MmP 15.06.2009 15:04 |
I just cant get out of my amazement, This guy is freddie mercury, at least he has his voice. Probably you've already heard it before, it's the first time I do. Doesn't him sound like Freddie? Of all the FM cover guys he's the most accurate. shock link |
Pim Derks 15.06.2009 15:50 |
Fred got a bit bald. |
david (galashiels) 15.06.2009 16:45 |
when i saw.o-m-f-g..i thought you had just discovered.... o my freds gay.? |
FriedChicken 15.06.2009 17:54 |
In the beginning I thought it was Weird Al After 20 seconds I realised it was much, much worse |
Micrówave 15.06.2009 17:57 |
This is the new guy that Brian and Roger are going out on tour with next year. |
Mr Mercury 15.06.2009 19:49 |
MmP wrote: Doesn't him sound like Freddie? Of all the FM cover guys he's the most accurate. shock Yes you are right - he doesn't sound like Freddie. This guy's voice has more cracks in it than a whorehouse has. So no he is not the most accurate. And what is it with all these Freddie impersonators who seem to think all they have to do is wear a yellow jacket with white trousers and grow a moustache? They are getting as bad as Elvis impersonators..... |
Major Tom 15.06.2009 20:08 |
Two words: Gary Mullen. |
maxpower 15.06.2009 20:20 |
bollocks on this performance give it to Taylor Hawkins link |
Pim Derks 16.06.2009 01:39 |
Mr Mercury wrote: This guy's voice has more cracks in it than a whorehouse has. This is why I love Queenzone :D |
princetom 16.06.2009 03:51 |
saw them live back in '96...they aim to exacly copy queen. this isn't really what music is all about, is it? no soul in there... there are much better coverbands out there. but i never get the point of coverbands at all. money can't buy you happiness.nice to imagine, btw., if freddie would be as bold as this guy nowadays :-D |
gooddrills 16.06.2009 07:32 |
The mention of Garry Mullen makes my blood boil. If you haven't seen the Inbetweeners yet give it a look in, funny as. Not related but I'm just sharing |
john bodega 16.06.2009 08:38 |
OMFG is the right expression I believe. Wow. |
Cwazy little thing 16.06.2009 08:43 |
Hmm, I had a good listen to a few of their songs. His voice, either by training or naturally has taken on a certain Magic tour era Freddie-esque quality, but he cant even match the range of Fred then, and thats widely regarded as a rough spell for Freddie's voice in terms of range. He's got a similar power, I'll give him that. I wish the guitarist would put a bit more feel into what he plays here and there rather than just trying to replicate what Brian plays note for note - particularly as they play a few things too fast he's trying to squeeze things in and it ends up sounding messy. I cant say Im a fan of cover bands who try to be exactly like a particular artist - its a bit sad really - some bald guy with a beer gut poncing round a stage in a gold jacket is not my idea of capturing the spirit of Queen, regardless of his voice. I've done covers in bands before, and try to just be me singing a song in my own way (although sometimes the style of the original rubs off on you a bit), but copying to this extent leads to comparison, and up against awesome bands, you're always going to pale in comparison! |
Josh Henson 16.06.2009 09:50 |
Well Freddie would be about that bald if he were still alive. I think they should go on w/ Axl: link |
Reid_Special_98 16.06.2009 14:46 |
First of all, to my ears, Anybody...ANYBODY...who tries to do the opening bit to Bohemian Rhapsody sounds completely ridiculous. Nobody has gotten the timing right for the opening bit...they make it too straight and academic sounding. Completely unnatural. I cringe. No disrespect to WWRY, but that's like the opera-bit in Bo-Rhap. I just can't listen to it if it's not the original. Secondly...whoever thought this guy could hold a candle to Freddie Mercury - in both looks and performance must be smoking crack...give me a break. Yes - fine. Wear the yellow jacket, do the same stuff as Wembley '86, but don't tell me anyone in a tribute band is better than the real deal. This thread should be 'O-M-F-Gross' |
maxpower 16.06.2009 21:22 |
I 2nd the above poster, I mean I sing, play the guitar & drums but I know my limitations, I wouldnt never make myself look an idiot & attempt that. Recently I got the Queen karaoke CD's 1 & 2 Japanese releases (official backing tracks with 99.9% vocals taken out - instrumentals you would say) anyway 2 things hit me on a music side Bri, Rog & John were so tight as the music had room to breathe & I could actually hear all the bass lines etc, I'm hearing songs which I've heard countless times in a totally different light. But the 2nd thing is how fucking difficult these songs are to sing. I've sang along many a-time with Freddie as my BV but do it on your own geez there is so much SPACE his voice took up |
AndresGuazzelli 18.06.2009 20:54 |
I actually prefer Salvo Bruno over Gary Muller. In case you've never heard of the guy, here's a link: link |
i-Fred 18.06.2009 21:28 |
Great find, but he does it better here... link |
john bodega 19.06.2009 01:08 |
Fattie Mercury. |
kosimodo 19.06.2009 03:45 |
He is no Freddie but puts out a nice fun show. I have seen them a week before last years tour and before a 2000 people crowd they broke the house down. There was more singing along then with the 'real' deal. It is just fun entertainment:) |
Sunshine 15.07.2009 04:38 |
I think it is pathetic to walk around in a magic tour outfit and pretending you are Freddie Mercury on a mini stage. Why doesnt he does his own things and let the music do the talking instead of this ridicilous outfit? Freddie would laugh his ass off, that is for sure... Same with MJ imitators or Elvis....they are all so so so pathetic..... |
emrabt 15.07.2009 05:26 |
