Yeah Yeah... I know this has probably been milked to death on this board, but I've been away for a while..... I would like to know what lyrics people have got hideously wrong until they read the cd/tape inlays and quietly sighed to themselves! Anyhow, here are my clangers...
1) Pressure, pushing down on me, pressing down on you, NO MAN NUST FALL
2) Flash - He saved every one of us - stood by every one of us - he saved saved us a mighty fan - he's a man, he's a woman, he's a child, he's a mighty Flash!!
3) But it's been no bed of Roses - no pledge of Cruz! ?!?!?
Yes, they are stupid, and I'm hoping someone else will have a stupider misconception than me - bring em on!! ;o)
This has been discussed before I think but I could never find out like the first lyric in AOBTD about "Steve walks warily down the street with the brim pulled way down low"
I seriously dont hear the part " Brim pulled" for some reason.
it was electric7 wrote: This has been discussed before I think but I could never find out like the first lyric in AOBTD about "Steve walks warily down the street with the brim pulled way down low"
I seriously dont hear the part " Brim pulled" for some reason.
really, what do you hear! :D :D
When I first listened to Good Old Fashioned Lover Boy, instead of hearing "i learnt my passion, in the good old fashioned, school of lover boys" I heard "sruba lova boys!" ROFL!
As a young lad I used to just make any old noises when singing along to fat bottomed girls that would sound roughly like the right syllables.
Lines like - left alone with big fat Fanny, she was such a naughty Nanny
just became a load of unintelligable noises.
I also had no idea what the "my makeup may flaking but my smile..."
line was in TSMGO for a long time.
Ah - the randomness of youth!
Whenever I listen to 'She Makes Me,' where Brian sings 'She makes me so' I've always understood it as 'She makes me sew' sounds the same just a completely different meaning..
In Headlong "When a red hot man meets a white hot lady" i heard White Hart Lane! i thought someone was a Tottenham fan! duh! for people who dont know it. the football team Tottenham play at White Hart Lane.