rosedewitt 23.04.2006 13:34 |
does anybody know when delilah, the fave cat of freddie died? or is she still alive? |
Poo, again 23.04.2006 13:35 |
Er... I'm guessing she's quite dead by now. |
flash! 28068 23.04.2006 13:45 |
Well, if she was alive in the 80's then i'm guessing she is with Freddie now, yes. |
Poo, again 23.04.2006 13:46 |
How old do cats get anyway? |
deleted user 23.04.2006 13:55 |
The Millionaire Waltz wrote: How old do cats get anyway?i think 15 is average but there are some that live till 18 maybe more..i knew one that died at 20..poor thing, she was in quite abit of pain. :'( |
Poo, again 23.04.2006 13:59 |
Aw... I like cats, though my mother HATES them. She truly believes they're evil. |
skiqueen 23.04.2006 14:05 |
he really loved those cats, dear freddie *tears up* |
deleted user 23.04.2006 14:07 |
i have two cats..they mean so much to me!!!!!!!!!!!!! xD |
Fraz 23.04.2006 14:17 |
they sure are adorable |
magicalfreddiemercury 23.04.2006 14:21 |
She is/was a cutie. link |
skiqueen 23.04.2006 14:33 |
isnt that like the only picture of her? |
deleted user 23.04.2006 14:54 |
supposedly she died shortly after Freddie died and now they are together :-D I have 5 cats and they are all retarded but I love my Geebs! |
FreMe 23.04.2006 23:51 |
I sure hope, that the cats are with Freddie now. Its not natural for a cat to get that old, and i think it must be quite horrible. Besides, i think if the cats died short after Freddie, it was from greeve though. Its kind´a cute, that that can happen |
vtx 24.04.2006 05:31 |
my friend used to be the manager of the town house hotel on cromwell rd . the back of the hotel goes straight to freddies garden. his cats used to try and get in the kitchens to get at the food so he poisoned them.... true |
its_a_hard_life 26994 24.04.2006 05:47 |
She is dead. Though I dont know if she died normally because of old age or some kind of illness. I heard one of Freddie's cats had cancer, not sure who that was. |
vtx 24.04.2006 05:57 |
yes he poisoned and kiled them all. mary austin wasnt to pleased apparently.............. |
vtx 24.04.2006 06:51 |
my mate said one of them drowned in the fish pond trying to get the koi carp.ITS ALL TRUE.... |
deleted user 24.04.2006 06:57 |
liar liar liar there never gonna let u go liar liar liarrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr |
vtx 24.04.2006 07:00 |
deleted user 24.04.2006 07:01 |
liar nobody believes u liar there never gonna let u innnnnnnnnnnnnnnnn *guitar solo* |
vtx 24.04.2006 07:06 |
rosedewitt 24.04.2006 08:16 |
yeah liar lol.... and one cat died of aids... :D |
vtx 24.04.2006 09:04 |
its all true..why would i lie?? |
deleted user 24.04.2006 09:34 |
rosedewitt wrote: yeah liar lol.... and one cat died of aids... :Dthats sick and ur happy about it.......... :s |
vtx 24.04.2006 09:53 |
ie just heard that the assylum seekers enjoyed a bbq a few years ago with all the local ive been told..... |
deleted user 24.04.2006 09:57 |
micktronix wrote: ie just heard that the assylum seekers enjoyed a bbq a few years ago with all the local ive been told.....another sick lie :( arghhhh whats wrong with you |
vtx 24.04.2006 10:09 |
they probably were not freddies cats but they did bbq some cats. its common place in eastern countries. dont call me a liar please...... |
deleted user 24.04.2006 11:40 |
aww omg i love that cat :). But sadly it did die :( |
deleted user 24.04.2006 11:43 |
deleted user 24.04.2006 11:46 |
Poo, again 24.04.2006 13:24 |
Delilah could rule the world. |
Rogers_Bitch 24.04.2006 13:24 |
The Millionaire Waltz wrote: Delilah could rule the world.Rule the spirt world you mean. |
rosedewitt 25.04.2006 09:43 |
