Pim Derks wrote: I think only in Brixton and some of the shows in Italy.
Almost all the shows up to and including Frankfurt.
Frankfurt was the last show in the row that the setlist and performance was altered because of Paul's problems.
To my surprise he also did it in Manchester - as that and Brixton were my only two on the tour Ive only ever seen Brian sing it - crazy.
Although I suppose Ive got return of the Champs if I really want to hear Paul do it.
Jeroen, you're wrong. Paul sang I Want It All on most of the gigs. Brian sang IWIA in Brixton, some Italian gigs and some UK gigs. That's like 7-8 gigs total.
Sorry Martin - You're right... - I mixed IWIA up with Hammer to Fall being sung by Brian and Roger. THAT was my other reference on how Paul's throatproblems were doing...
Sorry - I am not very clear in the head lately...