ak toto vidite ludia zo slovenska, tak vam prajem uprimnu sustrast. akoze ten pan je hrozny, ale na moje prekvapenie nezabuda texty ako na koncertoch :-).
martin m. z puchova, vidis to? a stahujes? nemusis , napis mi na f.mercury@azet.sk a ja ti to poslem :-)
peto z nitry
(inak mato, sorry za pouzitia tvojho mena, ale aspon je haluz)
Nice :-)
Translation for non-slovak speeking persons.
peevee :
Oh my God, who gave here Pacut ?
Sorry Freddie, be glad that you didn't hear this.
peevee :
If people from Slovakia see this, rip. The man is terrible, but at least he doesn't forget the lyrics like on concerts :-)
Martin M. from Puchov, do you see it ? Do you download it ? You don't have to, just mail me on f.mercury@azet.sk and I send it to you.
PS: Peto z Nitry, neojebkavaj tuna ludi co ti nerozumeju :-)
thank u for translate :-).
and ... are u sure, is pacut good? what do u have with sound? :-)
boli ste uz niekedy na jeho koncerte? oh my god.
freddie was, is, and will be the greatest person in the history of this little world.
we love u freddie, thank u from slovakia
Já to sem nedavam kvuli tomu ze je to Pacut,ale kvuli tomu ze je to s filharmonakem..nahodou neni zas tak hroznej,nebo znate z uzemi Ceska nebo Slovenska nekoho lepsiho krome Pacuta a treba Blackbirds?
I don´t give it here because of Mr.Peter Paul Pacut,but because it is played by philharmonic orchester..i think he´s not so bad,bud do you know about any other guy,who is from Cech or Slovak republic and is better than Peter Paul Pacut or The Blackbirds?