This is so great and funny! I like the helpless look of Roger at the begining like "I don't understand anything he says!" and John always smiling. They're so nice! I just wonder what they're doing in this show, what's the link between Queen and this "game"?
Anyway, I had a good laugh, they're so cute. Love!
deleted user 27.09.2006 12:32
I guess they were just promoting 'The Works' Oh they are just ADORABLE! I loved John's 'Well done Mr Handsome,' at the end.
They were judging a beauty contest I guess, it looks like poor ol' John and Rog were just told, 'Right you're doing a TV show!'
J and R:'B-'
'No 'Buts', we need to promote 'The Works' its gonna take more than a Nuremburg-esque rally-style video and a pretty not-actually-a-schoolgirl to do that
J and R:'What are we going to do though?'
'I don't know, what am I your fecking publicist?!'
J and R:'Yeah actually!'
That was so freakin hilarious!! John was so adorable and Roger... they make me crack up. Gotta love them both!! This is classic!! :D
deleted user 27.09.2006 16:12
OMFG! This is hilarious! The look of hopeless desperation on rogers face as if to say 'please let me understand something that this guy says' is so funny! I think that J & R are bewildered as to why the audience is laughing!!! LOL
whoever put it online - thanks for sharing!
this reminds me of that famous "na!-na!"-interview they both had done in the same year - anybody here who has seen this in its entirety??
Bubbles! wrote: They seem to be helping judge a teenage boy in swimsuit competition....
I hate stuff like this. I try so hard to keep sex and Queen separated.