Hi guys another little topic from me
What in everyones eyes is the best bootleg out there, by that im meaning best performance and also best quality everyone has heard
if i was to choose i would actually say Buenos Aires Soundboard from 1981, because its a great performance, freddie and the band sound great and the quality is near to perfect!
hard to say. because sound quality and performance quality don't always go hand in hand.
there are some excellent 'legs out there but thy're sh*t-alful sound quality.
on the other hand there are some gems that stand out for me.....bbc in concert 1973, houston 77, seattle 77, there's also boston 76, chicago 78, added to that....b'ham 84, mk 82, wembley and kneb 86 - from personal (having been there) reasons
Yes Birmingham 84 was immense...I thought nothing could top Leeds but it really did push the envelope. Wembley (1st night) and Knebworth were a something to behold but to me, not a patch on the aforementioned gigs.
As for the bootlegs, I also enjoy Leeds, again for that personal (having been there) reason. My first ever live gig and what a terrific fucking show it was.
Personally I found that Toronto, Montreal and Chicago were great performances from the JAZZ tour. Boston 76 is amazing! I've never heard the bass drum so clearly on any recording like that one!
very favorites off the top of my head...
Boston '76 (favorite in terms of both quality and performance)
Flash Alive/Wembley arena 1980
Knebworth '86
Hammersmith '79
Hammersmith '75
Tokyo - May 1st, '75 (favorite performance)