Sue Anne Mercury Taylor 01.04.2012 20:20 |
Attention QUEEN Fans, I have FOR SALE: iconic rock photographer Denis O'Regan's camera case original 13x10 photo of Freddie Mercury sitting atop the case, as provided by Mr. O'Regan additional photo of Freddie Mercury sitting atop the case, also taken by Mr. O'Regan US $9,900, open to negotiations --------- In 1986, Queen played Budapest, Hungary. After rehearsing the Hungarian national anthem with guitarist Brian May on the balcony of his hotel room, Freddie Mercury took a rest and sat down atop (famed rock photographer and official photographer of the 1986 Queen Magic Tour) Denis O'Regan's photographer's case. Denis took a couple pictures of Freddie sitting atop the case; several of these images have gone into photo montages within Queen videos. Several years ago, I purchased from Denis O'Regan his photographer's case, as well as the original photograph of Freddie sitting atop it. A watermarked copy of this photograph is included within the attachments on this message. Not only is this case a significant piece of rock and roll history because of Freddie Mercury gracing it with his mercurial presence, this case also bore witness to every major concert event in the 1980s and early 1990s, as evidenced by the fact that it is literally covered in backstage passes, including: Michael Jackson, Paul McCartney, Pink Floyd, Sting, Van Halen, Keith Richards, The Cult, Faith No More, Brian May Band, David Bowie, Deff Leppard, Robert Palmer, Bruce Springsteen, Genesis, Extreme, John Mellencamp and more. The backstage passes which are present in the picture of Freddie atop the case are still there today. This case includes absolutely undeniable provenance, Denis O'Regan's British Airways tags attached to the handle. Denis O'Regan is the ultimate rock and roll photographer. His camera took some of the most iconic images in rock and roll history and this case housed the very camera that took those images (including the famous, iconic images of Freddie at Wembley). This case was present at every single Magic Tour concert, Knebworth included. Interested parties may inquire at Also check out link |
MartynTS 01.04.2012 21:48 |
Interesting item, very unique! Too bad I don't have any cash, being a fan of Photography, Live concerts, and Freddie! |
Sue Anne Mercury Taylor 01.04.2012 22:08 |
Thanks, Martyn! I too find it to be an interesting item for all those reasons. As a rabid Queen fan, that's precisely why I bought it! It's time to let it go, just the same! |
Togg 02.04.2012 05:48 |
Dear Sue It certainly is an 'interesting' case but $9.900? Whilst I can see that some might be keen enough to pay something for it, I really think you are deluding yourself if you think just because Freddie sat on it and it went to a number of concerts makes it worth a vast amount of money. seriously good luck selling it, but buyer beware here, it's NOT rock history its a box that Freddie once sat on... No disrespect intended here but really this is only worth buying out of curiosity, it's not going to ever increase in value it's not the type of memoribilia that rates that level of value, Freddie didnt own it, he sat on it. as he nodoubt did on a number of chairs... the fact that it went to concerts is interesting but it doesnt make it valuable. The value here is only if you are a collector of Denis O'Regan's work, as such it is probably worth about £500 top. |
Gaabiizz 02.04.2012 06:50 |
9900? what? |
Sue Anne Mercury Taylor 02.04.2012 09:52 |
Togg, I respect everything you said and I agree with some points you made. Please bear in mind that because I am open to negotiation, my asking price needed to be increased so that I may be "talked down." As well, I simply copy/pasted the exact context of the email which I sent to Hard Rock Cafe, a company which is most certainly capable of paying out somewhere near my asking price. You are right, it is merely a case that Freddie sat down upon, BUT, it also happens to be the case that housed the very camera that took most of the iconic photos of Freddie (Wembley, Knebworth, on and on) that we're all familiar with. It has also been to every major rock and roll event in which Mr. O'Regan was present. In essence, this case has really been around and seen things that we could only hope to. It just so happens that the greatest entertainer of all sat on top of it, making its value perhaps a bit grander. I disagree that this is "not rock history." This is undeniably rock history. This case housed the very camera that has allowed us to see Freddie, Queen, Pink Floyd, Michael Jackson, Paul McCartney, Faith No More, Van Halen and many others in brilliant form. It joined Queen throughout their very last tour with Freddie and sat in the front row at Knebworth and Wembley, as Mr. O'Regan snapped photos. It's rock history, but it might not be your kind of rock history - and I respect that. With regard to it perhaps never increasing in value, let me quote Jacky Smith, Queen fan club president: "When Queen are all dead and gone, there's no telling how much you could fetch for this thing. Hang onto it." link I thought you might find it interesting that at 3:59 in the video for "Too Much Love Will Kill You", there's Freddie sitting on top of that case, looking as if he's contemplating life. I've seen the same photo used in other Queen videos that include photo montages. Cheers! |