<font color="#CC66FF">xloveofmylifex wrote:that was ironic. of course it is not funny, but it's absurd that freddies cats all were poisened, the same was my sarcastic "joke"...rosedewitt wrote: yeah liar lol.... and one cat died of aids... :Dthats sick and ur happy about it.......... :s |
vtx 25.04.2006 10:41 |
yes they were poisoned accidently and my mate got into trouble off m austin but they didnt die...then |
Poo, again 25.04.2006 10:52 |
Rogers_Bitch wrote:If she was alive, of course... ;)The Millionaire Waltz wrote: Delilah could rule the world.Rule the spirt world you mean. |
vtx 25.04.2006 10:57 |
flash! 28068 25.04.2006 13:23 |
vtx wrote: SPIRT?Maybe she means spirit....or Sprite, the refreshing fizzy drink! |
Barcatactic 27.04.2006 11:51 |
The Millionaire Waltz wrote: How old do cats get anyway?Well, the record is about 36 years. So maybe Delilah is here, just really, really, really old... |
Sebastian 27.04.2006 12:12 |
Is that 36 for just one life or all of them? |
Kensington Love 29.04.2006 01:07 |
<font color=red>Flash! wrote:lol! aw,Flashy;)vtx wrote: SPIRT?Maybe she means spirit....or Sprite, the refreshing fizzy drink! |
Shadowlands 29.04.2006 19:59 |
rosedewitt wrote: yeah liar lol.... and one cat died of aids... may be interested to know of: FIV! Yes indeedy, the cat version of HIV! FIV is a virus that affects only cats, The initials stand for Feline Immunodeficiency Virus. This basically means that the effect of the virus is to reduce the cat’s immune system, making it more susceptible to infection – put simply, it can’t fight off infection as well as a non-FIV cat. How serious is FIV? In itself, FIV is not serious, it is the other infections that the cat may pick up, which can cause the problem in an FIV cat, due to the weakness in the immune system. What are the symptoms of FIV? FIV does not in itself have any obvious symptoms, but often a cat which shows symptoms of other infections, proves to have the FIV virus. Signs of suffering from any general malaise problems can (but not necessarily) be indicators of an infected cat. So a young, otherwise healthy cat that shows signs of gum disease, for instance, may be showing signs of infection. But gingivitis (inflamed gums) is also common in uninfected cats, so don’t jump to conclusions! Can FIV be cured? Sadly, no. Once your cat has FIV, it will always have FIV. Does my FIV cat have to be put to sleep? No, just the same as with a non-FIV cat - not unless it has developed another infection, from which is suffering so badly that it cannot be helped - which is not likely unless your cat picked up the FIV infection several years ago. What can I do to help my FIV cat? Look after it carefully, is the simple answer. You need to keep a careful eye on your FIV cat to notice any sign of ill-health, and investigate sooner, rather than later. Any problem, such as not eating, should not be left for long without getting a vet’s opinion. We illustrate with not eating, as gum infection is often an early problem with an FIV cat. (The mouth is a particularly sensitive area, and has to cope with all manner of bacteria from food - both given and caught - so is often the first place where problems arise in any cat - whether FIV or not). How long will my FIV cat live? Potentially, as long as any other cat. Surprisingly, there is no proven shortening of life expectancy with FIV cats, although you do need to keep on top of any infections it may pick up, as neglected illness will not help! It is not FIV that causes the problems, but the secondary infections it may pick up. So if you are vigilant, your cat should live a normal length of life. It should be said that it may be that your cat was only diagnosed as FIV because it was already suffering from secondary infections. This could then be a warning sign that decline has already started, which may ultimately reduce life expectancy. But, if any infection is treated and you keep a careful eye on it to detect any other infection at an early stage, it could well still live a long and reasonably healthy life. |
