philip storey 13.06.2015 15:13 |
Whilst listening to NATO today it stuck me that the Prophet's song was a better all round song with a more difficult vocal section than Bo Rhap.However it did not have the potential to be a single so it never really got the acclaim that it really should have.I would be interested to hear your views. |
mooghead 13.06.2015 15:25 |
Brian tried to do his double echo thing but with vocals. It didn't work. It sounds great through one speaker but how much better would it have been without that nonsense in the middle?! |
noorie 13.06.2015 15:35 |
Actually, Prophet's Song would appeal only to Queen fans. Otherwise, the middle is waaay toooo long to hold interest for the casual listener. I think Brian overdid it a bit. (Trying to rival Bo Rhap, perhaps?) I personally like the Prophet's Song quite a lot, but definitely prefer Bo Rhap. I think Freddie understood his audience a bit better than Brian. |
una999 13.06.2015 16:23 |
philip storey wrote: Whilst listening to NATO today it stuck me that the Prophet's song was a better all round song with a more difficult vocal section than Bo Rhap.However it did not have the potential to be a single so it never really got the acclaim that it really should have.I would be interested to hear your views.How could anyone think prophet song is better than bohemian rhapsody. It's a good song but it's a rock song. Bohemian rhapsody is bohemian rhapsody - sweet melodies, unique piano, killer solo, killer vocals of different shades, heavy metal, opera etc . In fact I always hated the vocal solo in prophet song. It would have been a way better song without that. Not sure why no one said it to them. Let's call a spade a spade. |
tero! 48531 13.06.2015 16:31 |
philip storey wrote: Whilst listening to NATO today it stuck me that the Prophet's song was a better all round song with a more difficult vocal section than Bo Rhap.There is NOTHING better on the Propeht's Song compared to Bohemian Rhapsody. If they had cut out out that godawful middle section, It would have been a good track instead of this wasted opportunity. It's enough that we have been hearing the same guitar solo for the last 45 years, we don't need a vocal version with the same stupid effects. philip storey wrote:However it did not have the potential to be a single so it never really got the acclaim that it really should have.I would be interested to hear your views.It got EXACTLY the acclaim it deserved, BECAUSE it didn't have the potential to be a single, and was ruined by the pointless vocal effects. |
Fat Bottomed Queen 13.06.2015 17:19 |
Agreed. i think the middle section makes it the song, but i do LOVE the riffs near the end. its my favorite guitar after hendrix. Then, with bohemian rhapsody, i have heard it easily over 1000 times and still think its amazing and the suspense never dies. I didn't like mustapha at first, but now its easily my favorite song on jazz and preffer it to all hot space and the game combined. So why many people dislike the middle section? its spiritual. Or... plot twist, march of the black queen. |
The King Of Rhye 13.06.2015 18:20 |
I love The Prophets Song....that middle section kind of freaked me out at first, but it really grew on me! It would have been interesting if there had ever been a 'single edit' or something, though. |
matt z 13.06.2015 18:52 |
I think the middle section could be viewed as representing the wise old man's calling and words falling on deaf and complacent ears. Just my opinion. But yeah. For a casual listener it's way overkill. As an arty album track it's phenomenal. The riffs alone on the track are incredible. It's a menacing track. These days I prefer it to BoRhap. |
tero! 48531 14.06.2015 02:21 |
I had to listen to the song again to make sure you were talking about the same thing... The verses are dull and repetitive, and the vocal middle section is completely pointless. The best part of the song is right at the finish when the acoustic guitar morphs into LOML. Brian tried so hard to be as artistic as Freddie, and failed miserably. Why didn't he just stick with the regular songs he was good at? |
master marathon runner 14.06.2015 02:45 |
"Brian tried to be as artistic as freddie'. Poppycock. They would have worked on their respective compositions at home or wherever , then brought the 'skeletons' to the table ,so to speak, and get down on tape. Prophets song is a superb album track and I totally get the vocal section as matt z stated and those that don't are missing out im afraid. |
pittrek 14.06.2015 05:59 |
Prophet's Song is one of the best Queen songs of all times, I'm surprised that somebody doesn't like it, to be honest. |
thomasquinn 32989 14.06.2015 07:18 |
