does anyone know what happen to jim?i saw him on a interview after freddie death.did he und up having aids too?
deleted user 02.10.2006 15:14
Nope, he's still alive and continues to drag Freddie's name through the mud whenever a documentary about Freddie's love life pops up...
Edit: actually that was a bit mean, he isn't as bad as Peter Freestone for that sorta thing, but yeah he is alive and doesn't yet have AIDS so far as I know!
He is still somewhere slobbering while he talks, and still hasn't brushed his teeth
deleted user 02.10.2006 18:21
Who here has met this Jim Hutton guy ?
Who was close personal friends of him and Freddie ? Who visited them and saw them together ?
I don't "agree" with the whole Freddie-Bio by either of them that wrote ones, but I'm not going to call them names or lead the charge to impale them since I don't know them or their situations at all.
Flame me if you must, I don't care.
I will never understand this rabid hatred for Jim! The man was Freddie's lover, he knew him a damn site better than anyone here, and stuck with him 'til the end. So many on this site say how they don't care that Freddie was gay and yet when anyone who knew him makes comment on it they're accused of 'dragging Feddie's name through the muck'!
Personally I wish Jim a long and contented life and if he made Freddie feel a little less alone in his final years, he did a wonderful thing.
And now I shall go back to muttering to myself quietly
AwkbyName wrote: I will never understand this rabid hatred for Jim! The man was Freddie's lover, he knew him a damn site better than anyone here, and stuck with him 'til the end. So many on this site say how they don't care that Freddie was gay and yet when anyone who knew him makes comment on it they're accused of 'dragging Feddie's name through the muck'!
Personally I wish Jim a long and contented life and if he made Freddie feel a little less alone in his final years, he did a wonderful thing.
And now I shall go back to muttering to myself quietly
I love you !
Sorry, I tend to squash people like that when I'm excited.
AwkbyName wrote:
Personally I wish Jim a long and contented life and if he made Freddie feel a little less alone in his final years, he did a wonderful thing.
And then Freddie died, and Jim did a not-so-wonderful thing - a thing called "Mercury and Me".
Acutally Jim contracted the HIV virus in 1990, He did not tell Freddie, He is on an aray of meds which he calls his drug coctail, he is alive and doing pretty well, a short interview from Peter Freestone.
Bambi wrote: Acutally Jim contracted the HIV virus in 1990, He did not tell Freddie...
According to Jim's book - blech - Freddie was there when he found out. In fact, he said Freddie encouraged him to call the doctor after Jim said he was still waiting to hear about his results. And then when he hung up and said he was positive, Freddie's words were, "Those bastards."