Shadowlands 29.04.2006 20:00 |
Hmmm. The above post reminds me of when you all used to go off on one about cheese.... |
flash! 28068 30.04.2006 08:47 |
Shadowlands wrote: Hmmm. The above post reminds me of when you all used to go off on one about cheese....I could talk for hours about cheese! The types of cheese, what you can eat it with, etc... it's very interesting, you know. |
FreMe 30.04.2006 10:08 |
<font color=red>Flash! wrote:Yurks... cheese stinks!Shadowlands wrote: Hmmm. The above post reminds me of when you all used to go off on one about cheese....I could talk for hours about cheese! The types of cheese, what you can eat it with, etc... it's very interesting, you know. |
boca 30.04.2006 10:57 |
Delilah died of AIDS |
FreMe 30.04.2006 11:00 |
boca wrote: Delilah died of AIDSFreddie did a lot of odd things when he were drunk... |
flash! 28068 30.04.2006 12:33 |
FreMe wrote:Darling.... i'm shocked at you!boca wrote: Delilah died of AIDSFreddie did a lot of odd things when he were drunk... |
FreMe 30.04.2006 12:52 |
<font color=red>Flash! wrote:I bow and bend...FreMe wrote:Darling.... i'm shocked at you!boca wrote: Delilah died of AIDSFreddie did a lot of odd things when he were drunk... |
flash! 28068 30.04.2006 12:58 |
FreMe wrote:You what and what???<font color=red>Flash! wrote:I bow and bend...FreMe wrote:Darling.... i'm shocked at you!boca wrote: Delilah died of AIDSFreddie did a lot of odd things when he were drunk... |
FreMe 30.04.2006 13:23 |
<font color=red>Flash! wrote:oh nothing... ;-)FreMe wrote:You what and what???<font color=red>Flash! wrote:I bow and bend...FreMe wrote:Darling.... i'm shocked at you!boca wrote: Delilah died of AIDSFreddie did a lot of odd things when he were drunk... |
flash! 28068 30.04.2006 13:28 |
FreMe wrote:NO! Something! What?? What the hell??!!!<font color=red>Flash! wrote:oh nothing... ;-)FreMe wrote:You what and what???<font color=red>Flash! wrote:I bow and bend...FreMe wrote:Darling.... i'm shocked at you!boca wrote: Delilah died of AIDSFreddie did a lot of odd things when he were drunk... |
FreMe 30.04.2006 14:13 |
<font color=red>Flash! wrote:You seem, anoyed... am i right?FreMe wrote:NO! Something! What?? What the hell??!!!<font color=red>Flash! wrote:oh nothing... ;-)FreMe wrote:You what and what???<font color=red>Flash! wrote:I bow and bend...FreMe wrote:Darling.... i'm shocked at you!boca wrote: Delilah died of AIDSFreddie did a lot of odd things when he were drunk... |
rosedewitt 30.04.2006 14:30 |
FreMe wrote:^^ LOOOL LOOOOOL LOOOOOOOL well you all are crazy....boca wrote: Delilah died of AIDSFreddie did a lot of odd things when he were drunk... |
Winter Land Man 30.04.2006 15:55 |
<font color=&#FF00CC">Lil*Queenie wrote:Actually they can live a very long time, into their 30s, but as they get older, they can get sick easily and die if they don't have checkups regularly, and also, they can get hit by a car easily.The Millionaire Waltz wrote: How old do cats get anyway?i think 15 is average but there are some that live till 18 maybe more..i knew one that died at 20..poor thing, she was in quite abit of pain. :'( |
Winter Land Man 30.04.2006 15:56 |
LeroyBrown11 wrote: supposedly she died shortly after Freddie died and now they are together :-D I have 5 cats and they are all retarded but I love my Geebs!Not according to Mary or the fan club... said she was on the wall from time to time, according to an article a year or two ago, in CAT FANCY. |