Ten years ago, on this very forum, people would have lost all credibility for such narrow-minded dismissal of The Prophet's Song. The emancipation of stupidity is moving steadily forward on here, too... |
mooghead 14.06.2015 08:00 |
Shut up you snob. It might have some sort of deep meaning blah blah blah but it is and always has been a chore to listen to and perhaps the most indulgent Queen ever got, and this is Queen we are talking about!!!! (The middle bit obviously). Nothing worse than a Queen fan who thinks everything they ever did is perfect. |
Chief Mouse 14.06.2015 08:13 |
C_Matt made a nice edit, for those interested. |
Nitroboy 14.06.2015 08:46 |
That's a nice edit, but I still don't mind the middle of the song. If one pays attention, it's a vital part of the "story" in the song :) |
hobbit in Rhye 14.06.2015 08:46 |
Interesting edit from C_Matt, but only when I listen to his version I realise that I want that middle section back! The song sounds less imposing and less ominous without it. Not necessarily agreed with his cutting off the Toy Koto either. The Prophet's Song is Brian at his best, as Bohemian Rhapsody is Freddie at his best. Comparing the two songs is like comparing the best apple to the best orange ^^ When I was small, I listened to The Prophet's Song without understand its meaning nor its English lyrics, and the middle section felt tedious. But now, with a new view, that section makes me uncomfortable and intrigued at the same time. |
Oscar J 14.06.2015 09:24 |
The Prophet's song is a masterpiece in it's own right, complete with proggy progressions and lyrics, along with the most powerful vocals on the album. I definitely don't think the middle bit is too long - maybe some listeners just don't have enough patience to appreciate it. |
mr mason 14.06.2015 10:03 |
Prophet Song,one of 'Queens' finest,Brian wrote it,but the whole structure is 100% 'Queen'! |
Fly away 14.06.2015 10:18 |
Middle section is the prophet's vision, right? As such it's supposed to be a bit psychedelic. I love it - amazing musicianship to come up with the canon harmonies and then perform it. |
tero! 48531 14.06.2015 11:27 |
pittrek wrote: Prophet's Song is one of the best Queen songs of all times, I'm surprised that somebody doesn't like it, to be honest.Prophet's Song is one of the worst Queen songs of all times, I'm surprised that somebody likes it, to be honest. |
thomasquinn 32989 14.06.2015 11:30 |
mooghead wrote: Shut up you snob. It might have some sort of deep meaning blah blah blah but it is and always has been a chore to listen to and perhaps the most indulgent Queen ever got, and this is Queen we are talking about!!!! (The middle bit obviously). Nothing worse than a Queen fan who thinks everything they ever did is perfect.Abuse from a troll like you is sufficient proof for my point. I'm not talking about deep meaning, I'm talking about being well-written, with good melodies, harmonies and instrumentation, a good development and an overall impressive sound. If you're going to be so pathetic as to build a strawman ( "nothing worse than a Queen fan who thinks everything they ever did is perfect") then I have nothing more to say to you except that I hope you get fulfillment from your idiotic trolling on this forum, as you very obviously need it a lot. |
master marathon runner 14.06.2015 11:30 |
Would C matt walk into the national gallery and touch up 'sunrise, an impression ' by Claude Monet, or ' colour in' , da vinci's cartoon 'cos he don't fully approve ? my Point being, we must accept the works as the artist puts out, not sit in judgement to the extreme of editing out, bits we don't like. Crikey moses. |
tero! 48531 14.06.2015 11:46 |
thomasquinn 32989 wrote: Ten years ago, on this very forum, people would have lost all credibility for such narrow-minded dismissal of The Prophet's Song.Or perhaps it tells us that these days people are free to have individual opinions, unlike ten years ago? Some people like the song, and some people don't. It stars (and finishes) nice enough, but after the first verse it gets stuck in a rut, and isn't helped by the corny phasing effects which Brian love so much. It's a forced effort to break the mold of his usual songwriting, and it just doesn't work very well. The equivalent would be if Bohemian Rhapsody had five ballad verses, and the opera section and rock section were replaced by the dee-doh crowd singalong from Wembley. |
Chief Mouse 14.06.2015 11:56 |
