I was going to send you an e-mail talking about it, but I thought you weren't in the mood to be reminded that this asshole will be (at least) 6 more years in power. I say "at least" because Chavez wants to be in power for the rest of his fuckin' life.
I've heard many reports of people who were actually voting for Chavez out of fear that they will lose their jobs for supporting the opossition. I also watched a news report where the U.S. hispanic channel Telemundo was forced by government officials to cut their coverage of the election for no apparent reason.
A sad day for democracy indeed.
Yup. I have a feeling, though, that someone in Venezuala won't let Chavez see another 6 years....I don't know who it will be, but someone will off the prick.
Six years? Cripes.
Seems like an unbalanced character from what I read off wikipedia...
Although his daughters...*whip noise*....his eldest one, naturally.