Togg 02.04.2012 12:10 |
Dear Sue There is no denying that it was/is an interesting item, but I really dont see how it can be thought of a rock history, its no more rock history than the stage light that once light the stage that Elvis walked may have been 'there' at many rock moments in hostory but so was thousands of bits of wood, plastic and chairs. I certainly think you have a wonderful momento but I do think you are slightly misleading people (unintentionally I am sure) when you are trying to sell it as rock history. if thats the case then so is the chair that freddie sat on to have his picture taken for his solo work. Rock history items need to be either owned by the star or used by on a notable track. I just dont think sat on counts... Sorry Good luck selling it though |
Sue Anne Mercury Taylor 02.04.2012 12:41 |
Togg, I totally respect your comments and appreciate the input. In time, I'll take your commentary and perhaps use it to amend my initial advert regarding the case. It seems we both admit, just the same, that the case has been witness to a lot of cool shit. Though it may not be a piece of rock history in and of itself, it was owned by one of the most famous rock photographers ever. My selling point that Freddie sat upon it isn't intentionally misleading, I assure you. It just adds to the interesting seasoning of the item. Consider this, though - that stage light from an Elvis concert might be considered "rock history" to a rabid Elvis fan, just as this case may be to a Queen fan. When I bought it, I felt as if I'd found the Holy Grail. |
Micrówave 02.04.2012 13:50 |
My selling point that Freddie sat upon it isn't intentionally misleading, I assure you. It just adds to the interesting seasoning of the item.Gross |
scollins 02.04.2012 15:22 |
im selling condoms that freddie mercury had and there all signed LARRY DUREX offers please no time wasters |
Micrówave 02.04.2012 16:14 |
You'd get $9900 if you had a picture of Michael Jackson sitting on it!!!! |
brENsKi 02.04.2012 16:20 |
if it's worth anything in reality, then why-oh-fucking-why are you too f**king lazy to auction the thing properly? through a proper auctioneers? or even failing that, if you were medium-sized lazy, why couldn't you even be arsed to stick it on e-fucking-bay? oh no. so bone-fucking idle, you thought that the easiest way to make a quick buck was to spam a fan site (or 3) with your cleverly-worded for sale ad...cos the "gullible twats on QZ will buy anything even remotely Freddie-related, no matter how fucking tenuous...cos we're all brain-dead morons who'll buy any old sh8t ok, you got me....but i drive a hard bargain want £9,000? well i'm not offering a penny over £35,000 ok? got that? now knob off |
Crazy LittleThing 03.04.2012 02:18 |
Hold the freakin' phone! A voice from the past! YOU'RE Sue Anne? For some reason I thought you posted here that the camera case had met with some kind of disaster and was damaged or destroyed a year or so after you got it. Did it get repaired or am I misremembering? |
Djdownsy 03.04.2012 05:37 |
brENsKi wrote: if it's worth anything in reality, then why-oh-fucking-why are you too f**king lazy to auction the thing properly? through a proper auctioneers? or even failing that, if you were medium-sized lazy, why couldn't you even be arsed to stick it on e-fucking-bay? oh no. so bone-fucking idle, you thought that the easiest way to make a quick buck was to spam a fan site (or 3) with your cleverly-worded for sale ad...cos the "gullible twats on QZ will buy anything even remotely Freddie-related, no matter how fucking tenuous...cos we're all brain-dead morons who'll buy any old sh8t ok, you got me....but i drive a hard bargain want £9,000? well i'm not offering a penny over £35,000 ok? got that? now knob off----------------------------------- Amen!!! |
Sue Anne Mercury Taylor 03.04.2012 15:48 |
Crazy Little Thing, I think you must have dreamed that. The case is alive and well. With regard to negative commentary - if you take offense to the sale of this item, simply don't buy it. The need for crass, harsh words is hardly necessary and to the contrary, quite immature. |
brENsKi 04.04.2012 11:15 |
your title says "freddie memorabilia for sale" it is NOT freddie memorabilia. memorabilia is something that would be specific or particularly relevant to the subject. a camera case used for thousands of photography assignments that freddie just happened to sit on just once does not make it "freddie memorabilia" why don't you place an ad in in a proper memorabilia magazine and try describing it as above, then see how long before you get sued under the trade desrciptions act? and as for your comment about "harsh crass words" - you're the one who came here completely new - no history on this site at all - in fact 85% of your massive total of six posts are in this thread - just for the prime purpose of ripping off some gullible c*nt stop exploiting sad saps who have more sense than money. your kind are fucking horrible |
