I admit I have been out of the loop(NOT in prison--nothing so dangerous for this old bat! :D) for a time, and, am catching up on my Queen history, partially via this board(thanks, all!), and, I am wondering if the song, "Save Me," has been frequently covered by other artists? The song is so familiar to me, however, it shames me to say that I don't think I realized until a short time ago that it was a Queen(Brian)song.
Lovely, lovely song, and, lovely lovely singing by Freddie!
Well, after perusing youtube(sadly, one of my favorite pastimes these days), and, checking out several of the live performances of Save Me, along with the studio version, I've decide that this is my favorite: link
I have this concert on DVD! I rate it better than LAW or LATB. it always made me laugh, the look on his face as he sings the first "i'm naked and im far away from...." he looks at brian as much as to say "somebody tell me the next verse!!! "
a moments hesitation and it comes to him!
It seems as if the Buenos Aires performance may be his best performance of this song, vocally, however, the sound quality is so poor on the tapes I have seen, it is often difficult to hear him.
inmydefence wrote: I have this concert on DVD! I rate it better than LAW or LATB. it always made me laugh, the look on his face as he sings the first "i'm naked and im far away from...." he looks at brian as much as to say "somebody tell me the next verse!!! "
a moments hesitation and it comes to him!