kissrulez 29.07.2014 00:48 |
Queen + Adam Lambert Wells Fargo Center, Philadelphia, PA - July 16, 2014 Brian May - Roger Taylor - Adam Lambert - Rufus Tiger Taylor - Neil Fairclough - Spike Edney Info and screenshots: link Artwork: link Sample: link Multicam - Thanks to all the filmers for sharing their music. As the fotage was in 1080 and 720 I rendered in 720, so I decided turn into BluRay 720 instead of downsampling it into DVD. This is my first Queen multicam, although I have been very active the last couple of years making bluray multicams for other bands. If you want to check out some of my other stuff: link This was made for my friend Keith. Have fun! Also first upload here at Queenzone. Hope this works. Intro Now I’m Here Stone Cold Crazy Another One Bites The Dust Fat Bottomed Girls In The Lap Of The Gods Seven Seas of Rhye Killer Queen Somebody To Love I Want It All Love Of My Life ’39 These Are the Days of Our Lives Under Pressure Love Kills Who Wants To Live Forever Guitar Solo Tie Your Mother Down Radio Gaga Crazy Little Thing Called Love The Show Must Go On Bohemian Rhapsody Encore: We Will Rock You We Are The Champions God Save The Queen BONUS QUEEN feat. JESSIE J - 2012 Summer Olympics Closing Ceremonies Performance Day-O Brighton Rock Solo We Will rock You |
softcalavera2 29.07.2014 01:12 |
Thank you and congratulations !! excellent work !! |
kissrulez 29.07.2014 02:05 |
Trying again as the torrent wasn't working. Hope this work as apparantly I can't edit the torrent in the first post. |
pittrek 29.07.2014 02:07 |
Thanks |
pmatsynot 29.07.2014 03:14 |
thanks for this |
Marknow 29.07.2014 05:07 |
Thank you very much. What was you source material? |
PostFestumPF 29.07.2014 05:09 |
The sample you've provided - link - looks fantastic! Can't wait to watch it in full. Thanks, man! |
Rokku 29.07.2014 09:06 |
Screenshots are great |
ACCR 29.07.2014 11:09 |
Amazing!!! Can you do something similar with the concert in MSG or Uncasville 07-19??? |
NickESB 29.07.2014 12:07 |
Screenshots, preview and art look great. As I don't have BluRay burning capability, and am working away from home for two weeks, is anybody (UK users, I guess, as i live in London) able to DL and burn me a copy in return for blanks and postage, please? Thanks. |
Hitman 29.07.2014 12:34 |
thanks a lot, it seems to be an awesome job! |
Double-U 29.07.2014 13:28 |
Thank you very much. best regards, W. |
brians wig 29.07.2014 18:37 |
Thanks a lot for your work,. |
GERRYISADICK 29.07.2014 19:08 |
How much for a copy? |
Jimmy Dean 29.07.2014 19:38 |
THANKS! If a Montreal video exists - I would happily pay - not that I would condone it - but i would happily pay for a copy. |
Vali 30.07.2014 04:51 |
excellent, this one really looks excellent ! thanks a lot cannot burn blurays (despite having a bluray player!), but I'll download it anyway. Sooner or later I'll be able to watch it :-) |
dave76 30.07.2014 06:05 |
Congrats on your first upload and thanks for this one! |
terraj 30.07.2014 06:49 |
Thanks so much for this! I have a question though: is it just me or is "Now I'm Here" badly out of sync? I didn't burn the BluRay so I'm playing straight from the MTS file via VLC. The other songs seem to play fine for me. |
Marknow 30.07.2014 10:12 |
NIH is badly out of sync. Otherwise it looks great for a youtube rip. My own belief is that youtube rips are not quite ready for bluray yet, they are close but not close enough yet. The close up shots look fine but the ones from distance have little definition in them due to being transferred to flv on you tube. This file should have been shared as a mkv file or something like that it's not bluray just because it matches bluray resolution. Speaking from expereance the files were probably about 6GB and unscaled to 19gb. Hopefully I will do a proper Bluray of this show in the coming weeks. |
Vali 30.07.2014 10:59 |
Thanks for the info Mark, now I know I can wait :-) |
kissrulez 30.07.2014 11:25 |
