Ive always noticed the difference in this version, I always put it down to it being the live band playing to a Freddie Vocal track, but does anyone know if theres actually any new Freddie Vocals on there?
It sounds like a couple of the lines might be from a different take, and theres a "Yeah" right at the start of the vocals which I cant place in the album version.
You don't have to buy from Queenonline, but it's available in most big countries. There's a U.S. version put out by Capitol. I grabbed it at Best Buy in the soundtracks section a few months back.
I can't stand anything else on the disc, but that track is cool :)
dobo wrote: i believe that it's from an outake from the innuendo sessions although it sounds good enough to me
You'll find that with, even listening to Freddie's Barcelona out take or alternate take vocals feel like this. He was obviously just looking for a certain way of singing the lines in these songs.
Great vocals, but very picky about which to use!