Freddie Mercury without a mustache during the hot space tour!
He had to shave it off during part the tour due to Roger blowing Bubble gum in Freddie's face and it hit the mustache.
Your photo shop skills are weak, and you also chose a picture from page one of a goggle search for Freddie Mercury 1982. link alt="Image Hosted by"/> By marknow at 2010-11-17
Yeah fake, but why not make it interesting once in a while? I did it in like 5 minutes haha.
Still, gives you a better idea what he would look like in '82 without a stache.
wow, fooled me to xD lol,
but then again, if roger had blown bubble gum in his face and freddie had to shave off his mustache, i dont roger would be alive to tell the story
RafaelSomma wrote: The only time Freddie didn't have a mustache before 1987 was in 1984 when he shaved it off for the I want to break free video...
also, um, Freddie most certainly DID have his mustache in the I Want To Break Free video...
He mean the "ballet" scenes with the dancers (you know freddie with the trumpet,the grapes,etc) ... it was a representation of Fausto or something like that... Anyway freddie didn't have mustache during all the 70's and it was before 1987....
You can see how lovely he looks without the moustache during the barcelona era, very gorgeous although he always looked lovely to me!!!
Exactly, Freddie looks wonderful in the Barcelona sessions without the mustache, you can clearly see that he has a distinctive face structure
Look: link link link link
tomchristie22 wrote:
I thought it was about AIDs, like Hammer To Fall and Too Much Love Will Kill You.
Ehhh...Bo Rhap and Hammer to Fall were almost certainly not about AIDS because he wasn't diagnosed until 1987.
Just sayin'...
They are all acting out a newbie scene. But - what they don't realise is the real newbies catch on fast and they are mimicking the older users. They all do it to each other and none of them cotton onto what's going on.