The banned video w/some harmless nudity, amazing the controversy it created when it came out. A thousand apologies if this has been posted before. link
Yeah actually that video didn't come out until about 2003 or whenever the DVD was released. :) There was a poster inside the Jazz album and a different non-nude video released but that's explains it in the DVD. I think they planned to release a similar video but never got around to editing a nude version until the DVD.
Entirely possible it was released before, I just saw the link and article yesterday and assumed it was current. In American they had to stop releasing Jazz with the poster for a while, kind of goofy as it was mild nudity but it was 1977 so a totally different world back then.
I was one of those gangly 13 year olds when that came out. The poster hung right over my bed. Nothing like waking up to 55 naked women over your head... and at 13 no less. But I seem to remember this version of the BR video on Don Kirchners Rock Concert but the race wasn't edited in on that version. At least the Queen performance shots were there. The more common version was not what I remember seeing as a kid in 78/79.
Was there a separate banned version (other than the regular version) released in 1978 (so 3 videos total)? The DVD notes say the one on the DVD is newly edited, but is sort of how they'd wanted to do it originally.
Boy Thomas Raker wrote: In American they had to stop releasing Jazz with the poster for a while, kind of goofy as it was mild nudity but it was 1977 so a totally different world back then.
There were two versions of the Jazz LP in the US: one with the poster included, and one with a coupon inside that you could mail in for the poster, but you had to send it with a stamped 12" x 12" envelope. Could you ever buy an envelope that size?
Jazz 78 wrote: But I seem to remember this version of the BR video on Don Kirchners Rock Concert but the race wasn't edited in on that version. At least the Queen performance shots were there. The more common version was not what I remember seeing as a kid in 78/79.
I saw a BR video on HBO in the very early 80's. Don't know if it was the same as the one on Greatest Flix or not. Since it was on HBO, it's possible it wasn't censored.
I think I have the Don Kirchners Rock Concert on tape, but it's audio only so that won't help with the video.
deleted user 26.04.2007 00:11
wow, how is this nudity? not a single nipple, hardly counts as controversial.
I know, they censor anything if you see more than head, arms and legs...especially in the USA (hypocrits). I'm surprised Barbies are allowed for sale without painted-on underwears.
If my memory seves me correct , the double A side single bicyle race/FBG had a naked "lady" sat on a bicyle on the cover of the UK release but the same "lady" had to have underwear imposed onto her huge ass on the US release.
Wow I'd only seen the single with the bikini painted on the Bicycle Race lady...didn't know there was an uncensored version!
And yeah my Jazz album came with the slip to mail in which my mom wouldn't let me do since I was only 6 Hah
I thought The Magic Years video references that the bicycle seats were unable to be returned. Maybe this sheds (pardon the pun) some more light on this subject.