Just wanted to say thanks for the time and effort put into these, listened to a few and they're great.
I have a few ideas regarding these, and if you want to take this off-board, my mail is in my profile.
1.) Archives. There are free hosting options out there, and once all these have been archived (ie non-expiring, non-rapidshare), we could post a link to them in the sticky tutorial thread.
2.) "Project" files. If you used Audition to do all these, doesn't it store a project file that is significantly less data than the finished mp3? If so, that might be an alternative to the "big" archive, and would be far less legally iffy as far as hosting goes... I might even be able to spare the room on the Floss site for it.
3.) My podcast. Would you care if some of your cuts showed up, unaltered, on my podcast? (And now a question for everybody else) Would people consider them remixes -- would people want to hear that on my podcast?
I have more questions, but I think that'll get us started for now :)
Hi Ern,
Firstly, the audition project files no longer exist. I suspect they would contain information regarding the actual location of the original files on my hard drive anyway, so would be no use to anyone else.
Yes, you can do what you like with them - whether that's making something new out of them, using them for podcasts or archiving somewhere.
Thanks for the reply.
My followup question would be -- which ones did you do the most work on? That probably sounds a little insulting and I apologize, however, rapidshare limits you to a certain amount at a time, so you have to pick and choose.
Otherwise if you could put all of them up on YouSendIt and email me the URL I'd be able to find them a more permanent home.
I just think these could be an invaluable tool for future mixers. They should have access to them, and you should get all the glory!