master marathon runner wrote: Would C matt walk into the national gallery and touch up 'sunrise, an impression ' by Claude Monet, or ' colour in' , da vinci's cartoon 'cos he don't fully approve ? my Point being, we must accept the works as the artist puts out, not sit in judgement to the extreme of editing out, bits we don't like. Crikey moses. I see you are not really aware of what he does. I'd suggest you to check the Fan mixes subforum and please read this, it should provide some background - He certainly didn't make this because of "not approving" something. He made it because why not? Some songs have extended versions, why not make this one shorter since some people seem to hate the acapella part? It's just a small addition to the rest of his work which essentially is bringing out the bits and giving a fuller sound to the Queen music so that people can hear some new things and appreciate it more. Perhaps I couldn't explain this well but I find that you quite overstate things here. |
Fat Bottomed Queen 14.06.2015 12:11 |
Sorry, but i don't think its the prophet's song without the vocal harmonies. i know many edits to songs i would like and i can't say this is one. |
people on streets 14.06.2015 14:02 |
People arguing over a song. LOL! |
thomasquinn 32989 14.06.2015 14:23 |
tero! 48531 wrote:Not liking a song and dismissing it as crap are two completely different things. I find your criticism to be highly subjective ("corny phasing", "stuck in a rut", "doesn't work very well") and totally unappreciative of the musical context in which the song was created and released.thomasquinn 32989 wrote: Ten years ago, on this very forum, people would have lost all credibility for such narrow-minded dismissal of The Prophet's Song.Or perhaps it tells us that these days people are free to have individual opinions, unlike ten years ago? Some people like the song, and some people don't. It stars (and finishes) nice enough, but after the first verse it gets stuck in a rut, and isn't helped by the corny phasing effects which Brian love so much. It's a forced effort to break the mold of his usual songwriting, and it just doesn't work very well. The equivalent would be if Bohemian Rhapsody had five ballad verses, and the opera section and rock section were replaced by the dee-doh crowd singalong from Wembley. An opinion is like an asshole - everyone's got one. It's a cliché, but so are most of the shallow dismissals of Prophet's Song. |
una999 14.06.2015 15:03 |
thomasquinn 32989 wrote: Ten years ago, on this very forum, people would have lost all credibility for such narrow-minded dismissal of The Prophet's Song. The emancipation of stupidity is moving steadily forward on here, too...How about try English besides talking in riddles. |
The King Of Rhye 14.06.2015 15:23 |
mooghead wrote: Shut up you snob. It might have some sort of deep meaning blah blah blah but it is and always has been a chore to listen to and perhaps the most indulgent Queen ever got, and this is Queen we are talking about!!!! (The middle bit obviously). Nothing worse than a Queen fan who thinks everything they ever did is perfect.Nothing worse than a Queen fan that thinks because THEY don't like a song, everyone else thinks the same. Always been a chore to listen to? It's one of my favorite songs, and a favorite of a lot of others! |
The King Of Rhye 14.06.2015 15:24 |
una999 wrote:How was that 'talking in riddles'?? It was perfectly understandable to me...thomasquinn 32989 wrote: Ten years ago, on this very forum, people would have lost all credibility for such narrow-minded dismissal of The Prophet's Song. The emancipation of stupidity is moving steadily forward on here, too...How about try English besides talking in riddles. |
brENsKi 14.06.2015 16:21 |
noorie wrote: Actually, Prophet's Song would appeal only to Queen fans. Otherwise, the middle is waaay toooo long to hold interest for the casual listener. I think Brian overdid it a bit. (Trying to rival Bo Rhap, perhaps?) I personally like the Prophet's Song quite a lot, but definitely prefer Bo Rhap. I think Freddie understood his audience a bit better than Brian.almost entirely agree with this....except for one thing. I never liked it - not one bit it's a drawn-out, meandering mess of a song...boring in the extreme and possibly Brian's "poor man's" Bo Rhap....christ does it go on and on and on and on and on if you want a biblical epic - there are sooooo many rock bands that did this better "fly and find the new green bough" ....jeez give it a rest Bri |
master marathon runner 14.06.2015 19:04 |
Chief Mouse wrote:master marathon runner wrote: Would C matt walk into the national gallery and touch up 'sunrise, an impression ' by Claude Monet, or ' colour in' , da vinci's cartoon 'cos he don't fully approve ? my Point being, we must accept the works as the artist puts out, not sit in judgement to the extreme of editing out, bits we don't like. Crikey moses. |
Shumway 14.06.2015 19:22 |
