Does anyone happen to know which song contains the lowest recorded note of Freddie's? The lowest i can think of is in "My Melancholy Blues" at the "all time low" part, but does he ever go any lower?
Which reminds me of another question. Who sings the bass "gotta bring back leroy brown" at about 30 seconds into BBTLB?
deleted user 14.05.2007 21:06
I would say at the part in "Love of My Life" where he sasys because "back bring it back don't take it away from me <i>because< /i>"
Is it just me?
Actually that "slow-down" myth is just a myth, imo.
Lowest notes from Freddie are normally low Fs: 'Bo Rhap' (lowest voice in "FOR me"), 'Somebody To Love' ("anybody find me" before the long title-phrase near the coda) and 'All Dead' ("and GONE"). The three of them in harmony vocals of course.
Its hardly a 'myth' they slowed down the tape.. Common practice in the stuidio in the 60's and 70's, and its 'all over early Queen albums The only other song i can think of off the top o my head would be the intro to 'lap of the gods'.
Sebastian wrote: Actually that "slow-down" myth is just a myth, imo.
Lowest notes from Freddie are normally low Fs: 'Bo Rhap' (lowest voice in "FOR me"), 'Somebody To Love' ("anybody find me" before the long title-phrase near the coda) and 'All Dead' ("and GONE"). The three of them in harmony vocals of course.
Thats definatly not a myth, you can hear it very well. Try speeding it up a bit, you can hear Freddie's normal timbre and it's much more natural.
But it's still rediculously low, even without the varispeed
this is tough...i read somewhere that it actually was from I'm Going Slightly Mad, during the chorus. He hits a really low note at the first "I'm going slightly mad".
Oh, and the low part in Bring Back That Leroy Brown...that was John, in a rare moment of singing. Don't laugh, though; that's his actual singing voice.
I think Slightly Mad is one of the lowest lead vocal lines indeed.
And Sebastian, I don't have it saved, but i can speed it up and upload it when I have time
It's slowed down 3 semitones (Same as the vocals Leaving Home Ain't Easy and In the Lap of the Gods).
Of course because of the slowing down and speeding up it loses a bit of quality but who cares :P
That low Eb still sounds a bit suss to me, although, as Niek said, the timbre's basically there.
I'd say it was probably sped up one or two more semitones, meaning Fred really sang an E or an F.
deleted user 15.05.2007 15:40
i always thought that the lowest note Fred ever hit was in "you take my breath away", in the low harmonies (ooh,ooh,ooh)in the part where it says "i will find you anywhere you go" the last time
Now I know what is Freddie's lowest:
Listen to "Mother Love"
Around 2:35, when he says "before I die",
on DIE there is a VERY LOW voice...if you listen at the end of "die".
That's to my ears the lowest voice that I ever heard from Freddie. What do you think? Do you hear it?