FreMe 30.04.2006 16:03 |
rosedewitt wrote:ph yes i am, and I´m only getting started...FreMe wrote:^^ LOOOL LOOOOOL LOOOOOOOL well you all are crazy....boca wrote: Delilah died of AIDSFreddie did a lot of odd things when he were drunk... |
flash! 28068 30.04.2006 16:16 |
FreMe wrote:Confused. I wouldn't be annoyed at you, dear.<font color=red>Flash! wrote:You seem, anoyed... am i right?FreMe wrote:NO! Something! What?? What the hell??!!!<font color=red>Flash! wrote:oh nothing... ;-)FreMe wrote:You what and what???<font color=red>Flash! wrote:I bow and bend...FreMe wrote:Darling.... i'm shocked at you!boca wrote: Delilah died of AIDSFreddie did a lot of odd things when he were drunk... |
FreMe 01.05.2006 08:48 |
<font color=red>Flash! wrote:Confusion is nice dear...FreMe wrote:Confused. I wouldn't be annoyed at you, dear.<font color=red>Flash! wrote:You seem, anoyed... am i right?FreMe wrote:NO! Something! What?? What the hell??!!!<font color=red>Flash! wrote:oh nothing... ;-)FreMe wrote:You what and what???<font color=red>Flash! wrote:I bow and bend...FreMe wrote:Darling.... i'm shocked at you!boca wrote: Delilah died of AIDSFreddie did a lot of odd things when he were drunk... |
flash! 28068 01.05.2006 09:29 |
FreMe wrote:It isn't nice that you confuse me.<font color=red>Flash! wrote:Confusion is nice dear...FreMe wrote:Confused. I wouldn't be annoyed at you, dear.<font color=red>Flash! wrote:You seem, anoyed... am i right?FreMe wrote:NO! Something! What?? What the hell??!!!<font color=red>Flash! wrote:oh nothing... ;-)FreMe wrote:You what and what???<font color=red>Flash! wrote:I bow and bend...FreMe wrote:Darling.... i'm shocked at you!boca wrote: Delilah died of AIDSFreddie did a lot of odd things when he were drunk... |
FreMe 01.05.2006 10:18 |
<font color=red>Flash! wrote:Why not dear?FreMe wrote:It isn't nice that you confuse me.<font color=red>Flash! wrote:Confusion is nice dear...FreMe wrote:Confused. I wouldn't be annoyed at you, dear.<font color=red>Flash! wrote:You seem, anoyed... am i right?FreMe wrote:NO! Something! What?? What the hell??!!!<font color=red>Flash! wrote:oh nothing... ;-)FreMe wrote:You what and what???<font color=red>Flash! wrote:I bow and bend...FreMe wrote:Darling.... i'm shocked at you!boca wrote: Delilah died of AIDSFreddie did a lot of odd things when he were drunk... |
flash! 28068 01.05.2006 12:03 |
FreMe wrote:Because i have no idea what you're on about, darling!<font color=red>Flash! wrote:Why not dear?FreMe wrote:It isn't nice that you confuse me.<font color=red>Flash! wrote:Confusion is nice dear...FreMe wrote:Confused. I wouldn't be annoyed at you, dear.<font color=red>Flash! wrote:You seem, anoyed... am i right?FreMe wrote:NO! Something! What?? What the hell??!!!<font color=red>Flash! wrote:oh nothing... ;-)FreMe wrote:You what and what???<font color=red>Flash! wrote:I bow and bend...FreMe wrote:Darling.... i'm shocked at you!boca wrote: Delilah died of AIDSFreddie did a lot of odd things when he were drunk... |
FreMe 01.05.2006 12:12 |
<font color=red>Flash! wrote:I feel terible for you... How can you go on?FreMe wrote:Because i have no idea what you're on about, darling!<font color=red>Flash! wrote:Why not dear?FreMe wrote:It isn't nice that you confuse me.<font color=red>Flash! wrote:Confusion is nice dear...FreMe wrote:Confused. I wouldn't be annoyed at you, dear.<font color=red>Flash! wrote:You seem, anoyed... am i right?FreMe wrote:NO! Something! What?? What the hell??!!!<font color=red>Flash! wrote:oh nothing... ;-)FreMe wrote:You what and what???<font color=red>Flash! wrote:I bow and bend...FreMe wrote:Darling.... i'm shocked at you!boca wrote: Delilah died of AIDSFreddie did a lot of odd things when he were drunk... |
