05.06.1998 | Brian May | Rome, Italy | |||
Direct download: https://mega.nz/folder/8sxCWYBb#294lkBA7T6PSihdITyo9XA length: 50:32, quality: VG [an average audience recording] |
09.06.1998 | Brian May | Paris, France | |||
Direct download: https://mega.nz/folder/A4wVwIAR#9uFSD-kqQryj-K1Zl0237w length: 48:23, quality: VG [an average audience recording] |
11.06.1998 | Brian May | London, UK | |||
Direct download: https://mega.nz/folder/VwwH3YKJ#aZV07epMzuSnnwDVZJuA3A length: 56:25, quality: G+ [the sound may be affected by distortion or other issues] |
16.06.1998 | Brian May | London, UK | |||
Direct download: https://mega.nz/folder/Qp4izIwA#TPMmj-HTZWJt_0_yDR2p8A length: 37:39, quality: EX- [the sound is almost excellent] |
15.09.1998 | Brian May | Gijon, Spain | |||
Direct download: https://mega.nz/folder/R1530AhZ#A3hYxFqhJmUcP4HqtMDyKA length: 113:47, quality: G [a barely listenable recording, possible distortion] |
17.09.1998 | Brian May | Barcelona, Spain | |||
Direct download: https://mega.nz/folder/0phXDYIC#1Mhp11woOl1I-AvjeL_MLg length: 115:54, quality: VG [an average audience recording] |
18.09.1998 | Brian May | Madrid, Spain | |||
Direct download: https://mega.nz/folder/Yo5mQS4T#bFt7qBa5XP29YplwTfyyFA length: 104:48, quality: G- [the sound is really bad] |
20.09.1998 | Brian May | Brussels, Belgium | |||
Direct download: https://mega.nz/folder/5k5ElCIa#4W93rkq4hIvKiqq6fgebDg length: 117:42, quality: VG [an average audience recording] |
22.09.1998 | Brian May | Paris, France | |||
Direct download: https://mega.nz/folder/Ip4ByCiR#5vC_y-m7zzZO6HYybMP0yw length: 123:17, quality: VG [an average audience recording] |
23.09.1998 | Brian May | Utrecht, The Netherlands | |||
Direct download: https://mega.nz/folder/9l5izIBI#ok4EkXXO1uK737uAdcTYlw length: 123:27, quality: VG+ [a very enjoyable recording] |
24.09.1998 | Brian May | Groningen, The Netherlands | |||
Direct download: https://mega.nz/folder/Nkx1BSzY#RYM_YuJ3rBE2_5eJ7ffxQg length: 118:56, quality: VG+ [a very enjoyable recording] |
24.09.1998 | Roger Taylor | Surrey, UK | |||
Direct download: https://mega.nz/folder/ww4ClDIT#gxJdN_PfmbM58VipvmZs_Q length: 44:47, quality: EX- [the sound is almost excellent] |
28.09.1998 | Brian May | Stockholm, Sweden | |||
Direct download: https://mega.nz/folder/wooAQQjA#-aMCX75EllWeEhHamaRkqA length: 106:42, quality: VG- [not a very good recording, the sound may be muffled] |
30.09.1998 | Brian May | Warsaw, Poland | |||
Direct download: https://mega.nz/folder/c54AyKbY#72ym0d88LefDvqdfFm8ViA length: 128:48, quality: G+ [the sound may be affected by distortion or other issues] |
03.10.1998 | Brian May | Hamburg, Germany | |||
Direct download: https://mega.nz/folder/d4h21KxK#3XFm0nDFGrhop9U6fJp6eQ length: 135:29, quality: VG+ [a very enjoyable recording] |
05.10.1998 | Brian May | Cologne, Germany | |||
Direct download: https://mega.nz/folder/VlhnFYIY#5dJZdc_m2ID6ajV3p6k5cg length: 127:40, quality: G [a barely listenable recording, possible distortion] |
07.10.1998 | Brian May | Stuttgart, Germany | |||
Direct download: https://mega.nz/folder/Yw5DHSST#M4e5oezDzKnsVm35pcdMQA length: 118:43, quality: VG [an average audience recording] |
08.10.1998 | Brian May | Munich, Germany | |||
Direct download: https://mega.nz/folder/h4g1TSRQ#dtc_H6kTD2H1Srhi7K5TXg length: 126:28, quality: VG [an average audience recording] |
10.10.1998 | Brian May | Vienna, Austria | |||
Direct download: https://mega.nz/folder/4s5EkILQ#ebwzgUKXZ4VqT2dQVVa4ug length: 123:04, quality: VG [an average audience recording] |
12.10.1998 | Brian May | Budapest, Hungary | |||
Direct download: https://mega.nz/folder/Rso1jaKb#0RsfK2aBeky3vvhNxivivw length: 107:19, quality: VG [an average audience recording] |
13.10.1998 | Brian May | Linz, Austria | |||
Direct download: https://mega.nz/folder/85wQUCLC#PzTd_LppF-SXpbBHyV0j2g length: 127:03, quality: VG+ [a very enjoyable recording] |
