You'll have to excuse me Thomas, I am getting slow in my old age!
Check out the advert that appeared at the top of the page when I was viewing this topic; amazing what you can buy on eBay: link
Probably....not even a day. Having a bog is the 4th best thing ever.
Apppppppppparently when we went on Outward Bound (look it up!) there was one girl who refused to turd it up at the old turd factory and lasted 10 days. I don't know how true that is but...she probably died later on.
Ah, 1 day and some 8 hours once in the military. I simply had no time or suitable oppurtunity to take a dump during one day and the morning of the next day. But when the time to deliver finally arrived, Oh boy it was one of the greatest feelings of relief I've ever felt in my life. Ah yeah. No joke. Then I got hooked on that feeling of relief and made a habit of holding it in for extended periods of time... Just kidding!
pma wrote: Ah, 1 day and some 8 hours once in the military. I simply had no time or suitable oppurtunity to take a dump during one day and the morning of the next day. But when the time to deliver finally arrived, Oh boy it was one of the greatest feelings of relief I've ever felt in my life. Ah yeah. No joke. Then I got hooked on that feeling of relief and made a habit of holding it in for extended periods of time... Just kidding!
Yeah, sure you're kidding. This is one way you heterosexuals experience the joy of... well, I don't want to gross people out.
As for me, this is one area I never really kept track of. Maybe a couple days after taking painkillers, which tend to slow things down.
I try to read things, but I'm too fast so it's pointless.
Say, while we're on the subject, here's a handy tip for you all.. get yourself some disposable gloves and keep them near the toilet. Slip one on to your wiping hand for a worry-free and more efficient wipe! (I stole this tip from Martha Stewart)
Bubbles the bunny wrote: I try to read things, but I'm too fast so it's pointless.
Say, while we're on the subject, here's a handy tip for you all.. get yourself some disposable gloves and keep them near the toilet. Slip one on to your wiping hand for a worry-free and more efficient wipe! (I stole this tip from Martha Stewart)