The Prophet's Song is fantastic and is many ways superior to Bo Rhap, albeit a little less melodic. I'm sure Brian put much, much more effort into Good Company than The Prophet's Song. |
tero! 48531 14.06.2015 23:46 |
thomasquinn 32989 wrote: I find your criticism to be highly subjective - - - and totally unappreciative of the musical context in which the song was created and released.Let's assume that you are right, and my criticism is only "highly subjective" (as opposed to your praise which I guess is "completely objective".) What is the "musical context" which (objectively speaking) makes this song better than Brian's other compositions on that same album? Is it better because it has more verses? Because it has biblical references in the lyrics? Because it has a vocal effect in the middle of the song? |
Chief Mouse 15.06.2015 01:43 |
master marathon runner wrote:Chief Mouse wrote:Prophet's Song aside, what he essentially does (if you actually read what I provided) is not tempering the bloody music but improving the mastering of it! His work is much better than the official 2011 remasters. QPL would never bother to pay such attention to detail.master marathon runner wrote: Would C matt walk into the national gallery and touch up 'sunrise, an impression ' by Claude Monet, or ' colour in' , da vinci's cartoon 'cos he don't fully approve ? my Point being, we must accept the works as the artist puts out, not sit in judgement to the extreme of editing out, bits we don't like. Crikey moses.I see you are not really aware of what he does. I'd suggest you to check the Fan mixes subforum and please read this, it should provide some background - He certainly didn't make this because of "not approving" something. He made it because why not? Some songs have extended versions, why not make this one shorter since some people seem to hate the acapella part? It's just a small addition to the rest of his work which essentially is bringing out the bits and giving a fuller sound to the Queen music so that people can hear some new things and appreciate it more. Perhaps I couldn't explain this well but I find that you quite overstate things here.[/QUOTE . . But he has no right whatsoever to tamper with Queen's efforts, go make your own friggin music and butcher that! I bet Queen are really interested in where they went wrong. |
tomchristie22 15.06.2015 03:04 |
una999 wrote:How about quickly googling 'emancipation' and then feeling good about the slight improvement of your vocabulary, and without the need for pointless negativity :)thomasquinn 32989 wrote: Ten years ago, on this very forum, people would have lost all credibility for such narrow-minded dismissal of The Prophet's Song. The emancipation of stupidity is moving steadily forward on here, too...How about try English besides talking in riddles. |
tomchristie22 15.06.2015 03:17 |
I love The Prophet's Song. Freddie's vocal performance is absolutely incredible, the vocal harmonies are sublime (not that we'd expect any less from mid-1970s Queen), and the guitar work in the instrumental section after the vocal canon is quite nice, too. Brian makes a great progression out of the whole piece, which is driven home by the shift from 'Oh-ohs' to 'Ah-ahs' in the chorus (I'm an absolute sucker for that sort of thing - it's put to beautiful use on the single and 'Naked' versions of Let It Be, with Paul, George, and Linda singing the chorus backing vocals). I don't love the middle section, but I don't think it detracts from the song, either - if anything, the return to full band is more impacting because of the break. It's a shame it translated into such a lackluster live song. If Freddie had played the piano for it, a la White Queen, it probably would have helped a lot. Add Roger singing alongside Freddie for the ascending pre-chorus and harmonising with Freddie while hitting the top notes, and better arrangement/delivery of the vocal harmonies, and they would've had something pretty nice. |
tomchristie22 15.06.2015 03:25 |
master marathon runner wrote: Would C matt walk into the national gallery and touch up 'sunrise, an impression ' by Claude Monet, or ' colour in' , da vinci's cartoon 'cos he don't fully approve ? my Point being, we must accept the works as the artist puts out, not sit in judgement to the extreme of editing out, bits we don't like. Crikey moses.The difference between C_Matt's mixes and your example is that C_Matt isn't replacing the original whatsoever. He's just providing an alternative through which we can more clearly hear elements which we mightn't have noticed before. 'we must accept the works as the artist puts out' Why? Should we not have opinions, or any capacity for critical thought at all? Should we just passively consume what we're given? You're basing what you're saying on media effects theories which haven't been taken seriously for decades. Not all art that's made is good - far from it. Many here would assert that not even all Queen music is good. |
