I remember a "writers'" thread, but I can't find it now, and search isn't working for me...
So, to torture everyone, I'll start out with...
Hail to Roses
Red roses languish silently,
Wilting their raiments violently
Their voices have waned so silent,
In a world turned to the violent
No more delighting in the sun,
There are no young eyes left to stun
They no longer pass days sunning,
A shame - for they were so stunning
---(this next one's silly, as well as written reeeeallly quickly...)---
There are many people I would like to meet,
Who've already got roses growing at their feet.
I was told all my life, that those men who caused strife,
And those who did not want to take a wife,
Would surely burn in the after-life.
At last when I died, I found the world to me had not lied,
For none of them through the gates of heaven I spied !
"Surely," I cried, "There's been some mistake !"
"No," an Angel replied, "They've all been sent below to bake."
I wished to no avail that from this dream I would wake.
But, alas ! My body lay silent below,
And there was no where else to go,
I could find nothing else to do but expire below.
Now that I'm here, and judging by all the people I can see,
Heaven most surely is a dreary place to be !
There. I made the post shorter by removing the part of a very brilliant play. :P
That was my thread!
Thanks for bringing it back to life in your own way.
I figured it was a lost cause once The_Hero left and Queen are the Champions and I dont post much here anymore.
Loved taht first one, the repetition really makes a strong accent on what you're saying.
And that second one is really fun. Almost Shel Silverstien like for adults....
I enjoyed it very much. keep them coming!
Not the best I've done by a long run, but take into consideration that I only spent 15 minutes on it. Feel free to slam it if you like. Here goes:
Shores of Eternity
A thousand thoughts keep me afloat
As the wind brings news from the past
Whilst dreams and laughter echo
I drift along the shores of my mind
I fly on wings of memory
Over lands lighted by the fires of passion
In woodland realm I dwell a while
Fingering the impressions on the trees
Of my mind
The trees shed their leaves
Uncover their souls to Autumn
Who speaks gently in the wind
As rain pulses in the rhythm of life
And I am one
I feel the touch of her lips
As she whispers gently in my ear
Of times gone and to come
Yet floating, detached from time
Out to sea, the ocean of eternity
Rain touches my face
But misses me with every drop
I stand and feel absorbed
By colors running in the rains
The shroud of winter lies upon my shoulders
As warmed by my mind I drift
Away to my dreams, flying into the dawn
No longer held back by my shackles
I see with eyes not there but am blind with those you touch
I kiss you with the lips of my mind
And float on the streams of my mind
Yeeaa, the writer's appreciation thread! I was just looking at the old thread (which is now on page 7 btw) and wondering if someone was gonna start a new one!
Wow, all the poems on here so far were beautiful, I really liked them all! Definitely keep them coming!!
<font color=red>Quonkers wrote: You did better than I could ever do, TQ. As far as I'm concerned, you're a poet.
Thanks, I appreciate it, but I do not deserve so much credit over this poem. I'll do my best to come up with something better. You lot are entitled to that much.
I generally don't share poems and such but I just dug through what I've got on my computer. Two-thirds of the stuff are angry poems, lol. But I found this happy one, and since it's the only really happy one I found I figured, why not. Judging by its length and style, I'm sure it must've been something I whipped off the top of my head. Anyhow, reading through it made me feel somewhat cheerful:
It is just another part of life
To be annoyed and hate your life
It gets better.
Yeah, when you think it can't get worse
Then it gets better.
Don't let people bring you down,
When you bring yourself down enough,
Who needs extra opinions,
When yours is what matters the most.
See beyond blackened hate,
And learn to love your state,
Hey, it can only get worse.
So appreciate what you got,
Learn to love who you are,
The world doesn't need more hate
So let's make the best of things
Let's change for good.
Make a choice and stand behind it,
And make it for the better.
Yeah, life will get better.