Have you noticed that in evrytime you see a musician recording a song, they keep either one or both hands or their headphones? sometimes it's even jut their fungertips.
Does anybody know why they do that? Is it just to have somewhere to put their hands? Or why is it?
I just find it weird :S
<font color="#FF00FF">its_a_hard_life wrote: I did that when I was in the recording studios once. It's quite heavy, these headphones. They sometimes fall off. Hahahaha.
Haha, well, if it is to keep them from falling off it makes sense, but sometimes they only touch those tings with their fingertips :p..
I know i might be weird, but I think people who are recording songs look stupid :p.. not cool...
yamaha wrote: It because Steve Perry is so damn cool.
Oh yeah! though i dont see what Steve Perry has anything to do with this.
I thought I remembered seeing him do the deed quite prominantly in the video for We Are the World after the Band Aid concert. I just watched the video on YouTube. It seems I remembered wrongly, but quite a few hands were on the 'phones throughout.