Hi Yes, I noticed too that NIH is out of sync. I skipped through the disc and all looked fine, but obviously I missed the sync issue which isn't on my file. Only on the rendered BR. The issue could be fixed within a few minutes and I could re-upload, but only if you want me too. Otherwise I will just do it for myself and Keith. To get the question from Marknow, no, there was no upscaling done from a 6GB file. That would be ridiculous. The Original file used was about 17GB and with the Authoring no compression was used. MKV could be a solution, but I prefer BR. It is what it is. But downscaling 1080 to DVD is not appealing to me, it even makes it worse. Normally I prefer working with the master files but they weren't available. So unless somebody has better quality files, this is the best quality available. I am not trying steal away anything from you. I just wanted to be nice and share something. You want me to fix the issue? Let me know, if not, I will get on with another project. Kind regards Jean |
Richard Orchard 30.07.2014 12:05 |
looks amazing!!! |
Marknow 30.07.2014 12:10 |
Jean. The problem I have with this share being called a Bluray is that it simply is not. Blyray is about quality produced from original files, not from youtube rips. You may have downloaded them in HD mp4 like everybody else does but the problem is that youtube converts all HD uploads regardless of type into .flv format. Even the 1080p is from flv format on youtube, THEY convert EVERYTHING to a lossy format. There is no definition in the shots from distance whereas the original files will be sharp and detailed. Your share here has a video bitrate of 24mbs from rips that have a 6mbs Bitrate average, the bitrate has been quadrupled that is what I mean by upscaled. This is not your fault, you can only work with what you have got, it is the reason I have been posting DVD's and not Blurays from my youtube rips. I have contacted a lot of people on youtube for their original footage and hope to make a few BD's with their original footage in future, whatever I don't get in BluRay will be shared in MTS or MKV format. Your video is great, it is a shame you had a bit of bad luck with Now I'm Here. i would love to see you reupload it and if you do why not try to render it as a HD mkv file? You won't lose any quality and the file will be about 9GB instead of 19GB. There is a great lossless audio source here too if you like to use it. chrome://mega/content/secure.html#F!JJ4yUZKB!d4taq8lDQDwM2qiru_bXTg |
terraj 30.07.2014 12:53 |
kissrulez wrote: Hi Yes, I noticed too that NIH is out of sync. I skipped through the disc and all looked fine, but obviously I missed the sync issue which isn't on my file. Only on the rendered BR. The issue could be fixed within a few minutes and I could re-upload, but only if you want me too. Otherwise I will just do it for myself and Keith. To get the question from Marknow, no, there was no upscaling done from a 6GB file. That would be ridiculous. The Original file used was about 17GB and with the Authoring no compression was used. MKV could be a solution, but I prefer BR. It is what it is. But downscaling 1080 to DVD is not appealing to me, it even makes it worse. Normally I prefer working with the master files but they weren't available. So unless somebody has better quality files, this is the best quality available. I am not trying steal away anything from you. I just wanted to be nice and share something. You want me to fix the issue? Let me know, if not, I will get on with another project. Kind regards JeanYes I'd appreciate if you could kindly reupload the fix! It's a nice edit if only for the out-of-sync portion. Thank you. |
bootLuca 30.07.2014 13:26 |
great project and great artwork, shame about the small problem with NIH, I hope you can fix it and share it again! |
kissg324 31.07.2014 18:59 |
Fantastic............Fantastic..........Fantastic.............The Memory lives on forever :) Thank you Jean |
rhapsody8 01.08.2014 00:38 |
Thanks a lot. Is there will be a DVD version for who doesn't have the Blu-Ray player? Or if there is a permission, maybe someone can do it... Thanks again for your effort.... |
Rami 01.08.2014 07:45 |
Thank you!! |
kissrulez 10.08.2014 14:46 |
I fixed the sync issue. So here's a new torrent. Take it or leave it. Anyway, have fun. |
Double-U 11.08.2014 08:21 |
Great! Thanks again! |
bootLuca 11.08.2014 09:18 |
fantastic! THANK YOU!! |
tcc 11.08.2014 16:29 |
Thanks again for the fix. |
CESAR BELTRAN M 31.08.2014 14:52 |
seeders please |
CESAR BELTRAN M 02.09.2014 13:39 |
seeders Please! |
tassilo 13.06.2016 08:34 |
Thanks for sharing - and especially for seeding the last days. |
la_ultra_zona 15.06.2016 07:13 |
Please Seed! |
tassilo 15.06.2016 12:45 |
I'm not online all day, but I'm seeding. |