14.10.1998 | Roger Taylor | London, UK | |||
Direct download: https://mega.nz/folder/B4x2nBhT#1sRLgIf0QgIC_l02qzlMIA length: 87:41, quality: VG- [not a very good recording, the sound may be muffled] |
18.10.1998 | Brian May | Milan, Italy | |||
Direct download: https://mega.nz/folder/9g4WjAqa#u9lqE7eQUlfeD5tbbLl9gw length: 110:11, quality: VG+ [a very enjoyable recording] |
19.10.1998 | Brian May | Zurich, Switzerland | |||
Direct download: https://mega.nz/folder/RogEiagJ#nsoFXm96H1Q9qY3YUTuK6A length: 117:40, quality: VG [an average audience recording] |
22.10.1998 | Brian May | Prague, Czech Republic | |||
Direct download: https://mega.nz/folder/5hoTCQ5K#UTeBwKW1rAQMbPYrHSSe1A length: 123:02, quality: G [a barely listenable recording, possible distortion] |
24.10.1998 | Brian May | Nottingham, UK | |||
Direct download: https://mega.nz/folder/kk4UQIzD#YSaKbnX50x-Wfx3ODoTRsA length: 124:28, quality: VG [an average audience recording] |
25.10.1998 | Brian May | London, UK | |||
Direct download: https://mega.nz/folder/R4xVkQjT#3tu0fr_txK2vLDJB7Dv_PQ length: 125:30, quality: VG [an average audience recording] |
28.10.1998 | Brian May | Birmingham, UK | |||
Direct download: https://mega.nz/folder/c4hjWKoB#ljG-S2EiGjla4rpjHdh5pw length: 136:49, quality: VG+ [a very enjoyable recording] |
30.10.1998 | Brian May | Newcastle, UK | |||
Direct download: https://mega.nz/folder/AtgikS4A#zYrj-DdFUQ3ECoJOv-UbRw length: 125:33, quality: VG [an average audience recording] |
31.10.1998 | Brian May | Manchester, UK | |||
Direct download: https://mega.nz/folder/F4wEkSxa#LHHztzBzz2_uj50ILAs6Yw length: 128:54, quality: VG [an average audience recording] |
02.11.1998 | Brian May | Sheffield, UK | |||
Direct download: https://mega.nz/folder/Ngw2CAzI#UWWCBX4UnzHatnvalVbAQg length: 136:54, quality: VG- [not a very good recording, the sound may be muffled] |
03.11.1998 | Brian May | Glasgow, UK | |||
Direct download: https://mega.nz/folder/cp5FzIgb#2heB5qCKFMrmfQXAgwkGgQ length: 123:03, quality: VG [an average audience recording] |
06.11.1998 | Brian May | St. Petersburg, Russia | |||
Direct download: https://mega.nz/folder/th4EyKzK#9LdqAuJM_UO6UcWO5xg7yA length: 113:58, quality: VG- [not a very good recording, the sound may be muffled] |
07.11.1998 | Brian May | Moscow, Russia | |||
Direct download: https://mega.nz/folder/to50iS5L#mr7x3ZM1JqZR0tSr4ihllg length: 107:15, quality: VG- [not a very good recording, the sound may be muffled] |
10.11.1998 | Brian May | Tokyo, Japan | |||
Direct download: https://mega.nz/folder/9gpRjKiY#a0lAuiqH7FERMzgc0SSIbw length: 129:31, quality: VG+ [a very enjoyable recording] |
11.11.1998 | Brian May | Tokyo, Japan | |||
Direct download: https://mega.nz/folder/k8w3SIJB#KlKNbAKPUzm3V0R7fLEOIg length: 139:02, quality: EX- [the sound is almost excellent] |
13.11.1998 | Brian May | Nagoya, Japan | |||
Direct download: https://mega.nz/folder/h94BlAwb#l9rNnB7F-qaD5B-BAG32nw length: 140:43, quality: VG+ [a very enjoyable recording] |
14.11.1998 | Brian May | Osaka, Japan | |||
Direct download: https://mega.nz/folder/ol4yACLB#9RqcwU_qUyssr_RvfV32Ng length: 132:39, quality: VG+ [a very enjoyable recording] |
23.11.1998 | Brian May | Melbourne, Australia | |||
Direct download: https://mega.nz/folder/ko50xCpY#_T4FdZPWIofvBdcMM_6fCg length: 131:38, quality: VG [an average audience recording] |
25.11.1998 | Brian May | Sydney, Australia | |||
Direct download: https://mega.nz/folder/s45GRCDC#VxNc9CR0av7nF70XzOX8pg length: 124:11, quality: VG [an average audience recording] |
26.11.1998 | Brian May | Newcastle, Australia | |||
Direct download: https://mega.nz/folder/4wwgzQiR#G8iUrHYwIoMAnNzSRCuGEg length: 117:42, quality: G [a barely listenable recording, possible distortion] |
28.11.1998 | Brian May | Brisbane, Australia | |||
Direct download: https://mega.nz/folder/MlhTGAaI#DMjo8m0wyRkcY7q6JNdW4g length: 124:42, quality: VG [an average audience recording] |