wegotit wrote: Can anyone please provide me with scans of their US-TICKETS to include at my site???
...or send your tix to me and I´ll scan them for you!!!
No... just kiddin... BUT in case you don´t have any scanner... ;-)
PS: Keep up your good work wegotit...
...I still visit your site whenever I´m in need to watch my ticket before it was torn into pieces the evening I entered the location... !!! :-)))
I bought my tickets to the Worcester, MA show during the presale, and haven't received them yet. Has anyone else had problems getting their tickets from Tickemaster?
I dont have my tickets either for the Worster,Mass show. Most ticket places do not mail the tickets until 10 days before the concert. To be honest,it makes me a bit worried.
Mine are not tickets, I printed them off the email I got them in so they are just on computer paper. I'll give you a pic of them after the concert if that is ok. They are for Jacksonville as well. You already have that concert so let me know if you do not need them.