult of racist fanatics from latent insecurities and prodded distractions. Err. ...*italics* WELL DONE, BOHEMIAN RHAPSODY! Whether i think his acting was nuanced enough, he DID manage to channel about 3 decades into a performance.... and audiences unfamiliar possibly with Freddies voice and speech were talking Oscar since the early screenings I don't necessarily see it. But i didn't see Christian Bale either this last year. Saw far many more independent films that were not featured and restored classics |
Dr Magus 27.02.2019 10:49 |
Yes, Spike Lee is a crybaby. Did you not see his reaction when his film didn't win best picture? |