br5946 15.06.2015 05:30 |
I love both Bo Rhap and Prophet's Song - the former moreso. The vocal canon puts me in two minds. If I'm in a certain mood, I can adore the prog-rock nature of that middle section, but it can bother me slightly at other times. That having been said, everyone knows how much that the band were for having as a single before Freddie came up with Bo Rhap. I think if a smooth edit had been made, it would've made a good third single from A Night At The Opera. Freddie is quoted as having said about how Now I'm Here was a total contrast to its predecessor Killer Queen, and I think the same formula would've been perfect for Prophet's Song, following YMBF and all. |
master marathon runner 15.06.2015 06:38 |
..............right, im just off to the national gallery with me paints. |
tomchristie22 15.06.2015 06:47 |
master marathon runner wrote: ..............right, im just off to the national gallery with me paints.To make your own copy which you like better, not to paint over the original - otherwise you're not doing something comparable to C_Matt. |
Chief Mouse 15.06.2015 07:02 |
Chief Mouse 15.06.2015 07:15 |
master marathon runner wrote: ..............right, im just off to the national gallery with me paints.Try to forget this cut version and listen to his remasters. It's really the best Queen music has ever sounded, the guy has great skills and talent. He makes 2 CDs - one of them has the unaltered album tracks with improved mastering but other CD has stripped mixes or edits. Check the first CD of his and compare it to the 2011 remaster. You might hear things clearer than before and perhaps discover some new sounds. You'll miss out a whole lot of good stuff due to your stubbornness. But if that's what you really want, feel free :) I know you'll probably reply without giving it a chance anyway. |
Kamenliter 15.06.2015 09:19 |
I'm in amazement at the bashing The Prophet's Song is getting least the middle section. Who the hell cares if it's not for the regular guy on the street? Since when do Queen fans suddenly want everything to be a track on Greatest Hits? Next we'll be hearing that March Of The Black Queen is too long or too weird and never would have made it as a single. Thank god!! They're album tracks and show off the genius of this band. The middle section of The Prophet's Song is just that - sheer's incredible! It's a tour de force of vocal orchestration and studio wizardy done forty years ago...imho it's mind-blowing. And why compare the two songs? Each is unique in it's own way..Bo Rhap will likely never be bettered...but P.S. has so much amazing stuff that's all it's's powerful, deep music...good lord, cutting out the middle part? Are you Queen fans or not!?? |
The King Of Rhye 15.06.2015 09:30 |
tomchristie22 wrote: How about quickly googling 'emancipation' and then feeling good about the slight improvement of your vocabulary, and without the need for pointless negativity :)Personally, I thought everyone learned that word in history class in |
master marathon runner 15.06.2015 10:51 |
Stubbornness mr. mouse? - not really, its a matter if choice, and with 57 year old ears, who've worked un industry for 41 years |
Chief Mouse 15.06.2015 11:13 |
master marathon runner wrote: Stubbornness mr. mouse? - not really, its a matter if choice, and with 57 year old ears, who've worked un industry for 41 yearsBut did you actually give it a chance? I'll make a small comparison anyway - |
mike hunt 15.06.2015 17:05 |
Kamenliter wrote: I'm in amazement at the bashing The Prophet's Song is getting least the middle section. Who the hell cares if it's not for the regular guy on the street? Since when do Queen fans suddenly want everything to be a track on Greatest Hits? Next we'll be hearing that March Of The Black Queen is too long or too weird and never would have made it as a single. Thank god!! They're album tracks and show off the genius of this band. The middle section of The Prophet's Song is just that - sheer's incredible! It's a tour de force of vocal orchestration and studio wizardy done forty years ago...imho it's mind-blowing. And why compare the two songs? Each is unique in it's own way..Bo Rhap will likely never be bettered...but P.S. has so much amazing stuff that's all it's's powerful, deep music...good lord, cutting out the middle part? Are you Queen fans or not!??. Finally, someone talking sense around here. |
*goodco* 15.06.2015 18:43 |