flash! 28068 01.05.2006 12:53 |
FreMe wrote:I knowww! And another thing is... your sarcasm...also confuses me!<font color=red>Flash! wrote:I feel terible for you... How can you go on?FreMe wrote:Because i have no idea what you're on about, darling!<font color=red>Flash! wrote:Why not dear?FreMe wrote:It isn't nice that you confuse me.<font color=red>Flash! wrote:Confusion is nice dear...FreMe wrote:Confused. I wouldn't be annoyed at you, dear.<font color=red>Flash! wrote:You seem, anoyed... am i right?FreMe wrote:NO! Something! What?? What the hell??!!!<font color=red>Flash! wrote:oh nothing... ;-)FreMe wrote:You what and what???<font color=red>Flash! wrote:I bow and bend...FreMe wrote:Darling.... i'm shocked at you!boca wrote: Delilah died of AIDSFreddie did a lot of odd things when he were drunk... |
Freya is quietly judging you. 01.05.2006 13:07 |
<font color=red>Flash! wrote:Hahaha... This quote is getting really long... I think I'll make it longer..FreMe wrote:I knowww! And another thing is... your sarcasm...also confuses me!<font color=red>Flash! wrote:I feel terible for you... How can you go on?FreMe wrote:Because i have no idea what you're on about, darling!<font color=red>Flash! wrote:Why not dear?FreMe wrote:It isn't nice that you confuse me.<font color=red>Flash! wrote:Confusion is nice dear...FreMe wrote:Confused. I wouldn't be annoyed at you, dear.<font color=red>Flash! wrote:You seem, anoyed... am i right?FreMe wrote:NO! Something! What?? What the hell??!!!<font color=red>Flash! wrote:oh nothing... ;-)FreMe wrote:You what and what???<font color=red>Flash! wrote:I bow and bend...FreMe wrote:Darling.... i'm shocked at you!boca wrote: Delilah died of AIDSFreddie did a lot of odd things when he were drunk... |
flash! 28068 01.05.2006 13:27 |
<font color=Violet>Poppy wrote:Wooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooow! This IS a long thread.<font color=red>Flash! wrote:Hahaha... This quote is getting really long... I think I'll make it longer..FreMe wrote:I knowww! And another thing is... your sarcasm...also confuses me!<font color=red>Flash! wrote:I feel terible for you... How can you go on?FreMe wrote:Because i have no idea what you're on about, darling!<font color=red>Flash! wrote:Why not dear?FreMe wrote:It isn't nice that you confuse me.<font color=red>Flash! wrote:Confusion is nice dear...FreMe wrote:Confused. I wouldn't be annoyed at you, dear.<font color=red>Flash! wrote:You seem, anoyed... am i right?FreMe wrote:NO! Something! What?? What the hell??!!!<font color=red>Flash! wrote:oh nothing... ;-)FreMe wrote:You what and what???<font color=red>Flash! wrote:I bow and bend...FreMe wrote:Darling.... i'm shocked at you!boca wrote: Delilah died of AIDSFreddie did a lot of odd things when he were drunk... |
FreMe 01.05.2006 13:36 |
<font color=red>Flash! wrote:There really is a lot of things wrong, huh?FreMe wrote:I knowww! And another thing is... your sarcasm...also confuses me!<font color=red>Flash! wrote:I feel terible for you... How can you go on?FreMe wrote:Because i have no idea what you're on about, darling!<font color=red>Flash! wrote:Why not dear?FreMe wrote:It isn't nice that you confuse me.<font color=red>Flash! wrote:Confusion is nice dear...FreMe wrote:Confused. I wouldn't be annoyed at you, dear.<font color=red>Flash! wrote:You seem, anoyed... am i right?FreMe wrote:NO! Something! What?? What the hell??!!!<font color=red>Flash! wrote:oh nothing... ;-)FreMe wrote:You what and what???<font color=red>Flash! wrote:I bow and bend...FreMe wrote:Darling.... i'm shocked at you!boca wrote: Delilah died of AIDSFreddie did a lot of odd things when he were drunk... |