Sunshine wrote: I think it is pathetic to walk around in a magic tour outfit and pretending you are Freddie Mercury on a mini stage. Why doesnt he does his own things and let the music do the talking instead of this ridicilous outfit? Freddie would laugh his ass off, that is for sure... Same with MJ imitators or Elvis....they are all so so so pathetic..... You can’t say that Freddie or Michael Jackson would laugh their ass off, in fact Michael Jackson liked one of his impersonators so much Michael got him to perform at his birthday party. Didn’t Freddie write “keep on smiling” for a coma patient who considered himself to be a Freddie Mercury look a like? I’m pretty sure I’ve read that in several books, the guy died and was buried with the tape. So, maybe you should do some research before you make your opinion the opinion of every star with an imitator. These imitators are just having a bit of fun; I’m sure queen love getting all the royalties every time one performs a song. Lets face it, they provided a cheap night out and give bands who can’t make it with there own material a chance to tour. |
Sunshine 15.07.2009 06:02 |
emrabt wrote:Sunshine wrote: I think it is pathetic to walk around in a magic tour outfit and pretending you are Freddie Mercury on a mini stage. Why doesnt he does his own things and let the music do the talking instead of this ridicilous outfit? Freddie would laugh his ass off, that is for sure... Same with MJ imitators or Elvis....they are all so so so pathetic.....You can’t say that Freddie or Michael Jackson would laugh their ass off, in fact Michael Jackson liked one of his impersonators so much Michael got him to perform at his birthday party. Didn’t Freddie write “keep on smiling” for a coma patient who considered himself to be a Freddie Mercury look a like? I’m pretty sure I’ve read that in several books, the guy died and was buried with the tape. So, maybe you should do some research before you make your opinion the opinion of every star with an imitator. These imitators are just having a bit of fun; I’m sure queen love getting all the royalties every time one performs a song. Lets face it, they provided a cheap night out and give bands who can’t make it with there own material a chance to tour. No I dont't think Freddie ever commented on a imitator. I think he would like it if it would be a satire, just totally over the top. But these imitators actually they think they are Freddie Mercury, i think it is so so pathetic...GET A LIFE!!! I dont say that Queen songs not should be covered, i believe Queen songs are the basis of today's pop and rock music. But do it with your own twist and don't make yourself ridicilous with a Magic show outfit. I absolutely love good coverbands but do something original. I recently saw 4 goodlooking chicks playing rock covers of all kinds of songs...they did it so original and i think it is so sexy to see a hot chick playing a hot guitar solo on a beautiful Les was really great! And no i dont think Queen will receive any royalties when a cover band performs their songs. |
emrabt 15.07.2009 06:27 |
Sunshine wrote: No I dont't think Freddie ever commented on a imitator. I think he would like it if it would be a satire, just totally over the top. But these imitators actually they think they are Freddie Mercury, i think it is so so pathetic...GET A LIFE!!! I dont say that Queen songs not should be covered, i believe Queen songs are the basis of today's pop and rock music. But do it with your own twist and don't make yourself ridicilous with a Magic show outfit. I absolutely love good coverbands but do something original. I recently saw 4 goodlooking chicks playing rock covers of all kinds of songs...they did it so original and i think it is so sexy to see a hot chick playing a hot guitar solo on a beautiful Les was really great! And no i dont think Queen will receive any royalties when a cover band performs their songs. You see, now you have it right, YOU think they are pathetic, which is fine. The thing I didn't like before was you said "Freddie would laugh his ass off, THAT IS FOR SURE..." and you couldn't possibly know that. Sorry, it's just me being picky. I personally think tribute bands are fine To me, at least, it’s just like an actor in Cats or Mary Poppins playing a part. John Blunt kind of annoys me the way he appears on TV with his totally fake English accent. BEING FREDDIE MERCURY ANSWERING THE INTERVIEWERS QUESTIONS. Now I think that is stupid. But it’s just my opinion, other people might like that. |
thomasquinn 32989 15.07.2009 08:11 |
Pim Derks wrote:Mr Mercury wrote: This guy's voice has more cracks in it than a whorehouse has.This is why I love Queenzone :D Oh? I always thought it was for the free booze... |
PauloPanucci 18.07.2009 09:19 |
Man,, this guys sing like freddie!!!!!!!!! And in this video link,, the guitarrist look like Dr.May!! |
«¤~Mrš. BÃD GÛŸ~¤» 18.07.2009 20:31 |
queenpaulo wrote: Man,, this guys sing like freddie!!!!!!!!! And in this video link,, the guitarrist look like Dr.May!! Not even close!! |
john bodega 20.07.2009 01:46 |
Sunshine wrote: But these imitators actually they think they are Freddie MercuryReally? How many have you met? |
PauloPanucci 20.07.2009 09:37 |
«¤~Mrš. BÃD GÛŸ~¤» wrote:queenpaulo wrote: Man,, this guys sing like freddie!!!!!!!!! And in this video link,, the guitarrist look like Dr.May!!Not even close!! Sorry the comment,, but they sing verry well!!!!!!!!!!!!!! |
Sunshine 23.07.2009 04:18 |
Zebonka12 wrote:How many have you met?Sunshine wrote: But these imitators actually they think they are Freddie MercuryReally? 3 What about you? |
john bodega 24.07.2009 03:24 |
In person? 1. I've written to a couple more though and I have to say I think you've had the misfortune of meeting some bad eggs. Either that or they were pulling your chain. |