I don't disagree, but I can't say I agree either. To have an opinion on something requires having an understanding of what that thing is.
Shorter version: wut?
It's not only Queen II the precursor to Bohemian Rhapsody but it's the overall distinct opportunities from Kiss, Van Halen, Bruce Springsteen, Melissa Etheridge, Chantal Kreviazuk, Journey, Dio, Black Sabbath, Rush, U2, Triumph and now me after listening to those artists recently along with upstarts who kickstarts rocky dancy coming soon to a fleet center near you supporting somebody but whom? haim, trio of young rockers with a groove completely their own according to rolling stone magazine, i'll wager queen + adam lambert collaborate studio efforts in 2015, perhaps three sisters accompanying adam lambert as backup vocalists would interest ya?
queen 2 is without a doubt a necessary precursor to bohemian rhapsody, but why funny how love is was never performed live is anyones guess but it's nice to peruse like I am now and it's now broadcasting out of WinAmp pre downtime as of late by the very makers of the media suite free and more too.
Of course, if you take away an event from history, all the things that follow will be different. Either way, I don't think Freddie's writing Bo Rhap relied on his experience making Queen II, no.
Actually, it was just three songs he amalgamated together, wasn't it? Perhaps he wouldn't have thought to do so if he hadn't previously experimented with a progressive structure on March of the Black Queen (though he did on Liar as well, so I guess it wasn't solely born of the Queen II period).
I have no answer, this is just a train of thought post, really. Interesting question.
Why the Queen II album. It could be argued that My Fairy King was the genesis of ideas which taken to one of many posable conclusions led to Bo Rhap. Who really knows
There's an entire chain of events, not one single catalystic moment.
And I'd say the chain begins with working with Brian and Roger. Have we heard those demos of Freddie's band from 1969? They're awful... whereas a huge portion of the Queen sound was already in Smile. They teamed up with Mercury, sparks flew, and things propelled upward from there.
The Real Wizard wrote:
There's an entire chain of events, not one single catalystic moment.
And I'd say the chain begins with working with Brian and Roger. Have we heard those demos of Freddie's band from 1969? They're awful... whereas a huge portion of the Queen sound was already in Smile. They teamed up with Mercury, sparks flew, and things propelled upward from there.
Queen II feels like its own complete work, separate form any other, so no I don't really feel like playing ANatO right afterward. Like the Wizard said, one thing just led to another. There are some ideas in Queen and Queen II that are expanded upon in SHA, ANatO and ADatR, which continue Queen's sound in many interesting new directions.
It doesn't seem too far off the mark to say that MFK led to MOTBQ which led in turn to BoRhap............(nothing really similar to any of those on SHA, oddly....)
The King Of Rhye wrote:
It doesn't seem too far off the mark to say that MFK led to MOTBQ which led in turn to BoRhap............(nothing really similar to any of those on SHA, oddly....)
In The Lap of the Gods sort of is. Not as many distinct sections though.
Perhaps structurally, but musically I don't really see any resemblance to Fairy King, Black Queen or Bo Rhap.
Those three songs do seem to inform each other, though. They even have similar endings (or fake ending, in the case of Black Queen). It's a bit more of a stretch, but if you wanted to you could also throw "The Millionaire Waltz" into the mix (in that case, there's the "Forever" bit).
Seems to me you could say similar things about pretty much any band that was around for a while................without Caress of Steel there'd be no 2112 and so forth...............
(Just wanted to throw a random Rush reference in there..........)
all musicians improve as they begun to create music,and in bands the same things happens,of course there are more people involved.So,same thing happened to Queen,their music improved as they worked together more,so in a way,yes,Queen II led to A Night at the Opera