FreMe 01.05.2006 13:38 |
<font color=red>Flash! wrote:Jesus, youre right... The show must go on, and on, and on...<font color=Violet>Poppy wrote:Wooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooow! This IS a long thread.<font color=red>Flash! wrote:Hahaha... This quote is getting really long... I think I'll make it longer..FreMe wrote:I knowww! And another thing is... your sarcasm...also confuses me!<font color=red>Flash! wrote:I feel terible for you... How can you go on?FreMe wrote:Because i have no idea what you're on about, darling!<font color=red>Flash! wrote:Why not dear?FreMe wrote:It isn't nice that you confuse me.<font color=red>Flash! wrote:Confusion is nice dear...FreMe wrote:Confused. I wouldn't be annoyed at you, dear.<font color=red>Flash! wrote:You seem, anoyed... am i right?FreMe wrote:NO! Something! What?? What the hell??!!!<font color=red>Flash! wrote:oh nothing... ;-)FreMe wrote:You what and what???<font color=red>Flash! wrote:I bow and bend...FreMe wrote:Darling.... i'm shocked at you!boca wrote: Delilah died of AIDSFreddie did a lot of odd things when he were drunk... |
flash! 28068 01.05.2006 14:51 |
FreMe wrote:...And on! My gosh, this thread looks rather attractive... look at all the corners making an effective, pretty shape. We're artists of replying, my dear!<font color=red>Flash! wrote:Jesus, youre right... The show must go on, and on, and on...<font color=Violet>Poppy wrote:Wooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooow! This IS a long thread.<font color=red>Flash! wrote:Hahaha... This quote is getting really long... I think I'll make it longer..FreMe wrote:I knowww! And another thing is... your sarcasm...also confuses me!<font color=red>Flash! wrote:I feel terible for you... How can you go on?FreMe wrote:Because i have no idea what you're on about, darling!<font color=red>Flash! wrote:Why not dear?FreMe wrote:It isn't nice that you confuse me.<font color=red>Flash! wrote:Confusion is nice dear...FreMe wrote:Confused. I wouldn't be annoyed at you, dear.<font color=red>Flash! wrote:You seem, anoyed... am i right?FreMe wrote:NO! Something! What?? What the hell??!!!<font color=red>Flash! wrote:oh nothing... ;-)FreMe wrote:You what and what???<font color=red>Flash! wrote:I bow and bend...FreMe wrote:Darling.... i'm shocked at you!boca wrote: Delilah died of AIDSFreddie did a lot of odd things when he were drunk... |
Sherwood Forest 01.05.2006 15:05 |
shes dead, :( up with Fred, and so i hear |
Poo, again 01.05.2006 15:19 |
I've been told Delilah works at the local McDonald's, along with Elvis and Paul McCartney, who is SO DEAD! |
deleted user 01.05.2006 15:20 |
What a daft topic. If Freddie died 15 years ago I don't see his cat living now. Why drag this topic out so long. Of course the poor thing has passed away. |
FreMe 01.05.2006 15:39 |
<font color=red>Flash! wrote:I know... I feel so brilliant... By the way, how do you make your name change colour?FreMe wrote:...And on! My gosh, this thread looks rather attractive... look at all the corners making an effective, pretty shape. We're artists of replying, my dear!<font color=red>Flash! wrote:Jesus, youre right... The show must go on, and on, and on...<font color=Violet>Poppy wrote:Wooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooow! This IS a long thread.<font color=red>Flash! wrote:Hahaha... This quote is getting really long... I think I'll make it longer..FreMe wrote:I knowww! And another thing is... your sarcasm...also confuses me!