Rubbersuit 04.04.2012 12:41 |
$9900 US is what I would expect the crown Freddie wore on the Magic tour to sell for, not a camera case he once sat on. |
Sue Anne Mercury Taylor 04.04.2012 15:38 |
Brenski, I spent years on queenzone, posting as MrJordan. I left, precisely because of belligerent tarts such as yourself. Queenzone has become nothing but stomping grounds for the bullies and the Stepfords. I'd venture to guess that you fall into the first of those categories. What I have for sale is what it is, son. Take it or leave it. Clearly, you'd prefer to leave it. It's a goddamn case. Freddie sat on the motherfucker. It's for sale. I'm willing to negotiate. End of story. The fact that you take so much offense to the notion that I'd even dare come to QZ to offer this case almost amuses me - almost, but I personally don't give enough of a shit to raise real emotion towards the issue. Indeed, it IS Freddie memorabilia. He sat on the son on of a bitch and had a pretty iconic photo taken whilst upon it. The case can be seen in "Queen: Live In Budapest" and one of the pictures of Freddie sitting upon the case has been used over and over and over in various DoRo photo montages, including the video for "Too Much Love Will Kill You" and documentaries. It's Queen memorabilia, it's Freddie memorabilia. It's whatever the hell I want to call it, because I own it and you don't. That having been said, piss off. |
Holly2003 04.04.2012 15:45 |
You might get more for it if you marketed it as a piece of Denis O'Regan memorabilia. The links to Fred are too insubstantial to make it a piece of Fred or Queen memorabilia. |
Micrówave 04.04.2012 15:51 |
Yes and why on earth would you call it "Freddie Memorabilia" if Michael Jackson spent time with it? Wouldn't that be a stronger selling point? Especially now??? ...unless maybe THIS is the place that Freddie secretly wanted his ashes contained in. |
brENsKi 04.04.2012 16:04 |
Micrówave wrote: Yes and why on earth would you call it "Freddie Memorabilia" if Michael Jackson spent time with it? Wouldn't that be a stronger selling point? Especially now???...unless maybe THIS is the place that Freddie secretly wanted his ashes contained guess is it's been spammed across various fan sites...depending upon which star once sat/stood on it, |
tomchristie22 05.04.2012 18:19 |
Sue Anne Mercury Taylor wrote: I thought you might find it interesting that at 3:59 in the video for "Too Much Love Will Kill You", there's Freddie sitting on top of that case, looking as if he's contemplating life.Well spotted, but I wouldn't make too much of that, just from watching the video, I'd be shocked if DoRo had put any thought into what clips they put in that mess ('I feel like no-one ever told the truth to me' accompanied by a cartoon bit from AKOM and Roger snipping John's tie). |
Gaabiizz 05.04.2012 21:08 |
Sue Anne Mercury Taylor wrote: Togg, I respect everything you said and I agree with some points you made. Please bear in mind that because I am open to negotiation, my asking price needed to be increased so that I may be "talked down." As well, I simply copy/pasted the exact context of the email which I sent to Hard Rock Cafe, a company which is most certainly capable of paying out somewhere near my asking price. You are right, it is merely a case that Freddie sat down upon, BUT, it also happens to be the case that housed the very camera that took most of the iconic photos of Freddie (Wembley, Knebworth, on and on) that we're all familiar with. It has also been to every major rock and roll event in which Mr. O'Regan was present. In essence, this case has really been around and seen things that we could only hope to. It just so happens that the greatest entertainer of all sat on top of it, making its value perhaps a bit grander. I disagree that this is "not rock history." This is undeniably rock history. This case housed the very camera that has allowed us to see Freddie, Queen, Pink Floyd, Michael Jackson, Paul McCartney, Faith No More, Van Halen and many others in brilliant form. It joined Queen throughout their very last tour with Freddie and sat in the front row at Knebworth and Wembley, as Mr. O'Regan snapped photos. It's rock history, but it might not be your kind of rock history - and I respect that. With regard to it perhaps never increasing in value, let me quote Jacky Smith, Queen fan club president: "When Queen are all dead and gone, there's no telling how much you could fetch for this thing. Hang onto it." link I thought you might find it interesting that at 3:59 in the video for "Too Much Love Will Kill You", there's Freddie sitting on top of that case, looking as if he's contemplating life. I've seen the same photo used in other Queen videos that include photo montages. Cheers! Thanks for aclaration! |
Sue Anne Mercury Taylor 07.04.2012 00:07 |
Thanks for that fab picture of Lady Gaga! |
scollins 17.09.2012 05:24 |
is it just my eyes but the stickers or passes on this case dont match the ones which freddie is on, bottom left yellow sticker in the freddie shot but its not there on the other case??? i hope im wrong :) |