A fun thing to do is play "Delilah" for people who don't know it's about a cat :) I played it for two of my friends today and it confused the hell out of them. It was very funny gauging their reactions :)
i've done this. just randomly playing queen, as i often do. when this song come on tell them to make sure they listen to it, and just watch the perplexity grow
i cant exactly play 'delilah'. unless i force myself into listening to the entire innuendo. i cant skip songs. i downloaded the album and it merged. how gay is that?
but i let my friend listen to get down make love and then i told her that the guy that wrote that song was gay. you should have seen the look on her face!
im a fool wrote: i cant exactly play 'delilah'. unless i force myself into listening to the entire innuendo. i cant skip songs. i downloaded the album and it merged. how gay is that?
im a fool wrote:
but i let my friend listen to get down make love and then i told her that the guy that wrote that song was gay. you should have seen the look on her face!
AHH! I did the same hting with my totally anti-gay friend and she totally FLIPPED, you should have seen the look on her face when she found out he was gay, it was along the lines of OH MY GOD EW! :O :O :O But she also thinks that Freddie was hot, so...well..ROFL
im a fool wrote:
but i let my friend listen to get down make love and then i told her that the guy that wrote that song was gay. you should have seen the look on her face!
AHH! I did the same hting with my totally anti-gay friend and she totally FLIPPED, you should have seen the look on her face when she found out he was gay, it was along the lines of OH MY GOD EW! :O :O :O But she also thinks that Freddie was hot, so...well..ROFL
My roommate, to be, thinks he´s ugly as hell, and and she likes Pussycat Dolls :(..
who ever you are 'freme', i really feel sorry for you. how can you survive with a room mate like that?!?!?!?
i would die!
oooh, and by the way, i cant fastforward. the only cd players that do that is my computer and the one in the car. but my cd player can play mp3's isnt that sweet. talk about queen, alot of queen.
deleted user 24.06.2006 23:53
I sing it to my cat, but use her name in it instead of Delilah. :-D
you should change your cats name to delilah. even if its a boy! ha, that would be funny. im planning on getting a cat in the future. im going to name it delilah.
im a fool wrote:
but i let my friend listen to get down make love and then i told her that the guy that wrote that song was gay. you should have seen the look on her face!
AHH! I did the same hting with my totally anti-gay friend and she totally FLIPPED, you should have seen the look on her face when she found out he was gay, it was along the lines of OH MY GOD EW! :O :O :O But she also thinks that Freddie was hot, so...well..ROFL
My roommate, to be, thinks he´s ugly as hell, and and she likes Pussycat Dolls :(..
im a fool wrote: you should change your cats name to delilah. even if its a boy! ha, that would be funny. im planning on getting a cat in the future. im going to name it delilah.
Haha, I was going to get me a black guy cat and name it Mr. Humphreys and give it a feathery pink collar. Are you being served is THE best show ever man!
im a fool wrote:
but i let my friend listen to get down make love and then i told her that the guy that wrote that song was gay. you should have seen the look on her face!
AHH! I did the same hting with my totally anti-gay friend and she totally FLIPPED, you should have seen the look on her face when she found out he was gay, it was along the lines of OH MY GOD EW! :O :O :O But she also thinks that Freddie was hot, so...well..ROFL
My roommate, to be, thinks he´s ugly as hell, and and she likes Pussycat Dolls :(..
That was...8 repeat posts? I've never seen that many. :O
lol That's cool.
With subject: My grandma (who has 5 indoor cats) has 2 new random outdoor cats, one named Molly's Mom. I want to name the other one Delilah because she looks exotic. Hehe.
you likeee my posts? i only did that because the computer got really slow and i got mad. so i clicked alot.
my moms alergic to cats, so is my brother. when i move out, in like 5 years, im getting a cat and a dog. so that they wont fight. (theyll get used to each other at a young age) what would freddie say to that?