<font color=red>Flash! wrote:I feel terible for you... How can you go on?FreMe wrote:Because i have no idea what you're on about, darling!<font color=red>Flash! wrote:Why not dear?FreMe wrote:It isn't nice that you confuse me.<font color=red>Flash! wrote:Confusion is nice dear...FreMe wrote:Confused. I wouldn't be annoyed at you, dear.<font color=red>Flash! wrote:You seem, anoyed... am i right?FreMe wrote:NO! Something! What?? What the hell??!!!<font color=red>Flash! wrote:oh nothing... ;-)FreMe wrote:You what and what???<font color=red>Flash! wrote:I bow and bend...FreMe wrote:Darling.... i'm shocked at you!boca wrote: Delilah died of AIDSFreddie did a lot of odd things when he were drunk... |
flash! 28068 01.05.2006 16:47 |
FreMe wrote:It got very embarassed and turned red.<font color=red>Flash! wrote:I know... I feel so brilliant... By the way, how do you make your name change colour?FreMe wrote:...And on! My gosh, this thread looks rather attractive... look at all the corners making an effective, pretty shape. We're artists of replying, my dear!<font color=red>Flash! wrote:Jesus, youre right... The show must go on, and on, and on...<font color=Violet>Poppy wrote:Wooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooow! This IS a long thread.<font color=red>Flash! wrote:Hahaha... This quote is getting really long... I think I'll make it longer..FreMe wrote:I knowww! And another thing is... your sarcasm...also confuses me!<font color=red>Flash! wrote:I feel terible for you... How can you go on?FreMe wrote:Because i have no idea what you're on about, darling!<font color=red>Flash! wrote:Why not dear?FreMe wrote:It isn't nice that you confuse me.<font color=red>Flash! wrote:Confusion is nice dear...FreMe wrote:Confused. I wouldn't be annoyed at you, dear.<font color=red>Flash! wrote:You seem, anoyed... am i right?FreMe wrote:NO! Something! What?? What the hell??!!!<font color=red>Flash! wrote:oh nothing... ;-)FreMe wrote:You what and what???<font color=red>Flash! wrote:I bow and bend...FreMe wrote:Darling.... i'm shocked at you!boca wrote: Delilah died of AIDSFreddie did a lot of odd things when he were drunk... |
FreMe 02.05.2006 07:08 |
<font color=red>Flash! wrote:Now thats usefull...FreMe wrote:It got very embarassed and turned red.<font color=red>Flash! wrote:I know... I feel so brilliant... By the way, how do you make your name change colour?FreMe wrote:...And on! My gosh, this thread looks rather attractive... look at all the corners making an effective, pretty shape. We're artists of replying, my dear!<font color=red>Flash! wrote:Jesus, youre right... The show must go on, and on, and on...<font color=Violet>Poppy wrote:Wooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooow! This IS a long thread.<font color=red>Flash! wrote:Hahaha... This quote is getting really long... I think I'll make it longer..FreMe wrote:I knowww! And another thing is... your sarcasm...also confuses me!<font color=red>Flash! wrote:I feel terible for you... How can you go on?FreMe wrote:Because i have no idea what you're on about, darling!<font color=red>Flash! wrote:Why not dear?FreMe wrote:It isn't nice that you confuse me.<font color=red>Flash! wrote:Confusion is nice dear...FreMe wrote:Confused. I wouldn't be annoyed at you, dear.<font color=red>Flash! wrote:You seem, anoyed... am i right?FreMe wrote:NO! Something! What?? What the hell??!!!<font color=red>Flash! wrote:oh nothing... ;-)FreMe wrote:You what and what???<font color=red>Flash! wrote:I bow and bend...FreMe wrote:Darling.... i'm shocked at you!boca wrote: Delilah died of AIDSFreddie did a lot of odd things when he were drunk... |
Poo, again 02.05.2006 16:26 |
Delilah rocks my socks? |