Side Two of ANATO is the pinnacle of their creative genius (back when album sides really mattered). Late at night, headphones in place......need I say more? |
tero! 48531 15.06.2015 23:30 |
Kamenliter wrote: The middle section of The Prophet's Song is just that - sheer's incredible! It's a tour de force of vocal orchestration and studio wizardy done forty years ago...imho it's mind-blowing.In my opinion it's not genius. The vocal part itself is uninspired, in terms of both composition and vocal delivery. Instead, Brian has tried to make it special by using the delay effects which he loves so much. Unfortunately the result is even less interesting than the Brighton Rock solo. My personal guess is that the same people love those two songs for the same reason (whatever it might be!), while the rest of the world just doesn't get excited about the effect. I'm glad they wrote another 10 songs on ANATO to choose from! |
mike hunt 15.06.2015 23:38 |
Nonsense, I wouldn't change a single note on anything from opera side 2. PS is perfect. Side Black perfect as well. |
thomasquinn 32989 16.06.2015 00:03 |
tero! 48531 wrote:Are you seriously going to suggest that "I'm In Love With My Car" and "Sweet Lady" are more "inspired" and worth listening to than The Prophet's Song?Kamenliter wrote: The middle section of The Prophet's Song is just that - sheer's incredible! It's a tour de force of vocal orchestration and studio wizardy done forty years ago...imho it's mind-blowing.In my opinion it's not genius. The vocal part itself is uninspired, in terms of both composition and vocal delivery. Instead, Brian has tried to make it special by using the delay effects which he loves so much. Unfortunately the result is even less interesting than the Brighton Rock solo. My personal guess is that the same people love those two songs for the same reason (whatever it might be!), while the rest of the world just doesn't get excited about the effect. I'm glad they wrote another 10 songs on ANATO to choose from! |
tomchristie22 16.06.2015 01:17 |
tero! 48531 wrote: The vocal part itself is uninspired, in terms of both composition and vocal delivery.How is the vocal delivery lacking in any way? |
tero! 48531 16.06.2015 12:49 |
thomasquinn 32989 wrote: Are you seriously going to suggest that "I'm In Love With My Car" and "Sweet Lady" are more "inspired" and worth listening to than The Prophet's Song?I'm not only SUGGESTING it, I'm stating it as my definite opinion. If you permit me to have one? |
tero! 48531 16.06.2015 12:56 |
tomchristie22 wrote:The middle section is nothing more than an exercise in studio technique . The phasing effects require a more neutral tone, and they've decided that it's more important than the actual performance.tero! 48531 wrote: The vocal part itself is uninspired, in terms of both composition and vocal delivery.How is the vocal delivery lacking in any way? |
matt z 16.06.2015 13:45 |
A more neutral tone would have been a waste of drama and m.... one singer named Freddie Mercury. I gotta admit the "la la's" can REALLY get on you on a bad day. But it's a solid ALBUM track from a golden age of pompous incredible and strange unique music. It's freaking fantastic. It's full of dynamics, colors, and meaning. |
mike hunt 16.06.2015 15:55 |
Amen Matt |
master marathon runner 16.06.2015 18:34 |
...........and the fact that it's generated so much debate here says a lot about the pedigree of the song. |
Supersonic_Man89 17.06.2015 04:23 |
[quote]But did you actually give it a chance? I'll make a small comparison anyway - [/quote] Excuse my ignorance...which one's which? The first ones sounds better on my speakers as it has more of a surround feel. |
Sebastian 19.06.2015 01:36 |
I think 'The Prophet's Song' is an excellent piece and the vocal section is really good. I think, however, that 'Bohemian Rhapsody' is an even better piece and the vocal section is even more demanding, even more memorable, and even more interesting. It achieves the double feat of being quite detailed and elaborate at the same time as being catchy and radio-friendly. |
Togg 19.06.2015 02:58 |
A Night At The Opera is simply a masterpeice, it is the reason I love Queen and have since I first heard it, all the tracks are Queen at their best. Prophet Song is IMO pure genius, nobody at that time in the music industry even knew how to write and record a song like that, you have to think of it in terms of being put out in 1975, it was mind blowing. Without doubt it was the album that changed my life. |
Fat Bottomed Queen 20.06.2015 16:34 |
Which one i preffer honestly depends on my mood so i can't really come up with an exact answer, but i think bohemian rhapsody is more solid and put together as a song better. |